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American politics makes a lot more sense when you realize that the GOP is afraid of pissing off the GOP base, and the Dems are afraid of pissing off the GOP base, but neither party is afraid of pissing off the Dem base.
Walz: I think they hate public education because it’s easier to run an authoritarian government if you don’t have a population that knows.
honestly this stuff is insulting
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Collaborators with the fascists.
whether they’re retiring or not this should be the last term for each of them "When I was flying combat missions over Iraq in 1991, I didn't think there was some snotty nosed teenager in South Africa that was going to call me a traitor."
The provision of the 14th amendment that the Supreme Court unanimously wrote out of the constitution existed for a reason. Its drafters knew what would happen if you allowed insurrectionists back into power.
If Dems were unwilling to fight over cabinet nominees and unwilling to fight over the budget/shutdown, it’s safe to assume they’re not going to fight over anything.
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And the next president can pardon them anyway, is that how it works now?
Schumer says they’ll fix DC funding in a standalone bill. I’ll take things that aren’t going to happen for $500, Alex.