Justice Thomas washing his hands of the boy he “raised as a son” with Harlan Crow’s assistance, who’s
now a 32yo facing felony charges, should be as big a story as Hunter Biden. https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-mark-martin-raised-nephew-son-jailed-2024-5
now a 32yo facing felony charges, should be as big a story as Hunter Biden. https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-mark-martin-raised-nephew-son-jailed-2024-5
People still do not get it. A big aspect of the right's tyranny is to brag that they can get away with scandals or crimes, and make minor ones stick to their enemies.
Can you imagine all the front page news that is so biased they have the felon's pic plastered all over their paper? The only story about Joe is often not flattering.
More than one #SCOTUS needs to resign NOW
I want to hear from him with words spoken from his own mouth.
Abandoning him completely? THAT is a crisis. And CRUEL.
The dirtbag attacks on Hunter Biden, who is not running for anything and isn't involved in politics, for his addiction is one of the scummiest things the GOP has done in a long list of scummy things. No need to be scummy to Mark Martin.
what the fuck are you even talking about
You're making a spectacle of Martin so you can snigger at Clarence Thomas, who isn't even an elected official or running for office.
Say what you want about scrutiny of Martin, fine. But to pretend Clarence Thomas shouldn’t get the exact same scrutiny as an “elected official” or someone “running for office” is absolutely crazy.
Furthermore, I find it distasteful and exploitative to directly spotlight (indirectly or directly) non-prominent people who are addicts as a way to score points.
So long as they're a right-wing white racist.
Why the F does anyone need to know he's a shitty uncle, too?
I'm making fun of you for that.
Pretending him not being elected makes it so it'd bad to criticize him is really fucking stupid.
Your argument is invalid.
I honestly thought this was an ironic post until the end. You forgot to add the winky face.
So ignorant.
Have fun exploiting the drug addict/deadbeat dad Mark Martin for your hate-clicks. Go on now kiddo. Have your fun.
Your inability to understand things was clear from your first post where you argued character and integrity aren’t relevant to the most powerful lifetime appointed job in the USA.
2-No, Thomas is not elected. He wields enormous power without ever having to be accountable to the people. This does not somehow make his shitty values untouchable.
I care that his values make him corrupt, entitled, sadistic, and wrong on the law. He's a pile of crap whose power as a Justice (not as an uncle) is killing this country.
Both are adults who have or are facing similar charges, and both were raised by powerful political figures.
But only one has been the subject of breathless coverage by the news.
A nicer way of saying my point is: The only reason I care about Thomas being a shit is because he's a SCJ. I'll stick to attacking his idiotic, unconstitutional, corruptness as SCJ, not his uncle skills.