This story goes from bad to worse: "NBC News is withholding the name of the mother and the rest of the family members, since they were deported to an area in Mexico that is known for kidnapping U.S. citizens."
May Mexico show her the humanity that our NOT GREAT, PATHETIC GOP MAGA REGIME failed to show her.
Join or support those in fight for rule of law & humanity
They are trying to deport a Dominican Republic citizen who was here legally and is severely disabled. He was moved from Iowa to Louisiana where they had him scheduled for deportation.
No sé si el gobierno de España tiene cuentas oficiales aquí, pero aquí hay entre los mejores tratamientos y especialistas del mundo trabajando en cáncer del cerebro, conozco a una trabajando en ello para niñas. Podrían ayudarles a esta familia??
I remember in the first Trump admin similar things happened like taking a child into ORR custody because she traveled to a hospital for treatment with a family friend or relative. So appalling. America!! This is what you voted for? Such cruelty. I just cannot wrap my head or heart around it
Well jr, you do know that Dr. Andrew Wakefield lost his medical license after making false claims about vaccines. Too bad you don't have a medical license to the away.
Fact check. The child was not a US citizen according to the original intent of the Constitution. Illegal Aliens deserve none of my tax dollars. Let their own countries take care of their own.
Stfu! I curse you and your entire family and generations to come! You are pure evil! God doesn’t like ugly and karma will come back to bite you! No heart at all! I seriously curse you!
The hypocrisy of saying- thoughts and prayers to unalived school kids! Stay cursed! You will beg for me to accept your apology. We shall see! I guarantee this!
Me beg you for anything is just nonsensical. You support the murder of unborn babies. Does it extend to after they have been delivered? You are a hypocrite with as smooth brain.
Yet you are the same against ivf! And after the kid is born. People like you gone ghost! It doesn’t matter if a woman or little girl got “g-raped”. Or the life of a woman who wants to have kids, but may die on the table- has the only option to have an abortion. No heart! You’re cursed and done!
I'm just pointing out though this thread, this not just inhumane.
It's completely ILLEGAL!
US citizens cannot be deported under any circumstances.
March 12, 2025 at 9:11 PM
Yes. But that means they need to arrange for care for the child - relatives, social agency, whatever. But they're too shitty to do that to prep for the deportation.
That's why, in previous administrations, parents of a US citizen were not usually targeted for deportation.
I imagine there's a huge amount of pressure for the child to "voluntarily" join their parents if it looks like the US is not going to follow the law and act humanely.
Or, the child’s country could allow her parents to care for her. To me, it is never ok to deport a citizen, even if it means allowing undocumented parents to stay. Let’s face it, Melania got to have her parents become citizens, why can’t this child?
I hate what is happening to our country. Not just this aspect but all of the dismantling of government agencies, blocking the rights of the LGBT community, shutting down the board of Ed, trying to take away Healthcare for millions of children, and so on.
This hurts my heart. We can’t wait for the monsters in power to be punished in the hereafter. Vote all Republicans out NOW and midterm regardless of their office. If they even slightly smell like a Republican, vote them out. We can’t keep these cold hearted monsters in charge of our country.
What bothers me is that Trump ordered that even people with asylum court dates and/or humanitarian issues should be be arrested and deported. That is unconscionable.
Why am I only hearing about this here? Where are the Dems to go out there in force, to every media outlet that will have them. Even the ones that don't want to cover this.
We all know Laken Riley's name, despite Biden's policies not causing her death, why not hers or the multitude of others!?!
Kids killed by guns, gay and trans kids who kill themselves, women who died because of abortion restrictions, etc... all DIRECTLY caused by GOP policies.
Agent Smith was the one investigating trump. Not Garland. Garland had to appoint Smith as special counsel to investigate trump when trump running for president created a conflict of interest. And the volume of his criminal activity is what took so long. This wasn't on Garland.
He didn't wait. Garland began investigating right away. You've been told a pack of lies by people who know better because they were making $$$$ & getting clicks & likes for lying. Media & talking heads lied through their teeth, & you believed them.
Cruelty is the basis of their messaging. Anyone not one of their privileged classes is disposable, and the greater the cruelty, the stronger the message to any who would resist.
I am physically repulsed! Like physically I am so ill I cannot even read this story. I’ve been calling and emailing my Rep and Senators all day and grassroots organizing since I got off work this evening. This is an outrage. First they came for #Khalil. #WAKEUPAMERICA #FIGHTBACK!
Trump made immigrants the enemy of his cult members. And he flooded the zone with so much bullshit people have no idea the inhumanity that is occurring.
I believe this time it was "First they tried to bait the Jews..." And Jewish people said, "Did he just sieg heil twice? I don't want to buy his cars and I want no exposure to investing in anything he will ever do again." That's how a boycott works. It's not illegal. It is in fact supremely moral.
Excuse the reply spam but I would add this time is slightly different. Trump has used his stance on Israel to ignore the fact he cozied up to a neo nazi who bought him and his campaign. Trump is the only person with Jewish grandchildren doing 4am style infomercials for a guy throwing up Heil Hitler.
I don't have truth social so no way to confirm on my end, but from bluesky I have seen the upside down triangles and it certainly makes it look like someone knows and it's not really a hint anymore. The president is posting hate speech. Worse than hate speech really because what's implied is terror?
Absurd. The inaction of civil society in this country is also absurd. The U.S., Russia, Israel, Talebans etc are just examples of nasty societies with no respect for human rights. There are those locals who dont agree in every one of these societies but they dont represent the average mindset.
