Not so much generational but the society of hate, malice, racism, misogyny and jingoism that is US culture. This isn't generational, it's just how this country is built. There will always be a Wilson, Reagan, or Trump because this is America.
In large part, this is because they've seen what Gen Z men and those who came before them are like. It's not in their interest to be supplicants to that sort of nakedly misogynistic worldview.
We are a sandwich generation. Sandwiched between 2 loud generations. We have to be translators for the boomers & the millennials. Kinda sick of the narrative that gen x is the problem.
the extreme boomer is a psychopath (Trump), a narcissist but generally sociable and even likeable. the extreme gen xer is a sociopath (Musk) , a pariah who gets off on other people's suffering. latter is much worse
We were the last generation raised in an environment where open racism and homophobia were perfectly normal and accepted. Like the Boomers, we just could not deal when America got less white and more gay.
This is accurate. I'm either a baby exer or elder millennial depending on what chart you look at (or a solid member of the micro gen xennial). I've watched my elder peers become increasingly angry at younger gens for the crime of not allowing the use of slurs that were "cool" in 90s high schools.
It took me a long time to break the habit of saying that's gay about something I didn't like. Racial slurs weren't as prevalent in my integrated neighborhood but homophobic & transphobic slurs & "jokes" definitely were. And "political correctness" aka kindness was widely mocked.
Back in the ‘90s when I was first following this stuff, 1975 was the latest cut-off I ever saw for gen x. And it seemed exactly right. My wife, born 1975, and her sister, born 1977, had two distinctly different experiences growing up.
Trump’s a boomer, Vance is a millennial, musk’s X, the Zuck yuck is a millennial — spare us the ageism and let’s focus on working together to fix shit
Or, there are assholes in every generation. There are great people in every generation. The need to blame any one generation completely misses the point that it’s a class war, not a generational one.
Gotta stop this generational bullshit. It seems as valid as astrology to suggest that entire groups of people behave according to when they were born. Shitty people abound throughout time
I mean, we were told to fuck off & suck it up, there'd be no social security, the planet would die, no help from birth until death, fascists would rule & if anything went sideways, oh well. It's amusing that Jake didn't mention the generations that stayed home.
That is actively causing social damage. Grow the fuck up and stop driving lateral violence. People like you are making it Christmas for these guys by making people fight each other instead of them.
Help with this mess, or fuck off and stay out of our way. Now is not the time
Oh, it’s our turn to be blamed now?! 🤣 That’s ok. Gen X has been ignored our whole lives. We’ll appreciate our 5 minutes until Millennials swoop in and suck up all the attention oxygen, per usual.
Oh you mean the people who lived lives of relative comfort in complete apathy and thought the worst thing in the world was working a steady job turned out to be shitty leaders? Wow!
Gen X is the age group in which Trump did best in the election and the only age group in which he won with both women and men. Make of that what you will.
Shit don’t be sorry. I’ve been saying this for years. Gen X claimed to be the next rebel without a cause generation and became the next sellout generation.
Kinda loving how pissed you made gen X here. It’s further proof that generation is incapable of taking any form of accountability which is why their children are no contact and in therapy.
Many of the people dismantling everything good and going full nazi these days are gen x. Yes boomers are bad & deeply selfish. And gen exers are increasingly proving to be reactionary fascists as they age. Both things can be true.
I mean, aren't you just saying "people get older"?
A generation from now, Millennials will be the main folks destroying things. That doesn't mean there is anything inherent in the silly generational dynamic, it just means the old are replaced by the young and the old hold most of the power.
That's awesome, so is my mom! This doesn't apply to you then. But it's hard to deny that as a group project boomers have proven to be pretty selfish & greedy & destructively short sighted.
Lmfao good gods the number of people who take these general statements so personally is cracking me up.
We're generally talking about ppl in positions of power when speaking on this topic. Boomers in power have as group been slower to retire, slower to turn reins over to younger gens, & mostly unwilling to work on things like climate change bc they won't be here for the consequences of their choices.
