I love to call my Senators' offices three times per week and try to cajole them into doing the most elementary political messaging and strategy. This is what it means to be an engaged citizen: leaving a strenuously polite voicemail for a 74yo on a more regular cadence than I talk to my parents.
This is our leader?
Schumer backs down every single time. This is beyond disappointing. This is betrayal!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
How about maybe I just start drinking heavily instead?
“I understand that bingo is more complex than the public gives it credit for, but I think you owe it to your base to take another look at the gear shi—“
If the Democratic Reps could grasp Solidarity it would help.
(202) 224-6542 Senate
(518) 431-4070 Albany
(607) 772-6792 Binghamton
(716) 846-4111 Buffalo
(631) 753-0978 Melville
(212) 486-4430 NYC
(914) 734-1532 Peekskill
(585) 263-5866 Rochester
(315) 423-5471 Syracuse
oh. but I do appreciate the effort. seriously. i do.
I'll admit, the Fetterman calls have been, to put it simply, drive-by "fuck you and your GOP shill agenda" calls.
This shit is exhausting.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/12/us/politics/government-shutdown-funding-bill-senate-democrats.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare @davetroy.com
I’m so sick of having to do this but I can’t bear being the weak link in our frail chain holding democracy intact
I won’t curse at them, but I’m damn sure not going to be polite
Anger is a justifiable emotion at this stage, especially when this shit could have been stopped at so many turns
I mean, he doesn’t even meet with constituents who don’t support him, so being polite doesn’t make him listen better.
Because it's inevitably his free speech that's also being infringed.
You also have to talk to friends and neighbors
You also have to get involved with your local party
Please advise…
I'm cranky like that.
Fuck them! Fuck the republicans!
“Want a political party stuffed with insular geriatrics who hate you and think you’re one step above cattle and will hound you endlessly for money? The Democrats!”
Thursday. And are you flooding the White House with post cards on the Ides of March?
But on the phone? It would take much more discipline than I have not to cuss at them.
Mine are probably getting deleted for snark or recorded for NSA records 😅
And I post on their pages everyday, multiple times a day.
And not just my reps!I
And I call ALL the local offices as well as DC for my reps.
I don’t care if it’s not my district.
202 224 6542
Living in Utah is hard because they won't listen to someone who's not a republican, but I still try my best, and I'm still nice as I can be.
And the Duckworth intern said “I’ll put you down as a No vote on the budget bill,” to which I said, “No, I am asking her to vote No on CLOTURE.” Who knows what was actually passed on.