Setting aside the incredibly dangerous and fascist aspect of this, is there actual evidence that Khalil was a “Hamas supporter”? Or is the standard for a green-card holder being sent to a secret location and possibly deported just “critical of Israel”?
We are so inured to it, but think how over the years they have demonized an entire political party AND their voters.
Khalil was not accused, let alone convicted in a court of law, of providing material support for a terrorist Revoking his green card is illegal.
Trump scum and collaborators are fair game now.
Don’t wait for the fucking vermin to get to you.
Get to them. Their families and friends are all fair game now.
“He who defends his country breaks no law.”
Fuck those sub humans. Who can’t wait to fuck them up?
Our very own red army partisans could seriously destabilize the bourgeoisie billionaire fascist current government. Than we can appoint these two as out new leaders. Our own people's revolution. Time for maximum intolerance or fascist intolerance. We live they must go.
Americans, you know what you have to do, just do it. Fast.
Providing material support for designated terrorist organizations surely violates the conditions for a green card. HAMAS is a DTO. What constitutes material support? I don't know if advocacy, slogans, propaganda is enough. But what about fundraising?
The problem with HAMAS is they are enemies of Palestinians more than they are enemies of Israel.
We're next.
Never believe it won't be you, citizen or not.
He’s big mad..
Electing Harris was your only chance. You blew it.
People labelled Biden and Harris as supporters of genocide and said they were no better than Trump.
The question is: are we the kind of country that disappears folks for their politics?
I saw that article first thing this morning, was chilled and sick to my stomach, and said that's enough "news" for today.
Another country and generation asking, "How do you know when it's time to leave?"
Anyone who doesn't want them genocided are 'anti-semetic' / 'pro-Hamas' now.
Words officially have no meaning anymore.
Thanks, fascists!
And propaganda? Since Israel do not allow journalists into Gaza, and have executed over 100 of those that tried, it’s kind of hard to get a balanced view.
“Activities aligned to Hamas” isn’t a crime.
If he engaged in terror, charge him and show the evidence. But this is not a thing.
Jews ≠ Israel
They do their best to suppress free speech and free assembly all over the world. They're anti-democratic.
Like all groups of people, some Zionists suck. Some don't. Many, like me, are horrified by Hamas' actions & the world's indifferent response, and are also horrified by what's happening in Gaza.
Peaceful nonthreatening protest is a right
Enough said! Anything goes >>>
I see a difference between being critical of Israel and being an anti-semite, but can you be a supporter of Palestinian rights and not be a supporter of Hamas?
I also think I know the answer.
See? Easy.
Answer: The same thing that Hamas wants.
You know, let me ask you this question in the way it always is asked about Israel:
Do you think North Cyprus has a right to exist?
What about North Korea?
That's the only way you could favor a unified democratic Korea!
1) His advocacy constituted material support for an FTO (seems hard to prove),
2) He should be deported on national interest grounds pursuant to a rare Cold War-era ground of deportability.
It's shocking that the punditocracy once elevated this man and contributed even remotely to his rise to the dangerous power.
But I need someone, anyone, to explain to me why I need to support a country who's Gov't is cruel, obsessed with death and it's people barely flinch at their actions
Does that mean we just pretend they are not just killing indiscriminately? Abusing a people because they can? Out of revenge?
Is this who we truly are? Excuse makers? Death justifiers? "They're all the same" believers?
1. Make up shit as you go (this guy is not a Hamas supporter; not that we know of),
2. Fascism. Gestapo,
3. The Arab Americans for Trump get what they deserve.
Hey Marco, now do nazis
The sky has not fallen in
And not think for one moment how easily this slide into lawlessness can turn on them if needed.
In the colloquial sense it’s probably fair but arguable to call members of that group Hamas supporters, but afaik there’s no evidence of “material support.”
At the same time, what Trump administration is attempting to do to him is blatantly illegal.
Our population here is being groomed and softened up for this with a steady diet of lies and the sowing of distrust and fear.
I believe the SOTUS has ruled several times that legal permanent residents have due process rights and protections under the 14th Amendment.
The only evidence they have is his participation in a Free Palestine protest last year, as well as him being a legal permanent US resident who happens to be of Palestinian ethnicity. That said, US residents have rights, which he is being denied.
Trademark acts of authoritarian states.
Suspend normal conditions, i.e. laws, eliminate dissenters, create fear and confusion.
The legal stuff was posted elsewhere but I don't know if ICE or Sec of State working off an executive order actually needs a warrant?
They are saying he was a Hamas supporter and going to paint him as a terrorist threat by sounds of it.
I keep trying to convince myself we’re not doing fascism but we are definitely doing fascism.
It is an economic enterprise zone in Hondorous. Vernacular "network-state" outside the governance of human rights.
Prince already pitched his "processing camps" contract to Trump. Couple it with unmonitored flights, and your enemies disappear.
(And I haven’t seen anything to suggest he supports Hamas)
The only evidence needed is enough to satisfy an immigration judge.
It’s wrong but it’s the law.
And if I have to I will #start keepin these #fuckinlosers on the path of #ELIGHTENMENT
Pretty sure that’s the point.
Those should appear any day - he very much wants to keep up with dictator fashion trends.
If you store weapons/fighters/ammunition in protected buildings they lose their protection
One more item on the list of how DJT is destroying our country.
No Genocide In Our Name Using Our Tax Dollars
1A is dead.
This is fascism.