When asked about the reason for the removal of the story on the @DeptofDefense website on Jackie Robinson's military service, Pentagon press secretary John Ullyot said the following in a statement to ESPN.
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Being a child of a wealthy family provides rich opportunities, and he pays back his lucky lot in life by tearing down Americans who had no such big boost from birth and faced prejudice throughout life in ways that he never did. What a low-class brat he is.
Was there nobody able to ask "Just to clarify, you're saying that *Jackie Robinson* didn't face racism, and that he wasn't good enough to make it into the major leagues?"
Can we now safely say our government is now run by white nationalists who cannot handle the fact people who aren’t not white straight men helped make this country great. Erasing their stories online and in books doesn’t erase that fact.
It's very difficult to find a rationale for enslaving those who are more accomplished than you. That's the goal here: eventual enslavement of all marginalized groups by white men. I'm sure it will have the same paternalistic flavor as before: they're incapable of caring for themselves.
This is ridiculous. Do you have any idea how many remarkable women, people of color, and LGBTQ people have been "forgotten by history" because cishet white men deliberately suppressed their stories?
And I need to die about 1000 deaths. I am absolutely scarlet with embarrassment. I have known the name Scott Joplin for most of my life - primarily bc of The Sting, and digging occasionally into ragtime now and then. I learned today Scott Joplin was black. I hate my white blinders
Pity the rise of white nationalists in government is a concerning trend. While it's important to acknowledge that people from diverse backgrounds have significantly contributed to the success of the country, the attempt to erase those stories can be seen as an attack on diversity and inclusivity.
DEI is an official policy about reaching a wider net of qualified people for hiring and procurement. Removing Jackie Robinson is NOT. It makes successful minority people disappear. There's a difference.
The Trump administration is using DEI as a negative, and used it to replace The EEOC of the 60s. The EEOC was, is the law that means you can't discriminate in hiring.
They replaced it with they now consider reverse discrimination, where only white men are considered in hiring practices.
It's all annotated in Project 2025. Butthurt, insecure, incompetent "boys" are pissed off at the world b/c life didn't turn out the way they'd hoped. In lieu of "owning" their shortcomings, it's easier to blame everyone/everything around them! They don't merit jobs now held by women, minorities, etc
Jesus. Could they try to be more North Korean Beloved Leader cultist and Orwellian newspeaking parody? I almost vomited reading that bit of torture memo composition.
Just gross. 🤮
From a purely cynical position, DEI (as it originally mean, diversity, equity, and inclusion) does run counter to unit cohesion if said unit is imagined as a mono-culture of white, male, Christians and bigots'. But I think they lack the self-awareness to actually make that argument.
John could’ve just said the Department of Defense doesn’t like Black people representing the military…or just say the N-word since that’s what he’s clearly implying.
The Idiocracy is sadly alive and well. This doesn’t erase history. We remember and we won’t forget who tried to destroy the legacies of these brave people.
It seems that the goal is to eliminate all diversity from our armed forces. They can't implement a White Christian Nationalist takeover of our country with so many non-Whites and non-Christians among our military forces.
Calling bullshit on their response.
How many white generals and other white people are left on their web site to gloat about?
It is reverse discrimination.
which is why we should not repeat Lincoln's folly.
No amnesty, no forgiveness, no quarter, and no mercy for Racist Maga Scum.
The south rose again, and this time we need to bury it for good.
The fight against intolerance and discrimination continues today, and it's up to us to stand up for what's right and create a society that values diversity and inclusivity.
It's important to remember the sacrifices of those who fought against racism and fascism, such as your grandfather. Their bravery and determination have paved the way for a fairer and more just world.
This shit doesn't even make sense. I know it's a joke that you have to be knee-deep in the Brain Worms Cinematic Universe to understand it, but it's honestly true--this doesn't even mean anything.
This is just despicable. Hegseth bends the knee to Putin and then turns around and erases the memorials to American heroes. White nationalism will not produce a stronger military.
Follow the money, everything else is in the playbooks of project 2025, Previns manifesto, heritage foundation Vought, nazi shilters writings and Orbans/Putins 21st century democratic destruction, which show the 1% steal from country to destroy a once successful economy/gdp.
This is part of a long-term plan to put minorities back into slavery, and women back into houses. It's not just the typical, petty bs we've come to expect from Republicans.
We all know where his allegiance lies. I wouldn’t want to be black or brown person working for him or with him. I wonder when people interact with him wonder what they are thinking they know all about his personal life. He has no right to judge anyone. His mama called him out.
