They're also flummoxed when I point out my 81%-for-Trump county hasn't gone D since 1934, and lots of folks here vote R for the same reason they cheer for Ohio State football - it's what's done and no matter what you don't cheer for Michigan. We have MAGA dickheads, but it's not the whole story.
My parents were curious about the new music bldg.
If that works then try bringing up a few thousand new hires running around the country looking for the next bug.
You know, may have saved her life, seriously.
In any event it becomes even more criminal when folks deny the potential dangers.
Cynically I believe that too many democracies around the world have citizenry that believe, "Well now that we're here, all's well that ends well."
Then they believe that things will go along just fine without having to learn anything else or engage in the process?
A duty to be informed and use your our brain before expressing your vote.
Most forget the DUTY part.
As I worded it - in the 80s/90s (my teens/20s), I used to be apathetically moderate (or moderately apathetic). I can't afford that luxury anymore.
When they are so brainwashed & not paying attention
But don't be surprised when the people who's lives politics has destroyed tell you that calling them "rude" is a privileged person's whiny entitlement.
A lot of people who're not safe like you are in increasing real life danger are mad and scared, and I think you are being tone deaf and unsympathetic.
This reminds me of your initial racefail screwup. You were hurt people got mad at you then too.
Is eternal vigilance!”
Few places have this much unreality. Upper west side NYC, Malibu/Hollywood Hills, and Silicon Valley, maybe?
I just wish I knew what to *do* about it.
I don't think it is enough to ask them to sit out the election next time. They will need courage to vote differently than they have ever done before.
There is also trickle down voting (vote fringe first and trickle to a major party). This data helps shape policies
We have restrictions on the money used to campaign. (ie. not Citizens United)
Social media and misinformation is harder now with big tech relationship
I don't care why they voted for Trump. Anyone who voted for Trump is the enemy.
If she's still listening afterwards then point out that red states get more money from the Federales, per capita, than do blue states.
And that's John. He does not ever have to worry that his passport might get seized because he's trans for example. So he can live in peace with people who cheer that on.
I'm a pansexual cis man with ADHD, and I will still stick to that saying because it's true.
John is deeply insulated from the suffering. Bad things happening to him are super distant.
(yeah, like the pope said to do in response to Vance's crapola...)
In addition there are lots of people who would absolutely consider themselves engaged because they watch Fox News--and are therefore "informed."
And he doesn't understand that he's being fed a curated version of the truth.
The truth is going to have to become overwhelmingly obvious for folks to "awaken".
Anyway, point being, you can't just look at the national voting percentages in an area to understand it, yeah.
When they see a black man in a nice car they ALWAYS wonder what kind of drugs he sells.
Ohio is crap.
You have failed this country so many times.