Oh, it's socialmedialese, a type of English with completely broken structure because you either had to rephrase it to fit the limit or got distracted midway.
A person with some level of self-editing would’ve written “Totally wild the capture the conservative media ecosystem has over the mainstream media. It just decides for them what should be viewed as important.”
Conservative politicians have figured out that the media will just regurgitate whatever BS they say and do so frequently. Same with cops, the media sees them as an authority figure and just puts their messages out unchecked.
Meanwhile Democrats seem unable to take advantage of this one weird trick
The owners of the media outlets direct a narrative that benefits themselves personally. They are the right, and they're silencing the voice of the left. Remember, the right takes care of big corporations, not you.
Mate, covfefe is almost 4 years ago, your skeet was like freaking Shakespeare in comparison to the crap we've all been wading through for years. Good job, keep it up!
98% of those saying immigration is the most pressing issue say that solely because they've been lied to that that's the case. None of them have been adversely affected in any way by immigration. Take away the rt-wing media hype and ask any of them how or why they care about immigration. Crickets.
Noting the huge push from the right’s message cabal on immigration—and the lack, at least to my knowledge, of in-depth reporting on the so-called border “crisis”—pulls that line upward for “overall.”
Has anyone seen this chart for abortion rights? That's what the election will swing on. That unpollable 6% who keep showing up for Dems since Dobbs are Republican women.
It’s wild how much more volatile the republican side always is with these graphs. I’m also thinking of those “opinion about the economy over time” graphs.
nice to see nobody cares about the nominal "democracy" in America. after Bernie lost the primaries I predicted that we would be clawing our way back to the status quo within a few years.
I would argue that the more important category is independents, because the data is more stochastic, and probably more indicative of the will of the people, when you account for non-voters. You could also interpret this as the Republican ability to pivot their base on a dime.
The GOP is requiring every new hire to assert that the 2020 election was stolen at precisely the time their electorate ranks "Preserving Democracy" as an absolute rock-bottom priority.
Can we fairly say that Democrats have pretty consistent priorities, and that Republicans swing wildly in the wind? Or is this an artifact of the questions asked here?
So it looks as if Democrats are consistent and focussed, while Republicans and Independents are mercurial, possibly more susceptible to emotional appeals to the outrage du jour
It's a bit different with the independants, they represent a wide ranging group of individuals each with different policies and agendas.
The Republicans on the other hand seem to swing for one specific topic until they get called out on their bullshit and swing for another before too many catch on.
Economic concerns falling off the table for all constituencies, particularly Republicans. Trump and GOP congressional challengers have to be hating that. That plus Dobbs are two legs of a sturdy Democratic stool.
My grandparents had a game called pick-up-sticks, and it was just a can of different colored sticks you'd throw on the ground and then you'd have to pick them up, it was ok
Played a variation of that as a kid, but with a deck of cards. I used to win the shit out of that one, until I was old enough to have kids and then make them win. See how they liked it.
This has always been the killer graphic to me when dealing with the “there is no more room” crowd. Any crisis we are experiencing with immigration is entirely self-imposed by not making basic accommodations for people eager to inject massive economic fuel to this country.
Density of population living yes, but how large would the areas be when adding on water/crop/foodstuff production? Very little of such happens within those cities. But yes, we do take up more space than we need. Much more.
I think we should safe as much of the planet to nature (afterall, how else will the elite have access to divine areas to seperate them from the citydwellers…) 🤫
I reckon in such a mega city there shouldn’t be cars, for an efficient city, plenty of walkways, green spaces and water bodies, and a good network of transport types, underground, aboveground, elevators and such. Including for goods. And we’d need to build tall buildings, with amenities nearby
Walkways, green spaces, bodies of water, sufficient roadways or rail for transportation networks for that many people all take up space.
Your city just quadrupled, bare minimum.
You can't build high on certain types of land.
You can't build underground on certain types of land.
I doubt we can convince even 80% of humanity to live in one giant mega city. Imagine instead breaking this giant city in 200 pieces and putting those pieces over the existing 200 largest world cities. You’ll find some more logistical. issues but that is a lot closer to real possibilities.
A world population city: make sub-cities separated by green spaces and water bodies, self-sufficient with work, education and health care (americans, you need it like all the rest of us) so it feels smaller but is still big (about half the size of europe/us should do)
Be tough to bring most of eastern washingnton and oregon along for the ride too. Might be a surer civil war scenario than anything being imagined around the texas border.
Point taken, but there are a large number of considerations that are not taken into account.
Just one, for example, a lot of Texas depends on aquafers for water.
You can't build on top of an aquafer recharge zone unless you want the water to dry up.
Rivers and hills too.
it’s an election year, which means the same footage of a caravan from 2019, and some footage of vaguely Hispanic folks getting on a bus, will be on repeat for about six months.
Would those be the Hispanic folks getting on a bus in Martha's Vineyard, after DeSantis illegally shipped them there as part of a political publicity stunt which backfired?
The Dems are lucky that their base cares most about the amorphous "protection of democracy", which doesn't actually require Dem policymakers to do anything... I mean they aren't even hinting at stacking SCOTUS so it's hard to see how democracy will be protected (whatever that means) even if they win
this is a mess of a chart but republicans running toward immigration as they get their teeth kicked in on abortion and the economy is thoroughly unsurprising.
Would love to see abortion/reproductive rights graphed out here. Is it not actually showing up in the top 3 issues or was it not asked about for the surveys that fed int this graph?
Go hard on democracy, until people notice their leading candidate's criminal record.
Go hard on immigration, since that worked out so well last time they won.
Any mention of the progress on Trump's wall yet?
Meanwhile Democrats seem unable to take advantage of this one weird trick
On a pleasant note, I forgot DeSantis' name for several seconds, almost had to look it up. His relevance is fading fast.
Liberals & Democrats are simply not big enough players to shift the public discourse.
The Republicans on the other hand seem to swing for one specific topic until they get called out on their bullshit and swing for another before too many catch on.
Are there rivers there? Hills? Aquafer recharge zones? Mountains? Tons of other things you can't build over?
This is a cute thought experiment at best.
Your city just quadrupled, bare minimum.
You can't build high on certain types of land.
You can't build underground on certain types of land.
"If you don't like the way we live here, move somewhere else."
"Wait, wait, wait... why are all these people moving here?"
Just one, for example, a lot of Texas depends on aquafers for water.
You can't build on top of an aquafer recharge zone unless you want the water to dry up.
Rivers and hills too.
Just more confirmation that Republicans need a crisis as much as they need oxygen.
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Only on Sundays.
4. Yes, but only in cold weather.
5. If Trump says so, then yes. Otherwise, no.
Which for some reason always seems to fall back to immigration.
Democrats sue other parties off of my ballot..