Bro, yes. You can laugh all you want but it's a literal fact. You can look up the ages of musk and Vance & all their little broligarchs & see for yourself. Uncomfortable truths are no less true.
There are outliers but I think gen x got angry at boomers for not stepping down to give them a chance at the helm so they went full nazi & stole it after learning from boomers that cheating is good. And they're angry at young gens for ending the "coolness" of slurs. That "make comedy legal again" BS
I think it’s because Gen X grew up before going to therapy was more normalized and while some of them completely rebelled against the parents and learned they didn’t have to share their views, too many of them didn’t. At least, that’s what I’ve observed.
true. Their version of self care was saying fuck you to mom, dad, & a corporate job/clothes, & getting stoned instead lol. Not being a sellout or choosing to live on the streets was the most rebellious I've seen, but eventually they conformed to survive. Now many are bitter & unhealed, I think.
I think why it's really hard for gen x parents to understand when their kids grow up & cut ties after trying to get their parents to heal themselves for years. The parent is like wait I'm not the bad guy my parents were the bad guys & many shut down rather than explore why they became their parents
Yep. My mother always told me that I should smack her if she ever became like her mother. And she has and I’ve called her out on it and she completely ignored everything I said and still can’t figure out why I won’t talk to her. And she doesn’t seem to think I’m hurt about this.
Indeed. And most of them shun the idea of therapy. The ones I’ve seen roll their eyes any time you mention how helpful therapy has been or even hint that maybe they should give it a try.
Boomers have benefited most from the economy as a generation overall and still do to this very day. They actually started started the movements that they rail against politically today. They apathetically raped and plundered America & they’re trying to take the whole world with them when they die.
Gen X is weird and it depends where you lived too. My childhood friends blue state suburbs pretty progressive conservative with their money. My later teen years friends Red state burbs conservative religious they know Trump is bad but still vote R cause parents did. My friends all fall under age50
Wow never knew and I’m Gen X. Have adhd too. Wonder if this does have something to do with it. Was trying to look it up but the age breakdowns don’t support it. Gen X is split half and half.
(1/2) THIS. THIS. 1000 TIMES THIS. Im a gen z raised by boomers. All my family members are either boomers or millennials. i wasnt exposed to Gen X until my current job, where theyre between young boomer and old millennial...essentially gen X. spending a lot of time getting to know them and listen...
(2/2) to them, they are ground zero for all of the problems we see today. they are just...a very superficially nice bunch, but going beyond the surface they are empty people with no real values outside of materialism. they are also ground zero for "both sides"...maddening listening to them...
(3/2) willing to recognize it may just be my office or career. but all ive learned from Gen X is they have a total lack of genuine empathy. like lead filled capitalistic driven robots. Gen X is a weird, weird group. Musk and Rogan are perfect representatives for them.
(4/2) Boomers were naive about the world and never realized how good they had it. Gen X recognize how good they have it and are actively squeezing the last drops they can out of the old order. I say old order because I truly, truly believe we see a New New Deal rise from the ashes of this bullshit..
(5/2) meanwhile millennials never really had it that good. they graduated into a historically bad economy. the late 2010s "boom cycle" was nothing like the 80s or 90s. their only real boom cycle was 2021-2024 but thats IF you had property already and could weather inflation.
No generation has or ever will be worse than boomers in america. Can't imagine america regaining superpower status again for a new generation to destroy. I mean they killed the planet it's gonna be hard got humans to top that.
And boomers had it all Gen X failure was seeing what was happening and doing nothing. Boomers tho got to enjoy it all and burned everything behind them
Yeah, you aren't wrong. Gen x has secretly kept their mouths shut about living as Mad Max cat in an early dystopia. We're were taught to expect the bomb, not work to prevent it.
Well if Gen X is worse than the Boomers it’s probably because they were largely left to raise themselves.
Regardless though the worst is really the 1% and we need to stop fighting each other because that only protects the 1%. If the 99% saw this then we’d have essentially all of the power.
My mother is Gen X and she unfortunately voted for him in the past and chose not to vote this time because she doesn’t care enough and because she thinks Kamala is a “baby k¡ller”. Now I won’t speak to her and she won’t self reflect and thinks I’m ridiculous.
