Tonight, hours after the Paul Weiss news broke, an associate at Skadden Arps sent a firm-wide email:
"Please consider this email my two week notice, revocable if the firm comes up with a satisfactory response to the current moment...We do not have time. It is now or it is never..."
"Please consider this email my two week notice, revocable if the firm comes up with a satisfactory response to the current moment...We do not have time. It is now or it is never..."
We saw in trump's first term and especially when he lost in 2020 a huge number of lawyers who should all loose their license to practice law. Too many of them are still lawyers.
"If being on this career path demands I accept that my industry—because this is certainly not unique to Skadden—will allow an authoritarian government to ignore the courts, I refuse to take it any further," she wrote on LinkedIn.
Clients will follow.
Love her already!
You've given too much not to reap the Blessings that will come.
After all, how common can a name like Cohen be? 🤪
Through Aharon 😜
Something in a name 💪🏻
How are those partners feeling now?
Good for you Rachel Cohen. History will be very kind to you & your legal stand for justice for us all.
Thank you.
"Like any self-important adolescent, I spent most of my high school history classes wondering what I would do in the moments before true horror or chaos or where my values were tested and demanded great sacrifice. I do not wonder anymore. I know who l am. I thought I knew who we all were."
"Like any self-important adolescent, I spent most of my high school history classes wondering what I would do in the moments before true horror or chaos or where my values were tested and demanded great sacrifice. I do not wonder anymore. I know who I am. I thought I knew who we all were."
The darkness of this Trump regime is obvious.
I fear we are way past the point of return.
Lincoln, MLK, to name just a few.
I've been an active feminist since the 1970s & have had numerous betrayals by men, but I think this kind of global dismissal of all men is wrong.
I also think it hurts feminists & our causes rather than helps them.
Just wow.
Of course it's a woman.
I look around with absolute disappointment in my fellow Americans that gave up THE ONE THING that does make America great in order to mistreat people and ensure America is not ever truly great, but rather, the opposite.
I wake up every day nauseous.
Safe port?
Read this and find out who said "Don't f*** with a veteran..."
"The World Will Be Saved By the Western Woman"
And for you Paul Weiss & Skadden et al. lawyers currently working for law firms enabling the degradation of the rule of law.
who I am. I thought I knew who we all were.”
Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere!
If you want to convince an entire country there was vote fraud no blame the party that only votes for Democrats. Democrats would never vote for Republican Joe Biden that's supports Benjamin Netanyahu genocide of innocent Palestinians and their children.
Bull—and I cannot emphasize this enough—shit
Law means absolutely nothing in authoritative regimes
don’t do anything
What younger women do not understand is that the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's were pivotal in obtaining rights as simple as bank loans, credit cards and birth control.
And we aren't done.
We can not go back.
They have *no idea* how hard we fought for what we have as they’ve lived their entire lives within a system built entirely to benefit them.
We’re not going back & they better get on board.
Thank you for being truthful and saying it “out loud.”
I feel that deeply, the disappointment in so many peopl
Meanwhile Skadden appears to be arping and floming at the mouth.
That was in the early 80's and is still true today
institutions caving.
I’ve had 20+ bosses in my life. The top two – the *only* two you could trust not to flinch, cower, or surrender when it became necessary to speak truth to power – were both women.
Both ended up becoming whistleblowers in their respective agencies at great cost to their careers.
Bravo to her.
She's got backbone, strength, morals and bravery. There are several on LinkedIn cheering her on while Paul Weiss is getting their Nazi loving asses handed to them.
We now know where Skadden stands.
The only people with balls in Washington.
Something you don't see every day
They should be facing public outrage since it’s obvious they’re planning to roll over.
It is inspirational that integrity guides the actions of professionals
A lesson to all
Why do they need to sign their names?
There are often consequences for doing the right thing, but you do it anyway. This isn’t hard.
White men have continued to fail us. Looking at you, Brad Karp,
and every Republican male in Congress.
Fight them at every turn because every inch you give prompts them to take another foot.
But seriously, you're correct. People are protesting and in large-ish numbers just dispersed across the country. I hope and fear what 4/5 will bring. If there are not huge #'s in DC that day, then peaceful protests will have failed due to lack of participation. If there is a huge turnout,!?
they can be in denial longer b/c the bill doesn't come for them as early
so many who have enjoyed elite status in our society have & are failing us...they are showing a lack of courage & honor
Available at:
Firms. I do feel like it is now or never.
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We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
One wonders what plans Cohen saw fit to sacrifice in an attempt to save the rule of law. Obviously it's not business as usual for her.
Women - courage, integrity - no wonder greedy, cruel, narcissistic cowards are so terrified
Small Law Firm? Large?
In a pithy way, what just happened. I hear 'Paul capitulated' but there are SO many stories happening at once, i am clueless as to the significance of this one. Can someone bullet point the facts for simpletons like me?
The men seem weak and feeble.
Saving America will very very very likely come down to WOMEN fighting back.
Maybe because they have less to lose? Idk.
Who stands up to bullies better, AOC or Schumer?
Obviously AOC stands up to him while Schumer is a pathetic coward.
Protests are good for a slow news day and the courts deserve all the respect. But. We need a game plan and we need it now.
The clock is ticking….
We currently live under harsh and miserable conditions: starvation, no peace, ongoing bombs and facing death every single moment.
I kindly ask you to he/lp us:
We currently live under harsh and miserable conditions: starvation, no peace, ongoing bombs and facing death every single moment.
I kindly ask you to he/lp us:
Here is an associate adhering to the fundamental principles of the practice of law.
There's a significant pov that they look forward to ( project 2025) liberals attrition in public/ private sector. It's already thought about - I have a theory that trmpf and co tell ppl oh we'll release dengue fever if you don't comply
. the dog with an e is basically making an forced attrition bc that's what project 2025 needs
Damn you autocorrect
Less book tours, posts about pizza, and strongly worded letters, more action.
in many ways we have to be fully aware of what we are, how we are seen, and how it affects other people
much more so than men, especially "white" ones
This is also why Black ppl turn out for Dems more reliably than do other voters.
“It is now or it is never.”
Glad to see someone standing up for what is right.
This young woman, AOC, Crockett & elders who remember the civil rights mvmt & doing most of the heavy lifting.
It's not a coincidence that we don't talk abt "having the ovaries" to do something brave, or that "pussy" is used to indicates weakness.
My praise to Ms. Rachel Cohen; it is better to roll out the cannons now to start blasting this madness in our country than later!
She has more courage and integrity than 95 percent of the U.S Congress combined.
We need a lot more people to stand up and speak out like this young woman.
She is an inspiration to us all.
Good luck with a response.
Kudos to Rachel Cohen for standing up for what's right!
Share it on TikTok!!
We need pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ and for protest info
Attend town hall meetings
What the hell guys? Pull your heads out of the sand and understand fascism is HERE. The women get it. Do something.
*If you’re a man doing everything he can to resist, read the room and don’t be a knee-jerk, please.