They are all racist, sexist, and homophobic to the core! When will they take down stories about straight white men, since such stories discriminate against anyone not white, male or straight! In 2022, over 20% of the Army was African-American, even though only @12.5 % of the population is!
Oh yeah, one more thing. Any person of colour in the US military is welcome to come to Canada, All white soldiers in the US Military will be blocked, banned and deported from Canada permanently. I hope this becomes Canadian Policy. Can someone pass this to Carneys office please?
And when that 20% of POC get fired or at least not replaced, the hardware will ventually start rusting and breaking down and planes will fall out of the sky. The white males will whine "But its not my job to fix it. Get the mechanic to fix it."
You fired all the mechanics!
Just for once at the end of one of these vomit screeds I'd like someone to say "That wasn't the question. I asked you why (in this case) a decorated soldier with an exemplary record of service and praise from the Commander in Chief was erased from a website."
yeah, you know what would undermine "unit cohesion" (maybe, I was never in the military)? Dismissing & pretending that the accomplishments of "certain groups" were trivial at best or just outright never happened.
I only see this as pure racism. Why delete info about the Navajo Code Talkers, who helped win WW2 in the Pacific, info about African American vets like Jackie Robinson, & info about Ira Hayes who helped raise the flag on Iwo Jima? These are all AMERICAN HEROES. Fuck the jerkoffs who are doing this!
I just wish one of them would grow a pair and say what they really mean: "we are fulfilling Emperor Trump's mandate to make America white again." Oh, by the way, it wasn't white to begin with, but MAGA would never let facts get in the way of their B.S.
Hegseth is unqualified for his job. He excludes qualified people because they don’t fit his demographic. Only white mediocre men from “central casting” need apply for the US military. How “lethal”. Sounds more like war crimes potential.
Lots of white men are excellent mechanics, as are people from diverse backgrounds and races. The lesson of Hegseth is that it doesn’t matter if you’re expert or good in your field. The ticket to a job is loyalty to Felon47 and straight white male.
Yeah, Navajo code talkers, Tuskegee Airmen,and female military heroes scrubbed as well. -Suppose they saved Trumps service? Oh, that’s right, his bone spurs prevented him from being framed as a hero -Didn’t seem to hurt his golf game though!
There has to be a way to fight back against this insidious NLP shit. The, well, fascists are just drilling phrases and terms like any cult leader does. This is a clearly coercive, controlling tactic and it must be stopped. Maybe Pontypool style?
The goal is deterring POC from signing up. They want the military as KKKristofascist as possible going forward, especially since this year will start their game of deploying it to blue cities to lay siege, declare martial law and mess with elections while shooting and disappearing protesters.
Losing 20% of the Military will be very damaging. Many of those POC serves as Mechanics and Technicians and Cooks etc. So the whites wont get food and their planes will fall outta the sky. POC and females in the US military are welcome in Canada. Hopefully this will become Canadian policy.
Y’all, I think we can solve this by clarifying that DEI stands for "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.” These folks mistakenly got the idea it means "Discriminatory Equity Ideology."
Wow. All of this fuss could’ve been solved with one quick conversation.
One aspect of this story I haven't seen much reporting on is DOD's new 404 error page, which used to be white soldiers looking at a map, but now features a woman and a black man struggling to clear a bar.
Whoa. I cannot believe this. I wonder what the environment for the rank and file women, POC, LGBTQ inside today's forces feels like today. I predict a free-for-all SA, hazing, and racism.
John Ullyot on his support for Hegseth, “[I]t’s important to recognize the 3 reasons Hegseth is best suited.. it is hard to find anyone more qualified to shake up the bureaucracy, more committed to the President and his agenda, and more prepared to move out quickly to get the job done.” JC
George Washington started tradition of us having a woke Army seriously the United States has always had a woke Army that's why our army has been successful study history ignorant people
“Cultural Marxism” refers to a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory that misrepresents Western Marxism (especially the Frankfurt School) as being responsible for modern progressive movements, identity politics, and political correctness.
2). The conspiracy theory posits that there is an ongoing and intentional academic and intellectual effort to subvert Western society via a planned culture war that undermines the supposed Christian values of traditionalist conservatism and seeks to replace them with culturally liberal values.
3.). A revival of the Nazi propaganda term "Cultural Bolshevism", the contemporary version of the conspiracy theory originated in the United States during the 1990s.
Originally found only on the far-right political fringe, the term began to enter mainstream in the 2010s and is now found globally.