I’m GenX and took my daughter to see Kamala. And we went door to door in support of her. I realize Musk is GenX but no friends of mine, or my boomer parents voted for this bullshit destruction.
That’s great, but as I pointed out, that’s not all of you. I’ve known very few Gen X who weren’t conservative because they were brainwashed by boomer parents who were conservative.
Maybe it’s the state they come from. I live in California so most people are forward thinking, uneducated and accepted people of all races and colors – and so were their parents. Boomers are technically 59 to 76. My parents are in their 80s.
Yeah that’s a horrid realization I’ve had and it fucking sucks, as a progressive GenXer. My take is that we were raised under authoritarian parenting and that’s what many still hold onto. My brother believes he deserved to be beaten by a belt at 5 years old. He’s now a misogynist MAGAt. 🤬
B/c many Gen X kids were raised on the fact that everything our (YT) parents told us would come true.
(YT) GX kids would get the jobs, money, prestige, etc
But they forgot that Boomers had everything, was in no hurry to give it to GX kids, so they blamed non YT people for why they ain't shit
my theory is growing up in the Reagan years set the dial. statistically people are likely to lean based on how things were when they were like 15 years old or so
Whether it's lead paint or something else, my generation is undeniably disappointing and way more right wing than I'd have expected us to be. We're not as narcissistic as Boomers, but we really do suck.
Maybe? Not sure how offended I'll be. I'm not about to blame a whole bunch of kids in the 70s for getting sociopathy causing brain poisoning from environmental factors they had no control over. We all have to live with it and it sucks but it's not like those kids chose it.
Our childhood occurred during a massive shift in our economy and culture. The media was unmoored from facts after Reagan vetoed the Fairness Doctrine, and it became toxic and laser focused on young men. Our parents were divorcing & our economy was losing the manufacturing base. Lots of unemployment
This is a big piece of it. White Gen X was the first to do less well than our parents. I think this is the resentment that got nurtured & turned toward minorities and immigrants rather than global capitalism.
uh, it’s called being middle-aged. don’t worry tho, even the most divorced GenXers gonna become hard-core Democratic Party stalwarts, once the Medicare checks start showing up in their mailboxes.
(sadly that’s also gonna be right around the same year the bulk of Millennials age into turbo-Hitlers)
Because we were taught to "take care of ourselves, rely on no one- including our parents/gov"- be self sufficient by 5yrs old. Work 3 jobs if needed. Bills come 1st. Hard to understand that unless you lived it. People said stupid ass things- they corrected- real fast at 3pm on the playground.
This hits me. There really was no one around to go to for anything . It happened so fast, too. All the dads left the home and all the moms went to work.
Everyone mixed together, so its hard to understand the blatant racism today. We had our fingerprints & pic taken in elementary school in case of a KIDNAPPING. We tried to save the Ozone- we started recycling programs, we watched space shuttles explode (2x) missing neighbors on our milk cartoons.
Watched the apartheid in real time, watched the berlin wall fall. We had jobs at 14, worked FT while in college, go out of college in time for Desert Storm, then 911, then the recession/lost houses & 401k, Now taken care of Boomer parents & kids who can't afford to leave home.
Pissed off & need someone to blame bc it can't be us bc we were told if you work hard & work 2-3 jobs, you'll get that dream & it didn't happen, but they seem immigrants working hard- living in their dream house. They stayed in there home towns & never grew, never exposed. Other 1/2 did & vote blue
we have literally been warning all of society through many forms of media and internet presence for DECADES that america is sleepwalking into Tyranny ... DECADES
I'm so tired of this generational bs. Every single young person blames the generations before, only to age past 45 and find out everyone blames them now. It's not new, and I'm so tired of people pretending it is.
I think there IS a shared experience that can bind cohorts to a degree, but this isn't that. It's just ageist crap and youngers trying to reinvent the wheel. We all did. Then you grow up, become an adult, and realize your predecessors felt the same way and tried just as hard to build a good place.
