This comment on r/fednews really stood out to me. Trump and Musk want people to think they're firing do-nothing "bureaucrats," but they're really getting rid of people dedicated to serving this country and keeping it operational. I hope these stories get told.
i mean, look at the philosophytube video abt trying to transition through the NHS in the uk
It has a union and maybe too much seniority-based rules. But the idea that private sector is an Eden of meritocracy can only be held by the willfully delusional.
That’s not to say we don’t suffer from people calling us bureaucrats, or a fair share of gutting of public spending
But generally it’s a less shitty term
And what we’ve learned is that every time you try to cut bureaucratic public service staff numbers, the big 4 end up filling the hole at 4x the day rate of a full time employee, and do a shittier job
I don't know what a better alternative is though
You can value essential support services in any system of govt but they probably shouldn't be a tail that wags the dog.
Of course, most accusations of bureaucracy are nonsense, it's people moaning about the 'bureau-' part.
The lie is they're targeting waste/fraud/abuse.
The truth is "the goverment doesn't work!" isn't a criticism. It's a battleplan.
I bet the average person's only direct interaction with government (outside of police) is through DMVs, which aren't even federal!
As a vegan I could laugh at RFKJr but w/Twitler in charge now babies are going to die.
“Prior to 1994, there was no regulation that prevented hamburger meat infected with this E. coli variant from being sold nor was reporting it to federal regulators required.”
Then the bitchin' starts for real...
When have a law requiring approval or some other action, and there aren't enough people around to actually do it, it won't make things more efficient. It will slow things down...
First collect your unemployment, get those bucks coming in.
In repeating the tale to others today at a party I had everyone listening.
We'll never wrestle controls back from him.
He has: tunnels, satellites, Trump, Putin, rockets, shitty cars and trucks, a shitload of kids and must be making more this very second, dozens of body guards, and all of our social security funds and information
Musk is the evil world warlord we've seen a thousand times in movies. We must eat him to end him.
Why won't he throw the next elections? The Games r over.
Note that they didn't say what the "masters degree" was in. For all we know, it was gender studies.
Details on how to make a living in Trump's new plan (out in two weeks).
I think it involves - picking oranges...
Trump spelling.
Did you know, they can be called - groceries?
The things you learn from the WhiteHouse...
I thought they loved the land.
Guess I was wrong.
Or join others that are doing so.
Do not remain silent, fight back.
This is unlawful.
And they were explicit about what they would do if elected. They didn’t hide it
And yet….🤷🏾
That day has arrived....
your core!!)hugs
Not that you ever did that; I don't intend to imply that.
I did my best to be the bureaucrat who could guide folks to success.
It's why the stories are so hard to tell for a lot of us - we've been burned before; how do we know anyone claiming to care is legitimate now?
And put people who will keep Trump in power past his 4 years.
Clean Up, Clean Up!
So does Putin.
IF we can stop this, the damage being done now (in just 3 weeks) will take a generation to undo unless we enlist FDR’s revived corpse
The rest, very heartbreaking. 😢
Someone who is post-partum, wasnt eligible for maternity leave yet, asking if they'll have insurance for their babies doctor appointment next week.
Just horrifying.
Man this sucks.
I bet if you polled “should government work to reduce and fight fires” most ppl would agree!
It’s stupid. I hope that the great American corporations (not those Silicon Valley guys) will put an end this sooner than later.
If millions die and nobody disposable income. No profit.
Business is pro-authoritarian by its very nature. How many businesses have democratic internal structures? They don't. Businesses are despotisms or oligarchies and people spend most of their life profiting non-democratic environments.
We had a dictator, Oliver Cromwell, the English economy slowed so much under him that the merchant class brought back the Royals.
Cromwell also invaded Ireland and committed war crimes. The whole enterprise wasted an awful lot of money.
Trump and Musk have zero intention of restaffing any ground troops in the Parks Department. They want to gut it so that it fails so that they can claim they have "no choice" but to sell off our public lands to developers.
First by joining the military and now using my GI bill for grad school.
People are going to start finding out…,”wait, the government actually does things?”
In the federal government, a "probationary" contract means provisional or temporary.
I wonder if they looked at the word "probationary" and assumed it meant "on probation" as in poor job performance.
It's just the Department of Energy, couldn't possibly have anything to do with national security, right?
last week with no reason given.
For years I’ve frustratedly listen to people bemoan various departments, forgetting these are *people* (neighbors, families).
That next jobs report gonna be somethin. (If we have people to do the report, ahem).
Unless you work for CFTB … those folks are not cool. ;)
The funny thing is that especially when I worked in IT, we all knew that we could make more money in the private sector. But a lot of us are there because we actually do believe in the mission of the organization.
(don't even think about the next mid-term elections. They will be Putin style elections)
Also, contact Raskin''s office.
His post is heartbreaking but too long to share here.
(Just not their service as a bureaucrat although many “double-servers” those were a similar category.)
Fuck Musk. Fuck Trump.
Grieving is important. Honoring their individual pain too
MOVING public sentiment has to be about the loss to OTHERS to all of us
ONLY THEY can SHOW what we are losing to R’s
To be polite about it, they know something has to change and that the system is already corrupted, but they were manipulated into acting against logic, empathy, and even their own best interests to after generations of brainwashing.
It was already morbidly obese last week, but they just kept stuffing faces faster than it could eat them.
The next leopard in line is ready to eat his fill.