4.) The conspiracy theory of a Marxist culture war is promoted by right-wing politicians, fundamentalist religious leaders, political commentators in mainstream print and television media,
It's incredible that the entire conceit of conservativism boils down to "saying the right arrangement of letters that are base of incredibly stupid, gullible, lazy supporters will jerk off to" and that it's been fucking working, because we Americans are the stupidest fucks on this planet.
If any country wants to attack the US, this will be the best time to do it. There's no fucking chance in hell, these dumbasses with below room temperature IQ will be able to operate the military successfully let alone defend their land.
Nothing, but mentioning him when he’s a Black person is wrong. Just like mentioning the women’s corps. If they sweep all of us under the rug only cis white men will be noticed. 🤬🤬🤬
It's not DEI at all. It's what they think is "DEI."
What DEI really stands for is "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion." They're intentionally getting it wrong by invoking racist lingo and using *that* as their definition for DEI.
This just makes no sense to me. I am not like a sports historian or anything like that, I'm just a Gen X grown-up kid that remembers learning about Jackie Robinson in school. And as I understood it, he was like the best best best. Not just the best minority or the first black person. Why erase that?
Because not being the best makes them feel bad. Seriously -that was the argument about perceived CRT in schools -“kids will feel bad if they hear bad things about America’s history (eg slavery, , ethnic cleansing/genocide of indigenous peoples, internment camps or Japanese-Americans …@
So I guess George Takei is gonna have to be disappeared somehow? He constantly keeps talking about his childhood in the internment camps - which he has every right to do. I have even read his biography. My favourite line he ever said? "Don't call me Tiny!" And he IS on Bluesky!!
This, exactly! They cannot accept that non-white/non-cis-male people made important contributions to history, because they think that then diminishes any contributions made by them.
They think it's a zero-sum game, like they think rights is a zero-sum game. If you have some, they must have less.
I am white so I grew up with a lot of privilege. We were poor and things were chaotic due to my mother's addictions but I'm really glad that at least i never internalized this idea. I always just thought that we all do better together, and all means all of us.
They’re scared. They’re always scared. That’s pretty much the whole of it. “Oh these people that we love to shit on did amazing things? Not ‘round here they didn’t!”
All this word salad bullshit answer tell me is that this John is so insecure and pathetic that Jackie Robinson's mere existence reminds him of that, and he can't deal. There are the real pity hires hurting our troops.
Whew. Talk about Orwelllian “newspeak.” The deletion of the history of anyone other than white men in the US military is whitewashing and lying. It’s clearly an evil, racist act.
You’re missing the point. We know the story, but future generations will not. These idiots are erasing history as they plan for what they see as the future of the U.S. — one where minorities don’t exist.
Jackie Robinson… Ira Hayes… These people are friggin’ heroes. They are legends and their stories make up the fabric of American history. To dismiss their contributions as “woke/DEI”… Jesus Christ, I’m just embarrassed for the Department of Defense. WTF is happening to our country? God help us.
So does this mean that every human male of colour and every human female will now be discharged from the Military? Thats gonna cut the numbers down a whole lot... Trump wont be able to claim he has the biggest military any more if he does that. Or will they just be replaced with white people?
All those white boys who didn’t go to college or can’t afford a trade school will be required to register with the military as part of Project 2025. This is why all the women are required to have children and not get abortions
Not every woman can have children, or their bodies have difficulties staying pregnant. Mine certainly did. I was pregnant 4 times. I was only able to carry one child to term. I had 3 miscarriages. Damn thyroid killed my fertility. I have one son now in his 20s.
I also got to ask, will these people be the Honorably or Dishonorably discharged? They are only doing their jobs. Discharging them to possble unemployment is NOT going to make America great again...
Typical inverse projection syndrome about Division, Erosion, and Interference. Of course scrubbing the existence of non-white Americans out of history causes all 3 corrosive effects to the services.
But the Whitys still get accolades published/posted? The white BigBois on campus still get photo acknowledgment? How does this work if your criteria is the person has to be a white male period to qualify as not DEI blah blah blah?
Everyone start wearing #42 tee shirts and jerseys. Start sending them to the Pentagon. I wonder what will happen when MLB players wear 42 jerseys on April 15th.
Jackie Robinson is considered a "Person of Exceptional Prominence," which means his U.S. military personnel file is publicly accessible.
