I have been informed that there is a LEGO Horizon Zero Dawn and once I stopped laughing I started downloading it for my upcoming plane trip.
Now the teenager and I are coming up with the darkest possible LEGO games. I am rooting for LEGO Silent Hill 2, just so we can get little Lego Pyramid Heads.
Now the teenager and I are coming up with the darkest possible LEGO games. I am rooting for LEGO Silent Hill 2, just so we can get little Lego Pyramid Heads.
Lego Alien: Isolation
Oh, State of Emergency! How were they allowed to make that game??
Maybe Carmageddon?
unless it's gotta be just a game than my money is on LEGO this war of mine
Lego: Postal
Lego: Spec Ops: The Line
Lego Doki Doki Literature Club.
Why do I have a list of disturbing titles seemingly on standby??
Lego Manhunt
Lego Conker's Bad Fur Day
I *guess* if we wanted to go darker it could be House of Leaves.
All played straight. No reference to the fact that all but a handful of the cast are Muppets.
They're brutally murdered at big festival for their Muppet acts, past and present. Murder on the Orient Express end
Someone get them on the line!
Lego Alan Wake?
*Gordon Freeman has entered the chat*
Where's my LEGO Half-Life?
(Disclosure: I work for the company that makes the Horizon games. We didn’t make this one, but we contributed a lot.)
On behalf of all women, thank you! I was/am so happy to have a realistic female protagonist who is not overly feminized.
The fact that both my brother and friend think I am a lot like Aloy is irrelevant to my bias. Sort of.
not dark but I'd love to see LEGO Monster Hunter
I bet they could have fun with Shadow of the Colossus, but it would be less insta-ready for tie in monster kits.
'The open goal of the game is to get players emotionally attached to 6 or more creatures, with a few variants nearly guaranteed. Box individually and watch the allowance money roll in.'
Try not to laugh at a whole level of Lego figs running around on fire.
I believe you can also co-play while you cosplay.
Also, a LEGO mod for M&BII: Bannerlord would be kinda fun(ny).
Lego Bioshock
Lego Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War
Lego XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Call of the Mountain is the one that perpetually tempts me but I really can't justify a VR setup. If you ever get a chance to try it though, it is STUNNING.
"Hel-lo there. Mis. Ter. Freeeman. We have been ex-pec-ting you."
Jigsaw: You must find the key. Heres a hint.
*Shows lego style instruction booklet of the key being hidden inside the mans body*
*Man takes off head pulls key out and leaves*
Jigsaw: Damn it.
Final Fantasy games would be good for effects. When final bosses transform 5x. Briccing up your Chocobo!
Where you get to make the machines yourself
LEGO Requiem for a Dream
LEGO Eraserhead
LEGO Anatomy of a Fall
LEGO Grave of the Fireflies
LEGO Blindness by José Saramago
LEGO The Day After
LEGO I Spit On Your Grave
LEGO The Road
LEGO Christine
LEGO Pet Sematary
LEGO August Underground’s Mordum
LEGO Un Chien Andilou
LEGO Old Yeller
LEGO Midsommar
LEGO The Substance