i know there's a lot of data that making people who are members of a cult feel like credulous rubes just gets them even more into the cult but, with trumpism, i think the people we need to convince are not the cultists but the marginally attached low-info voters so maybe mockery is good?
Also mocking the cultists is super fun. They get super angry cause somewhere deep down they know what a colossal fucking moronic rube they are.
(Speaking as a person raised as part of the bourgeois classes who has worked over 1/3 of my life (2/3 of my working life) with an organization by and for members of the working class)
The white collar progressives I know are all polite and respectful but they’re also confident, independent, and pugnacious when necessary. It’s one of the things that makes me optimistic about the future.
Wonder if people who get infected by preventable diseases would have standing to be a class under similar cirumstances? Doubt it, as anti-vax is not a product
Theres a problem here where there’s virtually isn’t a “mass society” you can be functionally banished from. MAGA is a clearing house for every malignant concept in society
But! Eligible non-voters already outnumber Trump voters and are probably easier to reach, generally speaking.
That said we did also mock people for being afraid of shots a lot lol
My experience was the opposite, working w/ undergrads. Helping them not to dig in, asking them to explain their qualms - meant they had to hear themselves, and the hesitation they already had about avoiding vaccines. They didn't want to be cut off from family/religion . . .
Mock the policies and the politicians - plenty of meat there, and you have very little to gain by punching laterally / down at people who are about to be having a really rough time.
And we need to focus on reaching out to that 30% of the country who didn't vote bc neither party represents what they want.
Well, that crook just increased the price of metal and the chance of
Planes crashing.
Not to mention, these people are primed to listen to anger -- take any Trump rally as an example
How do you respond to mockery? Do you run towards it?