truly maddening how this was never part of the discussion. paying nine bucks to save an hour is worth it for like 99 percent of hourly workers
the Most Tri-State Man Possible gets it
Our traffic turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo woo woo
Joltin' Joe just took the MTA
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Just a little note that the trucker toll is $14.40.
Every person not on the road is -- inherently -- someone inconvenienced by the pricing!
at least in Jersey the Norcross machine was doing big time real estate deals with their power
People will save time in the short run, but eventually, more and more will think that, and congestion will be right back to where it was. Then prices will rise with the PURPOSE of weeding out just enough people so there's some time savings.
The winter is not the best time to judge this.