Not everyone can fight Trumpism and Trumpists directly. But remember this: kindness, decency, and fidelity to American values are defiance in the face of Trumpism.
So be kind, decent, and faithful, particularly to the many kinds of people despised and attacked by Trumpists. That’s revolutionary./1
So be kind, decent, and faithful, particularly to the many kinds of people despised and attacked by Trumpists. That’s revolutionary./1
Lots of little good things raise the general noise of niceness, and then maybe some bigger good things could happen...
"The Donald has only got one ball
JD is very very similar
Leon has two but very small
But poor old Bezos has no balls at all."
High art also has a role in the resistance.
Rebuilding societal trust and community can do more damage long-term with fewer mass graves.
I am notbfighting for anyone
Never again
USNavy vet is ashamed for being a fool
They may destroy this country, but I refuse to allow them to destroy my lofe or even my happiness.
The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it. So in times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, and if you hang on to the truth, even against the whole world, you will not go mad.
Enjoy the laughter when you can.
I would also recommend on building local communities and supporting those who will be persecuted or those who are actively fighting the MAGA regime.
Small, everyday choices are what makes history.
Fortunately, that isn’t difficult to do.
Politically, I'm checked out. I know how I will vote in upcoming elections, and I live in a blue state. I don't plan to follow the news, and I've never been one for political activism. So, I'm done.
However, I can be kind, decent, and faithful, along with a large dose of fuck it.
This administration will be looking for reasons to fire civil service employees.
But we can still lead with integrity. We can still remember what goodness looks and feels like.
“You mean ME. When you say that, *I* am who you’re talking about. Look me in the eye and tell your FRIEND, in my home, over the dinner I invited you to, that you think that about ME.”
Absolutely be kind to the people who need it, like Ken says; they need it more than ever. But don't give leverage to those who use kindness as permission.
Embrace your inner Minnesotan and passive-aggressively beat them.
They have a cookout? You feed the block with potlucks every week for a year.
They have a tent revival? You have a county fair.
They have a dozen guys with a swastika banner? You have a Pride Parade with thousands.
Give them _a_ way out without violence but always outnumber them.
I still have questions. My plan is “ let them”.
That being said if they're an ass to me they'd best expect a similar response.
However I will do my best and only leave a bag of flaming shit on their doorstep every OTHER week.
If Kamala were fighting not for herself but as if that if she loses, she would be letting down the whole country. That would have been lit. She lacked the fire that was needed.
Trump had that fire because he wanted to avoid jail.
much more assertive!
If it helps, i think every country needs to look hard at it's own culture(s), including my own country.
There's a lot of darkness there.
If you even hint at something about our culture being less than stellar, you tend to get dogpiled on pretty quick.
We love to perceive ourselves as good people, but actually being good feels less important, as there's always an excuse
If you don’t want to, there are OTHER games, religions, or societies to be part of.
Tolerating their existence does not mean you have to live together when you don’t agree on how to live. 1/
A tolerant society cannot tolerate an individual or group that flouts the rules with their intolerance. The tolerant society is intolerant of those who are intolerant.
Tolerance as an ethical imperative is like your right to swing your fist ending at my nose; As long as you are an arms length away I have no right to say what you can and cannot do, but any closer I claim self defense 1/
President Turner!
I think that’s why so many non-trumpettes are still mad.
Too goddamn nice
The rather more intelligent move is own and be trained in the use of weapons, have go bags ready, and have exit plans. They are coming for us and it is pure naivete to believe otherwise now.
I can’t fix what’s wrong with the country but I am able to help my neighbors, friends, & family.
Get a spine.
Cut people out of your life that support him.
The 92 percent of black women tried to tell all of you. Now it's your turn to look into yr communities, friend groups, and family, cut people out, speak up, etc.
The 92 percent know where we stand.
Go right on ahead. Try.
The "Good White community" didn't do enough. Go fight... again... see what happens.... again... What will be different...
LGBT or immigrant (undocumented or not) gets fired due to discrimination? Open your home to them as long as they need it. Lawyer? Help someone out with legal forms.
Psychiatrist? Don't let your patients go without care just because they can't pay or lose their coverage. Take the financial hit, it might save a life.
Are you dreaming?
ght down from within. When It will happen (not now, unfortunately) he will collapse like a "paper Castle"
Pick a corner and start preaching to MAGA instead. No, I didn’t miss your point.