Listen up everyone, my disable Veteran husband was just denied care for a serviced connected issue by a dermatologist in Las Cruces NM because the VA isn’t approving procedures anymore. Thank you trump and President musk.
Tom Cole did the same ….went crying to the Mad Scientist not to close the NOAA radar site in Norman. All the OK congressmen and women are Trump sycophants and have no spine. Langford has never answered for what happened at Paul’s Valley
Thank goodness for social media. Imagine if the only way they had of influencing things was to go over to the Capitol and hold hearings and vote on stuff.
Bad stuff that would never have happened if Trump hadn’t been elected. These GOP members pleading for special treatment in this blood-letting are missing how everything is connected.
Perfect example of deplorable retrumplicans who only care about trump's criminality if it hurts them. Show us those christian values of yours Lankford. What a tool.
I wondered what is going to happen when they come after the military industrial complex. It is the US budget’s single largest expenditure, and that doesn’t include sales to other nations. Musk may be a multi billionaire, but with the arms trade, we are talking about real money.
I have been tracking reports of leopards eating faces at McAlester Army Ammunition Plant. If we were to have a loss of civilian faces there, we would face serious issues. I have been in contact with the White Leopard, and the Department of Leopards.
Republicans stood behind Nixon until they listened to the tapes where he was caught red handed. What is the current Republicans excuse for not calling out Trump because everything is in plain sight via Truth posts, interviews, and recordings? Profiles in NON courage.
I believe that it's just that they're all insanely religious and everybody thinks that they're going to create the theocracy and bring back jesus so they're just going for it....
We're all hostages
Yknow, I'm pretty sure there's a way for congressmen to vote on how to fund federal business, but trying to explain that would be inefficient so instead I'm just gonna go blow up a rocket.
Senator Lankford is not without options. He sits on the Finance, Intelligence, Homeland Security and Ethics Committees. One would think he has some leverage and/or consequential levers he could pull to stop this? Or, no?
The irony- Oklahoma ranks 23 of 50 states for federal dependency- and 17 of the top 23 states that are are all GOP led… Let’s save our state that lives of the taxes paid by the other states we are trying to hurt…🤔
Just showing us the truth about how the GOP does things- it’s ok to hurt others economically just not us.. Something truly un- American about that stance…
We all know what’s going to happen here- anything that negatively impacts a red state will eventually be reversed while blue states will be screwed over.
Ah, but the Dear Leader doesn't know what's happening in the local areas, his lieutenants withold details so He can focus on the Biggly Picture. If only He knew He would definitely care and direct the Party Comissars to make an exception. Until then, let's make a show of caring for our base.
Elmo told Senate Republicans in a closed session that if they had concerns about cutting specific programs or people, he would work with them. I guess if your Senators are Democrats, you can get fkked.
It's my take that all republican elected officials are fully in on what's happening, if some speak out with concers and no action is taken then it's pretty obvious they are all doing a Susan Collins. Seems to works fine for her so not surprised others in the party are doing it too.
The Technological Banana Republic! It’s beyond insane that X is now considered an official vehicle for OUR government communication. And it’s obscene that random appeals by the “right” people on X is the basis for federal government work force & contracting decisions. 🤦🏽♀️
Hey Senator Lankford! You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes! Backing a greedy felon who hates military service people to be our president was your first mistake.
Right, Senator. Protect your local businesses and screw the rest of the government workers, our allies and every single child, woman and man who will suffer directly from cuts to medicaid, USAID, NIH, CDC, Ed Dept, and other social programs you and your pals are going after.
all you have to do is call:
"To help address that, Musk gave out his cell phone number during the closed-door meeting to GOP senators and told them he wants to work more closely with them, according to a person familiar with the matter. "
Time & again the media has published stories about programs that agencies (esp. DoD) want to cut but then some senator insists it stay in the budget solely because it provides jobs in his state/district. That’s the real waste, fraud, & abuse in government, and where DOGE should have started.
Sen. Lankford, please recognize that critical work is not only done in OK. it’s done in many states. Whether at the NIH in MD, CDC in GA, or medical and scientific research performed at facilities all across the US. This is not an issue for just OK. American science will lag & will become 2nd rate.
"Something special" for every Senator and MoC is how you got here in the first place... Everybody wants to cut someone else's "something special", not theirs... Dead end... Repeat...
I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with u.s. senators having as much say in our government processes as a macedonian cyber mercenary hired by russia to undermine america's republic - senators have all sorts of crazy agendas
Hey Lankford. You should be in control of cuts not getting input after they happen. I remember the stupid rule the GOP put in during the Obama rule era when a budget didn’t balance.
It shows that senators like Lankford support Musk and Trump until the cuts come in their states. Musk and Trump are not reading posts by Lankford or any other senator. Stop living in a fantasy world.
Everyone ought to pay attention to who their senators and congressmen DON’T speak up and advocate for. Picking favorites ought to come back to bite them. Anyone who gets DOGE’d, did your representative stand up for you? Keep your eyes and ears open and remember!
Did Lankford vote for the recent tax cuts for billionaires? Did he encourage his constituents to vote for trump? Why should they be rewarded with government contracts when they voted to get rid of them? No. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps & get off the government teat.
Was the GOP not just recently complaining about an amo shortage? Lets make it harder for America to defend itself by slowing ammunition production. sigh
Thank you every 1 who protested!
Keep up the good work 👏
We're all hostages
Then where are they at. The algorithms don’t allow for reasoned banter. Only hate and dislike.
my party’s idiots are goring MY state
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"To help address that, Musk gave out his cell phone number during the closed-door meeting to GOP senators and told them he wants to work more closely with them, according to a person familiar with the matter. "
And he'll shake his head and swear there was nothing he could do.
But if you try sometimes
You just might find
You get what you voted for
Fecking cowards😡
My state first
My county first
My town first
My neighborhood first
My street first
My house first
Me first
It is not right, but your state apparently adores him.