They're also still trying to convince us other horrific things aren't a problem. To them trans rights are still a distraction, and they will be until after the camps are liberated, and then it will be a tragedy no one could have foreseen.
Why should the people of San Francisco vote for a candidate who fails to talk about the challenges the city faces - let alone even mention the name of the city. This is the mythical “generic” candidate.
His message was against the leadership - Pelosi included. Why people in SF should vote for him instead of Pelosi?
1) To actually be represented - Pelosi and old Democrats are actively stopping that;
2) He actually does mention on of the most important topics to people in SF - affordable housing.
On 1) Pelosi has been good for saman Francisco for decades, but she should have retired at the last election.
On 2) the most serious Pelosi replacement is Scott Wiener who has been actively leading the housing reform push in California for several years.
1) She represented corporate wing of Democrats - they led to current situation, so no, she was not positive to US and in effect - to SF
2) He looks very weak. He is funded primarily by bigger donors (<25% comes from small donors). Unlikely he would represent any messaging and energy change.
Scott Wiener is a sufficiently weak candidate that in the 2024 CA Senate election he only managed to get 77.8% of the vote in a district covering all of San Francisco and South City.
Democratic leaders to a T:
“They operate on…set procedures and rules of how they do stuff. So Trump…says something crazy, he's gonna buy Greenland, or take over the Panama Canal. They set a press conference for a week later to address it, that no one pays attention to. It's…hard for them to change…”
Anyone who read significant sections of Project 2025 or was familiar with the inanities of Peter Thiel or Russell Vought. I am a bit surprised that the GOP members of Congress have done so little to keep the pork flowing in their districts and states.
I had picked up on the longtermerism and the yarvin philosophy stuff that some tech guys supported. It just seemed so fringe. That’s where we are now, I guess. Fringe religion, fringe sci-fi dreams, fringe political thought—all joined in common cause. With power.
Wow. Give me sec, I think my brain is cramping! So. A MAGA’s ability to pick and choose their truth, compartmentalize, and tolerate cognitive dissonance, is a feature not a bug? Thanks for the excerpt.
I didn't *know* all the things would happen. I was aware of the Christian Nationalists. But I was removed from techbros, manosphere, and supremacists and did not understand they'd all form coalition
But yesterday I learned about a super antisemitic Trump-Christ white chosen people theology.
Just yesterday, an attorney with a freshman in college told me, "And in 3 years, the pendulum will swing back the other way. I can only worry about the things I can control." Okay, my dude. Let me know how that dream of pro baseball goes when he's expelled for being at a protest.
The feat of optimism, that there will be a pendulum to swing at all in 3 years, is astounding. They apparently can’t see the ground from the height of their tightropes.
Yup. The damage already done is incalculable. Generations of progress, gone. I suspect it’ll be the work of our lifetimes just to try to get legitimate elections back. Never mind social safety nets, agencies, etc. (I hope I’m wrong.)
What he means is that he won't worry if someone he loves needs healthcare, is LGBTQ+, has lost their job, is afraid of losing their job, or is affected by any one of 100 other things that Trump is doing because he doesn't gaf about anyone other than himself.
Like all the people who downplayed or outright ignored Project 2025, even though the Dems talked about it for MONTHS. They can't say they weren't warned.
You should all take a long hard look in the mirror. This has been brewing in your country for decades as you all point out, yet no one took it seriously as if you all skipped History throughout high-school and university. You all said it could not happen here and buried your heads in greed. Wake up
A pundit who responded to Trump's election with simpleminded, cringe lib takes like "Trump is bad, Elon is bad, RFK is bad, they're trying to destroy the government, oppose them on everything" was infinitely more insightful than someone writing wise, sage, nuanced pieces about not overreacting.
I’ve been predicting some variation of The Handmaid’s Tale events or an attempt to get there at least… The other possible outcome is that, as we Americans-identified-as-white finally come to grasp the utter toxicity of our 400 yr old tradition of white-male affirmative action, we will make use of…
… the opportunity join with our fellow Americans-identified-as-black and identified-as-Native-American to overpower the authoritarians, find a way to atone for the egregious mistakes of our ancestors, and, eventually, move forward on our never-ending collective journey towards a more perfect union.
