Anyway Gavin Newsom’s podcast is premised on this concept “I will bring on people I disagree with and have conversations with them and that’s good for Discourse” and then he invites Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, and Michael Savage. This is the thing about “Discourse among people who disagree:”
I'd rather see Newsom discuss countering right-wing crap.
But overall, yeah, Gavin: witaf you doing Gov’ner?
I'm done with Newsom
with every mom bone in my body.
And Gavin was very clear that he was totally anti bullying.
He also mentioned the suicide rates and talked about empathy.
Charlie Kirk was so amped Newsom could barely get a word in.
Regardless the second episode was much better.
I could barely get thru the Charlie Kirk one
Gavin will never have my vote. If Bernie is still alive, he has mine.
“No. THAT’S just what they’d expect us to do….”
• Areas of Agreement in the Newsom -Kirk podcast (3 topics):
1. Transgender athletes in women’s sports
2. Democratic Party strategy
3. Concerns over extreme partisanship
1. Election integrity and voter fraud
2. Government’s role in society
3. Crime and homelessness policies
4. COVID-19 response
5. Abortion rights
6. Gun control
7. Climate change and environmental policies
I used both to tell him: (1) the likes of Charlie Kirk deal in bad faith, (2) to not let MAGA frame issues, as the science on trans-kid athletes isn’t clear-cut, and (3) he won’t get my presidential vote in 2028.'s podcast is just a vehicle for him to fanboy on right-wingers without having any meaningful conversation, and the lack of fact-checking is alarming.
People like Kirk, and Bannon are NOT honest brokers.
‘Good faith’ is the key here. Very few of the listed political operatives you mention (and so many others) have done anything in good faith for more than 15 years, if ever.
There are basic good faith tests that can and should be applied but are not currently, across the […]
That’s bullshit. It’s philosophically and morally incoherent.
Maybe he's aiming for his next job to be with Spotify, rather than high office.
People who think that a housing-first solution to homelessness works better than criminalising not having a home. People who think that equal rights need to apply to everybody. People who think that single-payer healthcare is good.
Which of course is wrong and exhibits a lack of self awareness (like what, he’s Socrates waiting for his hemlock moment?).
Either way, it’s incredibly disappointing to see this from him.
Newsom is just outing himself.
These far-right extremists are in fascistville Confederacy land, why give them a space to advance their agendas?
Makes no sense.
MAGA will never accept him.
He does not care about the nuances around why this did not work out for us.
He won't be The Guy, but he can be "The one The Guy had to beat to BE The Guy;" which always has a lucrative postscript.
We are in a war. This Vichy capitulation will be remembered.
Those guys aren't listening to Liz Warren & AOC. If he can get to Kirk's audience through Kirk & have some walk away thinking Newsom is an OK dude, that's a win
I’ve been struggling with this.⤵️
Or do we keep waiting for some lightning strike from the sky or serious FAFO lesson that will smack them into reality?
That seems to be what Newsom is getting at.
Or is it best to block, isolate them to their echo chambers?
it's one thing to talk to conservatives as a liberal. Sure, by all means.
Trumpists have pushed things as far as they go. Not the same thing.
Instead, explain to your listeners what you believe in and will fight for
A sitting governor running for POTUS might keep that in mind.
Way to go Gavin.
Turn back the TIDES NOW!
As you point out, they’re not good faith debates. They’re platforming and normalizing propagandists.
Which is what propagandists are looking for.
He's trying to get to Kirk's highly persuadable young audience (that's going R by a lot these days) and show them he's not come crazy leftist from CA. That he's a reasonable dude.
Theil also gave JD Vance $15 million.
He's dead to all sentient Democrats now.
Discourse is pointless when the other party doesn't believe in honest debate. You just give them a forum to mock you.
I'm honestly not sure what Newsom is trying to accomplish with this or what he thinks the audience for it is.
No, definitely not magically.
But some of them can change.
😕 I'm so disappointed
She will fight for us!
He'd better ask them how they feel about all the broken laws and ruined lives. 🤬 Ask them where the bottom is.
Only explanation is Newsome is as narcissistic as his XWife and Trump.
I despise his fake ass
He followed the rules just fine.
They're just grifters and bad actors looking for a platform.
Maybe if you listen to that one in its entirety you’ll better understand what he’s doing.
The info Newsom was getting from him was the intention.
It was hard to listen to anything Kirk had to say but Gavin got a lot of intel.
The second one with a different guest was even more informative and at least he is an accomplished academic.
A conservative though.
Has Gavin gone Dark Side??
Sheep in wolves clothing
When the individual is a literal bad faith propagandist…that “something” you’re looking for better be worth it.
Fuck Gavin. I've always hated the guy, now I have extra ammo.
There's no point in platforming them.