Hmm, one very troublesome thing has come to light.
The previous owner LOVED rose bushes.
The previous owner LOVED rose bushes.
Oh wait, shit, allergies?
It wasn't the roses' fault they were involved in some seriously unfortunate magic...
Always teeth
In the event you happen upon a wandering Oryx, do not approach. They will gore a human.
I want a pantry like that.
Most NYC apartment kitchens have no such thing. A cabinet or two, maybe.
I mean, I live alone, so it wouldn't get used entirely as a pantry, but you know, maybe as an excuse to buy more cookbooks.
.... but, but your pantry is bigger on the inside?!
Take that Freud… does a penis have shelves or walk in storage?!
I lust.
(ah, the joys of the UK, where the average dwelling's surface area per person is smaller than in frickin' *Japan*)
I had no idea this was such an honorable profession, but you GO termite guy.
Yeah, that's huge.
Check for any signs of weird flooding around drive entry and such. Turns out the development people doing drainage in this circle cheated a bit. Known trouble.
protip: get the termite treatment and warranty. you'll want the warranty (making sure it's a reputable co.). hopefully never need it, and treatments really do work, but if termites do strike, you'll want that. they're nasty bugs
If there are matching shelves behind the pantry door, we could get EIGHT in here!
It was a brilliant place to spend the summer. 😁
1. The weather in the area gets bad enough that you will be unable to get to town for an extended period, and a large, well-stocked pantry is prudent.
2. It was built/owned by Mormons.
Both are entirely possible.
It's literally just a 2.5x2.5 foot closet with four shelves. That's it. I suppose the adjoining laundry room can also be used as pantry but it's awkward.
At least you might get more literary inspiration out of them??
…are there vultures?
(I *still* occasionally have flashbacks to Bryony & Roses when pruning the things...)