Couldn't find it but remember seeing a quotation from an Egyptian, circa about 2000 or 1500 B.C. to the effect that, "This generation is useless, they won't work hard and have no respect for their elders. Why did their parents spoil them so much?" Nothing ever, ever changes.
Yet every single new generation thinks they invented the warfare. I remember my generation bitching that Boomers and Silents screwed the world up while they complained we were lazy and frivolous. I'm just so over it.
GenX grew up during the years the boomers were fucking everything up. That generation had way more lead exposure from paint and exhaust, no parents around, new chemicals in food, unhealthy instant food, video games, and heavily influenced by the explosion of music and vided availability and genres.
That's meaningless--of course boomers have more money, they've been accumulating longer. When GenX gets to be that age, they'll have more money too. Also, Musk, Bezos, Thiel, etc are all GenX, as are the heads of a lot if not most media companies.
The GenXers who accumulated wealth and power did so by contraverting their generational ethos. They are anomalous pieces of shit.
And no, Xers will absolutely NOT be predominant in wealth and power when they’re old. It will skip them and transfer to Millennials. They’re already that age.
To ppl saying gen x was left to raise themselves. Im confused in how thats different than every generation after them. Working parents, being raised by boomers and divorce aren’t unique to gen x. Maybe it’s just older boomer parents and silent gen parents?
It doesn’t seem useful to pigeonhole and categorise an entire generation. I know that for example, Texas (and Texans by extension) are portrayed as MAGA. Not all of us are, though and it annoys me and that kinda shuts down reasonable discourse.
the "boomerfication" of Gen Z is simply young adults and teenagers being naive (as they've always been) and oblivious. young people have always been kinda dumb. are they supposed to magically know everything at a snap at 18 years old?
I would love to jump in here with an opinion but I am not sure what a "boomer" is or what a "Gen X" is. I am sure that whatever generation tRump and Elon are is the worst.
If only Gen Z actually voted, this election wouldn’t have been close. And now, why aren’t they protesting? When I go to protests, it is vastly Gen X and Boomers. I think they’re too busy making social media posts about their food and travels.
Harris wasn’t quite Gen X but we would’ve taken her. Strictly speaking, she was a Boomer. Not everyone’s perfect. 🤷🏻♀️
Jesus, I just looked up Vance & he’s four years younger than my youngest sibling. Way to make a girl feel old. Now I hate him even more. He’s a Leo, so that explains a few things.
1. Only fools participate in generation wars made to divide us
2. You don't understand sociology
3. Are you too dumb to know you're actively helping them by posting shit like this and diverting attention from the issues and into lateral violence, which is their greatest fucking weapon?
1984 people identify as Xennials. And Harris is Gen X but Millennials of the Obama’s my first president variant voted for her and Gen X voted for Trump.
Thing to remember is that the cool Gen-Xers were like the hippies. There were always way less of them than the media would lead you to believe - at the time or in retrospect.
The senate is vastly dominated by boomers, while the house has more gen x, unfortunately most of them are retarded & grew up in households that provided them opportunities where they didn’t run with “bad” crowds or at least didn’t get punished for it.
Cuss more, it will get your point across next time, meanwhile I can demonstrate that the people in question are barely functional. Don’t even get me started on the majority of voters with the average IQ dropping for the last 25 or so years.
My grandma used to sit at the gas station and encourage us all to breathe in deep, because it smelled so good. So maybe not drinking, but basically socially accepted huffing.
Ugh. Thought I was at a tail end but then saw the chart was from 2015. I already knew my Pb levels weren’t going to be great but I’m right at the peak.
Lots of us were dissenters from the awfulness (post punk is grounded in opposition to Reagan and Thatcher’s horrors) but we need to remember the effects of the massive poisoning of all public discourse for over a decade, and the widespread participation in it by aspirational perps in polo shirts.
Gen X was literally poisoned. So if you're Gen X and aren't a good person, it's probably the poison. If you're any other generation and aren't a good person, that's all on
OTOH, if you're Gen X and ARE a good person despite the poison and neglect, then you are morally superior to all others.