They're just weak. Like Feldman, they see blind faith in institutions as their saviour, and never let the reality of what is happening pierce their protective little bubble.
Or, even more cynically, they stand to benefit from status quo and want to ensure they ride it out as long as possible.
I knew he learned and stacked and planned it for 4 years. Figured the trial run was the easy part. I just didn’t realize how easily he would get it done. I didn’t see musk coming. I saw hackers and him making gobs of money off us. I saw napoleon complex and bullying. Just not this fast.
He knew he could get away with everything before he got back in. His only plans are to make him great in his own mind. Such as his mind is able to process that. He has handlers for details.
Exactly this. No quarter, no "go along and get along." They were wrong, and they were profoundly shortsighted in dismissing legitimate concerns, first about the slow erosion of civil society and accountable governance, and second about the threat of Trump, MAGA, and the organized, radical right.
Yup. Talked to close friend last week who is smart & values my insights. She admitted she was concerned @ me last summer & thought I was over the edge. I did not have Canada, etc on my bingo card of doom. But did have most of the rest. She said it was just hard for her to imagine it that bad.
This is a concerted effort backed by many wealthy and powerful "Christan" white people for many years. They think their religion, maleness, and whiteness make them special. And they don't give a fuck about anyone else. Until they disappear from the fabric of this country, it will always be a 💩 show.
And if Democrats get censored, then that makes 2026 that much better. It also means censored Democrats don't have to attend sessions in the House or Senate, leaving them open to holding press conferences on the Capitol's steps.
What better way to (a) stand up, and (b) rile up the protesters!?!?
Why didn't Democrats, one-by-one, heckle Trump, disrupt his lies and propaganda, get censored. Because Trump doesn't care about them! In fact, they're already censored in the fact that Republicans don't listen to them, don't talk to them.
Boycott The Musk Trump Budget! I demand that NO Democrat votes for this budget! Call your House Rep and Senators TODAY! The days of saving us from a shutdown is over! #Boycott-the-budget
They’ll fuckin torch SS. I can feel it in my bones. I want to save SS for all those thankless jagoffs using the fake “generation” guff, regardless. Granny gonna save you, boyo.
they cant pass cuts to SS in the house, so they will get it with frank crimes using big balls. The same way they stole the election in swing states, hacking with tech.
Remember, dems who policed the people questioning elections is CRAZY, despite fact openly partner with election steal russians
if they went through legal channels, they couldnt do it.
They are going to do it same way they hacked the election
and never forget, this isnt happening cuz of trump supporters. Its happening cuz you are all sitting by while the election is stolen, policing the myth elections cant be hacked.
despite the fact russia hacks 100% of their elections and analysis has seen similarities swing state voting patterns in tabulator and known russian compromised states.
they OVERTLY tried to sabotage with bomb threats, so tech hacking is on the table too
people who say "they cant take social security" are telling the truth, IF the government were lawful.
They arent, they are an illegal administration there from HACKING that dems on the take beat into liberals "thinking that is crazy" and they are gonna break it WITH CRIME not law.
It doesn’t even make sense in my brain that people thought that Roe wasn’t going to be overturned. It’s wild to me that people were saying it wasn’t gonna happen. Everyone called me crazy. And now they’re continuing to call me crazy when I tell them that the courts are not going to save us.
Republicans had a 50 year plan. They talked about it constantly. Ruth Bader Ginsberg told Dems that they law that Roe was based on was weak and could be over turned. Clinton didn't act. Everyone spoke up about the cuts to Roe each & every year.
I checked off 1-3 and was ready for # 4 thinking that's the one I'm #4. Everything else I come up up with are solutions one doesn't discuss in public forums
I am one man I deserve to chose my life as much as the rest of you!! you can all do it on your own ya know? you don't need me. I am make money trees with people that i trust and its a must if we all want 2018. its the same thing from here to there trust trust trust red and blue makes purple green.