If the US citizen children were left behind, they’d go into foster care. The parents chose to stay together as a family, which is what most of us would do. Republicans forced this family to choose between keeping their family together and losing touch with their child with brain cancer.
Its we. Its us. America is doing this. The people on the receiving end are children, not “magats.” So, WE stop this. Otherwise they are us. Biden did nought all to stem hatred for immigrants. Boot up, or bot off.
Aaron, do you know how this could have legally happened? Did the parents have prior removal orders that were reinstated? This seems like a winning cancellation case if they had been given a chance in front of an immigration judge.
Yes, under normal circumstances. But this adheres to the tactics of trump administrations mass deportation plan. Discussed often on the Bluesky U.S.immigration Feed.
I am a lawyer with more than a dozen years of immigration experience asking about the specific immigration procedure that was used by Trump admin in this case.
idgaf if she's a citizen or not, that's disgusting. Anyone should be allowed to finish their cancer treatments here. This country was created and built using genocide and hatred, and the legacy actively lives on every single day.
🤔 If they really are "Christian nationalists" aren't they afraid that they will end up in hell for all eternity? You know, for being the complete opposite from Christ-like? WWJD and WWDonaldD are 180 degrees from each other!
you know what a lot of Republicans will think when they read this? "Now an American family that can't afford cancer treatment will be able to get it!" - which.... is just wrong on so many levels.
Thousands of American citizens are de facto deported every year because they are small children of undocumented immigrants. This isn’t a not new or strange; it’s exceptionally terrible because of the kiddo’s illness, but it has been happening a long, long time.
Just want to add, Tom Homan announced this policy in a January 60 Minutes interview. Asked how he could deport illegal immigrants w/o separating families, as he was claiming could occur, he said he'd deport the whole family.
Reporter didn't have the skill to add that meant deporting US citizens.
There needs to be an organization that helps these families find a family or people willing to take temporary power of attorney of these children so they can be reunited and not go into foster care. Remember there are still hundreds of kids missing from trumps first term.
As Trump tried to use a child with cancer during his rant, then deports a child. Unbelievable. Ya know the sad thing is- that child will probably receive better medical care now in Mexico. Here’s hoping Claudia can help this family.
Republican Party today: "How dare the Democrats not stand up and clap for our performative nonsense of a child with cancer!!"
Also Republican party today: "Child with brain cancer? ...Are they white? No? DEPORT EM."
This is the result when too many voted to put The Felon in the WH who has a stone where a heart should be. Very tragic but he does not care diddly squat about others. Leadership when done right is to be of service, when it's done wrong, it's to grab as much perceived power over others as possible.
Everyone involved in making this happen, and that includes media outlets softening Trump's fascism, should be held accountable in criminal court for crimes against humanity.
Everyone is eager to point to those that crafted the policy decisions that led to this, but it is important to remember the individual dickheads who carried it out
Why is anyone surprised but this? Trump is heartless separated thousands of kids from their parents during his "Zero Tolerance" in his first term and was too fucking stupid to keep track of who the parents were and United States still has a 1,000 who have not seen their parents 8 in years.
Trump is a ghoul. I read that article and looked for further information about the young man. I don't know how he is now, but looks like he did get a medical deferment - with Ayanna's help.
In no way am I defending the cruelty, horror and hell they are inflicting.
How much more do you need to hear before you understand Trump is heartless. Trump does not care about anyone but himself. Even his MAGA followers mean nothing to him other that someone to con money out of. If anyone deserves to burn in hell it is Donald J. Trump.
May Mexico show her the humanity that our NOT GREAT, PATHETIC GOP MAGA REGIME failed to show her.
Join or support those in fight for rule of law & humanity
I hate everything about this administration.
It's completely ILLEGAL!
US citizens cannot be deported under any circumstances.
March 12, 2025 at 9:11 PM
That's why, in previous administrations, parents of a US citizen were not usually targeted for deportation.
I don't believe minors are legally able to give it.
I believe this applies:
Your oppression is their profession.
We all know Laken Riley's name, despite Biden's policies not causing her death, why not hers or the multitude of others!?!
Sometimes it really is that simple.
EVERY soldier is taught about illegal orders.
Grow. A. Fucking. Pair.
This is a sad time for all of us in America but the vulnerable can’t fight back. That’s why we have to not quit.
OMG! Trump is outrageous!
Help our Congress fight MAGA
Get loud! Get tough on GOP!
Call everyday at #5Calls
#OrganizeAgainstMAGA #StopProject2025
Support those running against GOP/MAGA
I don’t think you’ve seen this yet, but if not,
In the most sickening way yet, they have deported a US citizen.
Yes they came for the trans LGBTQ before they went after the larger Jewish population.
The Nazi Germany first came after the vulnerable LGBTQ first.
Because "values"
Child in Need Goes Without Medical Treatment Because of Republicans.
The hypocrisy is patently maddening at this point.
This is a violation of human rights according to US and international laws.
We're at 7, moving too quickly to 8!
It's completely ILLEGAL!
US citizens cannot be deported under any circumstances.
May they all get what they deserve.👿
The American government is trying to kill American children
Man up, take responsibility then take action, not words, action!!!
US citizens cannot be deported under any circumstances.
Reporter didn't have the skill to add that meant deporting US citizens.
“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."
Also Republican party today: "Child with brain cancer? ...Are they white? No? DEPORT EM."
August 27, 2019
In no way am I defending the cruelty, horror and hell they are inflicting.
Then it got memoryholed. Like it never happened.