“If only this issue we created by designing towns to be consumer oriented only could be solved by more consumer oriented design.” -Billionaires, who coincidentally own real estate investments
Eh, real estate is just botanical slavery. Let's eat some burgers over the grill have some hotdogs and stop yelling at neighbors for whatever color they painted their fence. Or veggie burgers if that's what your into.
my brain is deflated balloon rn but the worst thing abt this is the writer might actually believe it, bc third places that arent churches or bars have been disappearing/disappeared long enough for people to have forgotten they were ever an option at all
third places are places to socialize other than home or work. personally disagree that churches count bc they dont fit many of the characteristics here but theyre mentioned so
I have a pet theory churches worked as third places when their focus was on the social connections in the neighborhood and not HQs for hateful boomers.
Churches have never worked as third places because there is a social hierarchy, restrictions on speech, and an obligation to be there at certain times + an inability to visit and socialize whenever you want. These are all things that have not changed in recent years.
Soup was not a major feature of my church experiences, I have to say. Biblically-themed musicals, youth group sleepovers, theme park trips... more that stuff.
Unless you've been violently separated from them, it's very easy to fool yourself into believing that you have workplace friendships which you are in charge of independent of your job.
It's insidious, and one of the reasons I've become a huge fan of the phrase work life boundaries.
Thinking about the time I tried to get "Karoshi" to catch on bc we kept "Kaizen"ing and "Kanban"ing, but for some reason they like some Japanese business terms but not the one about working someone until they commit suicide and the company is legally liable for destroying their life
Lol. Coworkers don’t replace personal relationships. Are some of my close friends current or former coworkers, yes, but that’s not a guarantee or the norm
I don't want a good old-fashioned office, I want a good old-fashioned 2-4 player video game where we can all play on one console in the same living room. MMO has its perks but where's the mayhem of revving each other up in person.
How about a good new fashioned office? Where everyone’s paid a real living wage (w/ full benefits) for a four-day work week, and where we can all wear *actually comfortable* clothes (jeans) for fucks sake? 😤
Bleh I don't even think billionaires would taste good with salt. its like if a billionaire ate a well done steak. Not only that their stupidity would probably be digested in your stomach and flow through your bloodstream.
That unfortunately seems to be all that's going on at this point. Ceos buy iphones because they think and pretend it makes them look or feel more professional. While punky little brats buy iphones to do stupid shit on the internet and think their tough shit because they have one.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harlan_Crow He'll taste mildewy, but maybe we can put enough hot sauce on him to give him a little non-shitbag flavor for once in his life (at the very end).
I prefer an office a lot, I can't stand working from home. I need that social working space away from my home
But demanding everyone come in to the office when it's not necessary is just stupid, it's not like your rent prices went up because 40% of your workers are at home working
Nope. Spending 8 hours standing in a room with people who stop exsisting once I clock out will not help the lonliness. Not having to spend my entier day working or preparing to work the next day might.
No point in work anymore. The point in a business is to make improvements for the people and the products that are made. And business no longer understands that.
Bro needed to know he was wrong, I was more than happy to tell him alone but it’s always more entertaining with friends (that I didn’t have to meet in an office) 🫶
All things in our lives need to center around giving owners capital. Our home lives, our work lives, our social lives, even social placed died out to cars because of Capitalism.
Hi. Are you feeling down? You know the Amazon workhouse has lots of breeze and PS4s that you can totally play after work hours terms and conditions apply NDA signing mandatory
Housing being a commodity to use for investment will always cause awful rental prices and a tight market cus no one wants to lose money on their investment, and a restricted availability means higher prices for everyone.
Bad for people, good for business.
A shovel? That all you got? Let me help out I got one of those mechanical ones with wheels. I think it's called a dozer or a backhoe something like that.
Maybe ... investing in homes and communities and not expecting people to show for work earlier and have the life squeezed out of them for longer for stagnating pay while expecting everyone to spend more to live on the gogogogo. Yeah? ...No? No it is. 💀 --an elder millennial
Home/family lifestyle*** ...you know. That stuff we would have and do if we weren't basically always at work in some form or fashion. Like actual personal lives within our homes and communities not more capitalist scams like HOAs and overpriced (and underbuilt) subdivisions.
I was never happier than when the Uni assigned my 12 person team a closet and two hours a week in a conference room, so we just went full-time remote. I think our relationships improved because we were WAY less stressed about doing our work or finding a square foot to plop a laptop.
Eh, more Sekhi dropping the "it could just be this guy didn't have the benefit of growing up during the technological revolution/rise of the internet and doesn't get how it works."
Years before the pandemic, when Gen Z were all still in school, they were blaming Gen Z's loneliness on social media and smart phones, instead of on the fact that they were never allowed to go anywhere alone with peers and had to be constantly supervised by adults in designated spaces.
Definitely a call center ad without a doubt. Calling people 40 hours a day that don't want to talk to you while surrounded by other incompetent people that share the same will to invade on people's time and daily lives while they don't have any doing illegal activities that noone will ever deal with
I'm not sure if this is entirely true, They have their iphones and the incredible levels of stupidity that comes with each purchase. They get enough attention just from invading privacy and doing things that make others uncomfortable.
You know, that thing that is super helpful in the workplace, people trying to get in to your personal life! We're all just one big family in the office after all, one weird predatory incestuous exploitative family!
These companies are so hell bent on getting people back into these offices and the main reason is they want people to suffer like they did by doing so. They hated how we discovered during covid the office was an obsolete practice and are jealous that they didn’t have that option available to them.
It was probably during some office meeting where the only person with the useful ideas gets ignored and degraded by the ceo while the devious lady that's obviously paid more or an unfair position does get picked.
will people even GIVE office jobs to gen z? all i've ever run up against as a millennial (class of 2009 babey... what a time) is that you can't get shit outside of retail/food service unless you have an expensive degree AND years of experience you pulled out of nowhere lmao
back to the office tonight?
back to the office tonight queen??
back to the office tonight? 👀
third places are places to socialize other than home or work. personally disagree that churches count bc they dont fit many of the characteristics here but theyre mentioned so
It's insidious, and one of the reasons I've become a huge fan of the phrase work life boundaries.
It’s the only way now.
Two birds with one table, as it were.
But demanding everyone come in to the office when it's not necessary is just stupid, it's not like your rent prices went up because 40% of your workers are at home working
Having an extra 5-15 hours a week to socialize with people outside of work because one isn't commuting every day.
Composting them works to much better
“Lmao keep goin”
All things in our lives need to center around giving owners capital. Our home lives, our work lives, our social lives, even social placed died out to cars because of Capitalism.
"Shut the fuck up."
Now, why are they so unhappy?
Composting is far more efficient.
Bad for people, good for business.
they probably taste kinda rancid
I'm doing what lawyers do, you want me to commute, you're paying me for that time.
Try a little Elon. Have portion of Bezos. This Zuckerberg is delicious, have you tried it?
No we don't have any T Swift. She's a national treasure!
I was never happier than when the Uni assigned my 12 person team a closet and two hours a week in a conference room, so we just went full-time remote. I think our relationships improved because we were WAY less stressed about doing our work or finding a square foot to plop a laptop.
Either way, hit 'em with a hammer.
Wheras in my case and in several of my friends:
British comedian, I find his stuff much more cringe inducing than funny
"What did you do this weekend?"
I watched An Football
"How was The Football?"
It was (Good|Bad) Football
thanks, capitalism 👍
Office culture can fuck right off. And once it gets to the fence, it can hop that fence and keep fucking off forever.
I'm just sayin
Then invite just a bunch of people to get together and eat him.