I’ve been using that word—along with “fascist,” & a whole bunch of others that I rarely used to say (unless I’d slammed my thumb with a hammer)—ever since whatshername’s “alternative facts” garbage was covered by reporters as if it was a reasonable statement for someone from the White House to make.
Sir, the victims of the Iran-Contra bullshit would like a word. From the black/poor neighborhoods in the west and south flooded with crack to the actual Iranian revolutionaries put to death by the new regime to the South Americans who were mass murdered for wanting to vote. And that was just one of
Yes, but Reagan planted the seeds of ever-increasing wealth inequality that in the end made Trumpism possible. Fuck that guy: he wanted govt to be so small that you could drown it in a bathtub, and trump is fulfilling that dream for him.
Reagan and Nixon too, were a lot of things -- but they didn't damage the government like this, during their time in office. Ditto GW Bush. And as a woman, I wouldn't have been scared to be left alone with any of those guys.
Nixon tried to steal an election and GW Bush successfully did so. Bush started a war in defiance of the UN and created illegal prisons and torture camps.
My mom had a lovely conversation with Reagan at a train station when she was 13. He was still an actor back then. They exchanged letters about horses for awhile. He was a kind person even if he did bad things when he was President. He would have been safe to spend time with.
Reagan literally started the process of degrading FAA air traffic control.
Trump's people are almost literally having a fire sale on US government assets, so yes, Trump is worse, but Reagan got it started. And the Brooks Brothers Riot was coordinated by GW surrogates, so J6 was foreshadowed there.
Actually, Nixon started the chatter re anti abortion BS. Reagan encouraged home schooling and private schools. He also started the BS about welfare queens.
My question: will the Trump grave site have standing wash station or will I have to bring hand sanitizer? Or will they make me purchase it in the gift shop?
The Fairness Doctrine was narrowly constitutional for application to holders of broadcast licenses and merely required some airtime for diverse viewpoints.
I tend to believe Gabbard manipulated Bernie. She jumped to his support when he had no one in his corner in a shameless (and successful) attempt to elevate her own non-existent profile.
Bernie fell for it, but I don't think he was in on it.
Biden and Reagan saw eye-to-eye on many issues, and in some cases Biden was to the right of Reagan. So it's not surprising to me that ardent fans of Biden would also think Reagan was awesome.
You could hear the sound of him turning in his grave as TFG was speakign about woirking with Putin and with Zelenskyy's opposition to achieve "peace" (i.e. capitulation) inreturn for a cut of the spoils.
Demand their jobs. Give your attention to uncovering & supporting those who called it right.
The failure of the punditocracy has got to exact some kind of cost
During Trump’s 1st term I expressed concern to regarding Trump’s designs for Canada. He told me a had an overactive imagination—- Trump annexing Canada would never happen. IDK, maybe crediting the people being threatened with the sense to know they’re being threatened?
I can’t remember exactly what Trump was saying/posting at the time but it was very much in the vein of manifest destiny which is discussed in high school Canadian history. I closed my X account or I might be able to find it.
Ah that tracks. Savior of the christofascists is saved by God from an assassination attempt so, of course, Manifest Destiny is next. Obviously it’s his divine right.
I thought his Canada schtick was a red herring. Unfortunately he tends to convince himself of whatever comes out of his mouth.
I don’t think he was a a Republican and I’m not sure what you think his grift is. I disagree with him a lot, especially when he punches down, so it really irritates me to defend him.
If Jeb! or Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz had been the nominee in 2016 he’d still be a Republican. He doesn’t like Trump’s manners and he doesn’t like that Trump won.
That’s not someone to listen to, ever, on any topic. He left the GOP because credulous people on the left praised him. That’s it.
I did misspeak; I meant he wasn’t a Republican at the time. I do have some grace for people to change their minds/behaviour. Not sure why you felt you needed to come in hot at me when we might have agreed on some things.
This. My husband has complained about how many people he’s had to block lately for posting pro trump and musk shit and I’m like i dumped so many people in 2016 and didn’t look back.
Well, you have to admit that things accelerated a little bit faster than expected. But Trump was worse than acceptable as person and a politician before so you are right.
The regime's exclusionary policies attack Expression, Belief, and Speech.
