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Since January, SpaceX has received over $560 million in government contracts—an amount projected to surpass $2 billion in taxpayer funding by year’s end, averaging roughly $6.1 million per day. Follow the money and see where it goes.
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These men behind bars are not in prison after being charged with crimes. They are "enemy combatants" being detained in a concentration camp. As such, Kristi Noem's crass photo-op using them as props violates the Geneva Convention's prohibition of ‘exposure to public curiosity’ of those captured.
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Only the best people
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🚨This. Is. How. You. Do. It. 🚨
The thing I admire most about Jeffery Goldberg right now is that he didn't sit on his incendiary scoop, waiting to reveal it only when he could make money from it in a book, like so many other selfish people who know shocking things about this administration have done and will continue to do.
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This is so stupid
Seriously: arrest him. The governor should have state police arrest him and charge him with election fraud. Then immediately hold a press conference explaining you arrested someone for committing election fraud and will continue to do so. Just fucking arrest him already. You can actually do this
RFK is a eugenics freak first and foremost and everything falls downstream from that. he *wants* excess deaths. he thinks that only the "fit" should survive.
Corrupt judges let a criminal get away with treason and run for president. Propagandists masquerading as journalists lied to enough people that the criminal won. Then the criminal sold a half share in the presidency to the world's richest man, whom no one voted for. That's what happened, folks.
These motherfuckers are going to kill children. I've been saying it for a year, but RFK Jr might as well be a serial murderer. Watch: they'll start vaccine *bans* within a year.