It's easy to laugh now but the situation at Burning Man is going to deliver so much generative disruption down the line. They're going to invent cannibalism and create an app for it called Eatr. Multiple companies that market sharpened sticks will get eight-figure venture investment.
oh the irony of having the juice of 1% privileged people experimenting mud for the first time in their lives.. it's definitely worth global headlines
Supposedly walking more than two feet takes MINUTES on the Playa.
"No, but I considered it!"
Powder, powder, everywhere,
Nor any grain to snort.
Then longpig.eth can't be beat."
yeah and its fun too
Its cool, I'm sure getting horrible diarrhea while trapped in the desert is no big deal.
"No, that's an aluminum softball bat"
"Correction: it's an aluminum softball bat that costs a thousand dollars"