Personally, the old standard of one shot to one cup. My homemade aged nog is boozier, but it has time to mellow the alcohol. Fresh mixing needs to stay a little lower.
I'm always sad to see it go after the holidays (though my arteries don't mind), but a local dairy has been bringing it back in April as "Easter Nog." 😁
I'm guessing this involves nog-infused churros as a base. The Elder Gods alone know what else is involved, although leftover ham would be seasonal. Possibly cranberry jelly.
Don't knock it...but if you have an ice cream makes a good one in small amounts!
For a NYE party once I did a Nog Ice Cream and a Champagne Ice Cream!
Happy to be traveling back to the homeland (central MA) for the holidays because we don't have Hood Golden Eggnog here in Ohio. Cruelly, I occasionally see Hood Pumpkin Eggnog at local grocery stores. But never Golden.
My dude: when y’all are done with that, you need to try Hartzler’s. There are places in Piqua and Troy that carry it. Please believe me that it is worth a special trip. But it may ruin you for all other nogs to come.
best not to think about it too much
For a NYE party once I did a Nog Ice Cream and a Champagne Ice Cream!
You had to use the Word of Power