This is the canary in the coal mine. It *will* expand into other things.
"...and there was no one left to speak for me."
1) To actually be represented - Pelosi and old Democrats are actively stopping that;
2) He actually does mention on of the most important topics to people in SF - affordable housing.
On 2) the most serious Pelosi replacement is Scott Wiener who has been actively leading the housing reform push in California for several years.
2) He looks very weak. He is funded primarily by bigger donors (<25% comes from small donors). Unlikely he would represent any messaging and energy change.
The city's House member needs to protect its interests - and all of ours - on the federal level
“They operate on…set procedures and rules of how they do stuff. So Trump…says something crazy, he's gonna buy Greenland, or take over the Panama Canal. They set a press conference for a week later to address it, that no one pays attention to. It's…hard for them to change…”
But yesterday I learned about a super antisemitic Trump-Christ white chosen people theology.
if campaign funding were limited, regulated, enforced
Cassandras, please keep the alarms sounding. 🚨
Faux Christians
Over my dead body!
Like I would give them even *that* much at this point.
(Plus, I gotta admit, did not have 'attempting to annex Canada and Greenland' on my bingo card... I had Mexico.)
i wish choking people against their will was legal.
Or, even more cynically, they stand to benefit from status quo and want to ensure they ride it out as long as possible.
The vandalism, though... just wow
I assume they are intent on breaking it all and handing the pieces to Putin
Ready Fire Aim
friggen Heritage/Putin handed him the Get Out of Jail plans ...
What better way to (a) stand up, and (b) rile up the protesters!?!?
It can't be business as usual.
Remember, dems who policed the people questioning elections is CRAZY, despite fact openly partner with election steal russians
They are going to do it same way they hacked the election
and never forget, this isnt happening cuz of trump supporters. Its happening cuz you are all sitting by while the election is stolen, policing the myth elections cant be hacked.
they OVERTLY tried to sabotage with bomb threats, so tech hacking is on the table too
YOU GUYS police "dont question its crazy"
They arent, they are an illegal administration there from HACKING that dems on the take beat into liberals "thinking that is crazy" and they are gonna break it WITH CRIME not law.
Having a change in Congressional majority [and dammit folks, in Statehouses!]
In 2025-26
Is essential to make the new normal more representative of sane people.
Not magic
A start
Rebuilding after disaster
And so it goes
#resist 💯 #magafree #𝐵𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑘𝑦 💙
It’s a disease they have. The same illness that caused so many people to follow Jim jones.
Journos are being sent to Guantanamo Bay, not El Salvador.
Sorry, I’ll get back on topic.
For some reason white people can't face that truth.
But to be fair Trump makes Reagan look like a genius and a saint.
It was Carter who funded the 7/3 terrorist attack on Afghanistan, leading to 40 years of wars.
Trump's people are almost literally having a fire sale on US government assets, so yes, Trump is worse, but Reagan got it started. And the Brooks Brothers Riot was coordinated by GW surrogates, so J6 was foreshadowed there.
It had no impact on the creation of Fox News.
All we can do is educate ourselves, accept no group-think and use critical thinking to make the best decision you can!
Bernie fell for it, but I don't think he was in on it.
"Hyperbole remains the language of false accusation."
Pah! Not a single person on earth thinks that is even remotely true.
person who lives in Earth
We now have two choices. Live free or kneel to your MAGA king like a slave.
Color? Gender? Race? Immigrant? Rural? Urban? Worker? Boss? Poor? Rich? Red? Blue? Your flag is one of these.
I know which one is mine.
The failure of the punditocracy has got to exact some kind of cost
I thought his Canada schtick was a red herring. Unfortunately he tends to convince himself of whatever comes out of his mouth.
Until 2016, well into middle age, he was totally on board with the racism, sexism, anti-abortion, homophobia and nascent fascism of the GOP.
And that is who you want to believe is worth listening to.
That’s not someone to listen to, ever, on any topic. He left the GOP because credulous people on the left praised him. That’s it.
Sorry I made you feel foolish for defending a Republican grifter, but that was your choice. Thanks for removing yourself from my sight.