It's much more complicated than that... Gen X is split in two categories:
1. Golden Child
2. Black Sheep (punk generation, fam)
Have some respect. We've been dealing with boomer abuse for 40+ years AND the audacity of the golden children. Not about to take a dik in the ass from you, either.
I've raised four children to resist hierarchy. I've raised a generation with other parents who have done the same. That work is going to pay dividends to civilization. Again, some respect. Have you raised the rebellion?
Gen X is the first generation that was never allowed to grow up into responsibility but there was still enough New Deal left for them to think there wouldn't be any consequences for them. Boomers at least got a little grounded having to run the fascist machinery.
Intergenerational fighting posts are rage bait that serve to keep us fighting with each other instead of the billionaires who are working to dismantle our country and harm people.
Yeah. As part of Gen X I can say half the guys I know have become completely brainwashed by social media and podcasts. Like, can’t even talk to them any more, the person I used to know died.
Yeah, we are, by definition, the most fucked up gen ever.
I mean, at 7:
Go outside
Shut up
Sit down
Make supper
Lock up the house before you go to bed. I need to work.
You lost your key? I expected you to be more responsible!
No wonder they'll echo any message - as long as someone hears them.
So, this song came on the other day, and it hit me differently. We all want to blame “the other.” I am guilty of this, but until we stop and listen, nothing will be solved.
Not sure we are worst than Boomers, but I know there is a certain subset of X'ers who forgot who they were. It pisses me off that so many who were raised to 'fight the power' and 'rage against the machine' are now licking Trump and Elon's balls. PISSES ME OFF
Why are you blaming this on Genx. It was the millennials who insisted we have Kamila when it was clear she could not win. It was the millennials who insist today we cannot pivot and change our strategy.
There are an inordinately large amount of very poorly educated Gen-X who have utter contempt for expertise. They vilify education like no generation before or since. So self sufficient at a young age that they believe they now know everything about everything. It’s a whole generation of perma-teens.
I think Russian propaganda dweebs are working overtime to increase division in American society. When I see random attacks on generations, this is what I think
My sister. When I mentioned liking beyond meat fine enough she flipped out saying nobody would ever trick her into eating it and places shouldn’t offer it that libtard shit. Just plain stupid.
I don’t like the comment but not sure I can deny it. The glamorization of gluttony in the 80’s did something to the kids growing up in that time which has created the greed of today. Trump was an 80’s icon of opulence. “Don’t get mad get everything,”trended from Ivana trump. It’s how they are wired
As a Gen X I take offense! It certainly was us who created this mess! That would be the Boomers and those who came after us you have to thank for this shit show!
I haven’t forgotten what the 1980s were like or why “political correctness” was used in a sarcastic manner once we hit the 1990s. There was a brief window in the early 2000s where it seemed people could push past old bigotry and just be cool toward others. Short lived.
No one ever bothers to give any credit to gen xers that did more than anybody else (including millennials) to try to stop Trump.. Stacey Abrams, Liz Cheney, the Lincoln Project dudes, etc
-Signed a Gen Xer
That's like saying all MAGA are treasonous assholes.
Which is true, but applies to any generation.
Your country can't collapse quickly enough.
And that's what all this is about.
They need their MTV back, and not that Cribs crap, either.
They just forgot they are WOLVERINES!
but i do think there are culture differences based on age.
I may be as blue as the sky, but I totally get why so many of my old friends just want to watch the world burn.
Gen X you have better music than millennials ❤️
1. Sorry
2. Yes
That is actively causing social damage. Grow the fuck up and stop driving lateral violence. People like you are making it Christmas for these guys by making people fight each other instead of them.
Help with this mess, or fuck off and stay out of our way. Now is not the time
And your shit posting/click baiting gets you mute.
Bye bye clown.
A generation from now, Millennials will be the main folks destroying things. That doesn't mean there is anything inherent in the silly generational dynamic, it just means the old are replaced by the young and the old hold most of the power.
Lmfao good gods the number of people who take these general statements so personally is cracking me up.
DoorDash culture, Facebook & YouTube shorts ushered in MAGA..
