It's a Christmas film when watched immediately after Love Actually. That way, Alan Rickman gets his comeuppance for what he does to Emma Thompson. This is how you start Christmas.
Like, it's the trope-definer for the post-Schwarzenegger era of action hero. Originally a sleeper hit, every popcorn flick wanted to be Die Hard. Up there with Jaws and Star Wars as marking huge genre shifts.
It blows, as does blowhard Bruce Willis---seems like its just a wannabe"Dirty Harry" type movie, same cartoonish over the top bad guys and asinine plot.
I always thought Die Hard 4 was an Apple commercial since Justin Long starred in it (and the Mac vs. PC ad campaign) and all of the computers are getting hacked in the movie.
Murphy's no random zombie, though. He's definitely cop Jesus. Not only did he rise from the dead in a perfect, incorruptible body, but he went on to absolve the police of their sins.
Hey here's a fun piece of trivia that I've never heard anyone mention: DHWaV is, I believe, the only film made before 2015 to name both major candidates in the 2016 Presidential Election
Saw an argument recently that Die Hard is a Hanukkah movie because it's about a guy defending a tower with limited resources and that's hard to disagree with.
Just did. It had been long enough that when the German terrorist says ‘you are a police officer. You have to follow the rules’ I forgot that that wasn’t a laugh line in 1987
I like watching certain movies once a year, though I might get in a mood to watch one at another time. Independence Day on July 4, Casablanca on July 14, and Die Hard sometime in the holiday season.
OTOH the meme serves a useful purpose in encouraging at least one scheduled viewing per year so as to inoculate individuals against Die Hard Deficiency Disorder.
If the ability of an actor to make you hate their character is any measure of their acting chops, then that freak who sold out John's wife deserves an Academy Award. Capiche?
It's a Hallmark Christmas movie.
Man separated from wife reluctantly accepts invitation to office party. He meets her co-workers, and even though a few minutes into the movie, she gets a huge promotion, he's not there because his job gets in the way, and hilarity ensues then they reunite at the end
Okay that would slap
Die Hard is Top 10 material. Save it for that festive countdown so you get a great action flick in there!
Die Hard is about using impossibly limited resources to defend a tower from foreign invaders.
Die Hard is a Hanukkah movie.
Cancer sucks.
Lethal Weapon is 55 in our scientifically proven Top 100 Christmas movies…
Remember that folks before you start getting people their own Die Hards as presents 🎄
Reading The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves.
I'd watch it in July.
I wouldn't watch A Christmas Carol or It's a Wonderful Life in July
Think about.
Impossible odds. Scant resources. Opposed by a foreign power. Trying to save a tower.
It's all there.
Man separated from wife reluctantly accepts invitation to office party. He meets her co-workers, and even though a few minutes into the movie, she gets a huge promotion, he's not there because his job gets in the way, and hilarity ensues then they reunite at the end