FRIGGIN' WILD: In email obtained by TPM, White House claims that the Appointments Clause of the US constitution conflicts with Trump's "inherent authority" ...
EXCLUSIVE: Trump Makes Aggressive New Claim of Executive Power To Circumvent The Senate
EXCLUSIVE: Trump Makes Aggressive New Claim of Executive Power To Circumvent The Senate
impossible, when the “express power” in question can ONLY be interpreted as contradicting his claimed “implied power.”
I anticipte shenanigans.
or constitutional “jiggery-pokery”
Inherent authority is bestowed when the President follows the constitution not when he’s not nor when he’s acting personally.
Now Trump may try it anyway but then state governments have a role lol
So we know how proponents of “originalism” will rule, right?
Hey, why are you laughing?!?
The only reason we have a President is because the Constitution says so.
“Dear Leader is the only true authority, and all shall bow down”
There I fixed the title.
Dems in Congress must adapt. Shut it all down. 100% obstruct mode
He can claim all he wants. It's fiction.
And Musk is wildly unpopular.
I think it will be hard but we will make it as a country.
But if it is allowed to go on for too long and the machine gets fully up to speed Vance and Co can just ride it across the line, the key is dismantling it BEFORE it becomes unstoppable and we're fast running out of time.
It no longer matters if they can make it so.
They are creating an alternate reality. People LIVE there.
That is what I mean by post-truth. I know too many of these people personally. They are detached from reality. Nothing will bring them back. Words no longer have the same meaning they once did to them.
His social media posts are even called TRUTHS to further brainwash his followers.
They are "truths". I have NO idea how to deal with this but a giant portion of the US now believe it ALL.
I'm prepared to put a bet on SCOTUS saying 'sure it's not constitutional but the only remedy is impeachment'.
It's going to be a group project in stopping this. And it will be all of us.
This is it.
Let's win this.
A people's revolution.The only way to defeat fascism is by fighting back by any means necessary. It's times like these our capitalist imperialist fascist state shows us all exactly who they are. Both political parties are there to opress us & keep this empire alive.
Divine Right of Kings?
If you want an example of treason, look at the way Trump is betraying our allies in Ukraine and Europe, and literally lending aid and comfort to our enemy, Putin.
This is just sparkling criminality, not treason.
But I’d be fine if he was left alive to spend a few years thinking about how much everyone hates him.
How scary is it that we're relying on John Roberts and Amy Coney-Barrett as the last bulwark against an outlaw president and his administration?
And what would we call a Trump refusal to follow the court's orders? The continuation of Trump's coup.
Either the Constitution is worthless, in which case, he's not president...or it gives him the authority of the presidency and also defines what that authority is. He can't have it both ways.
Bigger question is, "What if SCOTUS ignores the Constitution?"
Motherfkrs gonna make him a dictator.
Why couldn't we at least get a cool one.
And this is why the founders created impeachment!
Yes. We are there.
Here in America.
He hinted a lot today about being their king…
They'll need some sort of elaborate coronation ceremony to properly invest him with his (bogus) "inherent authority."
In any case, it's too late for Roberts to save his reputation.
-Authoritarian Power Grab
"... the President currently has no way of ensuring the agency is running...."
The president can appoint someone and send the name to the Senate for confirmation, can't he?
Perhaps it’s time for a reminder
The only question is - are all 340M Americans ok with this?
Buh bye Congress he doesn't need ya.
Yes, that would sum up what having a constitution is all about.
I wonder if he will also be patting Chief Justice Roberts on the back and thanking him for this one in the future as well.
“Consent of the governed” doesn’t mean shit to people who don’t respect consent.
This will end with the claim that the constitution derives its power from him, not the other way round.
It was an election to save democracy, and democracy lost to a effeminate dictator.
Aka Treason.