GenXers were widely locked out of Democratic Party by boomers For decades.
when we said it’s an up and down war not left to right we didn’t mean have a go at Gen X
To me, it says very simply "shit is getting worse".
I don't get the appeal to a generational dynamic as being stronger than the obvious power dynamic of age.
Older people have more power than younger people and probably always will be.
Generational solidarity is what is needed
(we suck)
Born in 1971 checking in.
I'd like to add; Whatever.
Regardless though the worst is really the 1% and we need to stop fighting each other because that only protects the 1%. If the 99% saw this then we’d have essentially all of the power.
This is why I identify as an xennial rather than just X.
(YT) GX kids would get the jobs, money, prestige, etc
But they forgot that Boomers had everything, was in no hurry to give it to GX kids, so they blamed non YT people for why they ain't shit
“We had it hard, and we had to take care of ourselves, and we didn’t cry about it.”
“F your feelings” ties right into that.
Gen X will loudly tell you they don’t need attention. Which is an oxymoronic behavior.
Whether it's lead paint or something else, my generation is undeniably disappointing and way more right wing than I'd have expected us to be. We're not as narcissistic as Boomers, but we really do suck.
(sadly that’s also gonna be right around the same year the bulk of Millennials age into turbo-Hitlers)
we have literally been warning all of society through many forms of media and internet presence for DECADES that america is sleepwalking into Tyranny ... DECADES
Boomers didnt care cus comfy retirement
Millenials didnt care becus iPhone & Amazon
now we eat popcorn & laugh from the woods🍿🍿🍿
Seriously though, we’re not great.
And no, Xers will absolutely NOT be predominant in wealth and power when they’re old. It will skip them and transfer to Millennials. They’re already that age.
Musk & Besos got megga rich from Millenials thinking they were the establishment to support and totally abandoning small businesses
Cherry picking a few elder GenX boys that are grotesquely wealthy and visible doesn't change who owns what, per capita.
Millennial VP: Vance
Jesus, I just looked up Vance & he’s four years younger than my youngest sibling. Way to make a girl feel old. Now I hate him even more. He’s a Leo, so that explains a few things.
Experientally, this lines up closer than the marketing designation, ‘65-80.
1. Only fools participate in generation wars made to divide us
2. You don't understand sociology
3. Are you too dumb to know you're actively helping them by posting shit like this and diverting attention from the issues and into lateral violence, which is their greatest fucking weapon?
Get over yourself
And he represents a pretty prevalent worldview among American genx. This sounds like a lot of cope.
Also that a lot of my gen grew into douche canoes after spending formative years huffing lead paint and asbestos
Lastly I will say you should be thankful that we saved you from the music dark ages that we were headed for. You’re welcome
Some background on lead in the environment:
OTOH, if you're Gen X and ARE a good person despite the poison and neglect, then you are morally superior to all others.
1. Golden Child
2. Black Sheep (punk generation, fam)
Have some respect. We've been dealing with boomer abuse for 40+ years AND the audacity of the golden children. Not about to take a dik in the ass from you, either.
Crashes, murders, suicides, Killed in Action, un/underinsured, drugs, drank themselves to death
I mean, at 7:
Go outside
Shut up
Sit down
Make supper
Lock up the house before you go to bed. I need to work.
You lost your key? I expected you to be more responsible!
No wonder they'll echo any message - as long as someone hears them.
Unless we catch ourselves and reverse it somehow, that is
It's never been the problem.
Do old people give their kids shit? Yes. Do kids give their parents shit? Yes.
This is a money problem, not an age problem. The US is following several other states and becoming a kleptocracy.
Grog Blossoms are beautiful creations of the human body. Perhaps the most beautiful of all. Even Jesus loved them. Grog Blossoms, so wonderful!
And trust me. I am a horrible listener. 😔
To Turn those stupid MAGA hats backwards!
Long Live Zelensky! Champion of the People!
Blame yourself first.
And yes, another key trait of mill a nials is that they call everyone dumb. But themselves.
At the end of the day, it's a class war above all.
You sure about that chief?