To preserve records of his military service (in the face of potential erasure by the federal gov't), download Jackie's file here: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/57308498
Down to a one of them, these bootlicking liars turn the heinous actions being committed against our country into a political attack against people who believe in DEI, and the decency, empathy and integrity that comes with it. These weasels have sold their souls to the devil and prove it every day.
We're seeing, in real time, how white men have abused, disregarded, stolen, and just plain erased the history of women and minorities. It's how they keep their false narrative alive that only white men are capable and accomplished. It's not helping their already tarnished image.
I cannot believe that the Military is going along with this blatant racism. Why are they not fighting it? They are going to lose so many good soldiers who just happen to be of colour. The efficiency of the Military to run those ships and keep those planes safe, is gonna go downhill fast.
You know those movies where the protagonist sneaks into a hate-group rally and the leader gives a speech about how whites are superior and they are taking back what is owed them?
This is the BS that starts off that speech. Every time.
I'm pretty sure hegseth has never read Marx or any Marxist critique...
and the press person who replied has no desire to explain things with reason, because there is not rational argument for this bullshit. it's plain simple bigotry and propaganda. we are living in a fascist country
One more thing..my three WW2 uncles would come back. Marry and raise 16 children between the three of them. Inspire the rest of us all. My cousins went on to all graduate college.Some doctors. Business owners. Two lawyers. All achievements in spite of efforts by Fred Trump type KKK mofos.
My WW2 Uncle was part of the 761Tank Battalion. Patton approved. Wonder what he would think of 47. Hegseth.The sofa fucker and Mike the pervert Johnson. I know what my Uncle would say. He learned how to say kiss my ass in five languages..
Finally as my one ww2 uncle told me he said to a nazi that called him something in German not knowing unk knew before cracking his head open..Hegseth,Vance,Johnson etc..leck mich am Arsch..twice.🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿
Honoring a Black veteran is “corrosive” and “cultural marxism”.
Shame on DoD.
Knowing they can't convince majority of adults to do this dirty work. Will indoctrinate your children to do it.
Erasing Jackie Robinson is like fighting gravity.
Which MAGA turned in to their buzz word DEI meaning America hires black people and women over white men
Which of course is baaaaad
DEI is their official policy to make America white again. Period
They replaced it with they now consider reverse discrimination, where only white men are considered in hiring practices.
And that's not what she posted
Just gross. 🤮
They got nothin'
I'm hoping China makes a move. Watch how tough the big bully is then.
It's our only prayer. You need Trump to deploy troops somewhere and get their asses kicked.
it's all a game to them.
How many white generals and other white people are left on their web site to gloat about?
It is reverse discrimination.
MAGA- re-fighting the civil war and most definitely from the Confederate side.
No amnesty, no forgiveness, no quarter, and no mercy for Racist Maga Scum.
The south rose again, and this time we need to bury it for good.
Follow the money, everything else is in the playbooks of project 2025, Previns manifesto, heritage foundation Vought, nazi shilters writings and Orbans/Putins 21st century democratic destruction, which show the 1% steal from country to destroy a once successful economy/gdp.
You fired all the mechanics!
These are the dweebs that are in charge of things in our military and our country?
Yes, they restored the Robinson article. No, that does not change the fact that they don't know what the hell they're doing.
Racist and gross.
Hollow men, all of them.
See also: pro-segregation.
Wow. All of this fuss could’ve been solved with one quick conversation.
Is Hegseth himself in the photo?🤔
And what about the Code Talkers????
Really saying the fucking quiet part aloud there.
Originally found only on the far-right political fringe, the term began to enter mainstream in the 2010s and is now found globally.
Your oppression is their profession.
> first known use in 1925
And is anyone in the media outraged?
What DEI really stands for is "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion." They're intentionally getting it wrong by invoking racist lingo and using *that* as their definition for DEI.
They think it's a zero-sum game, like they think rights is a zero-sum game. If you have some, they must have less.
Methinks he doth protest too much.
What racist, fascist dumbfuckery!
I bet that they wont get their pensions either.
Trump wants to steal that money.
They are still fighting the Civil War.
We need an edit button
you can bet it's intentional
To preserve records of his military service (in the face of potential erasure by the federal gov't), download Jackie's file here: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/57308498
And, yeah, I could understand why those “shipmates” might feel they had poor unit cohesion
The sailors, on the other hand, were overwhelming accepting - diversity brings good sea stories
This is the BS that starts off that speech. Every time.
and the press person who replied has no desire to explain things with reason, because there is not rational argument for this bullshit. it's plain simple bigotry and propaganda. we are living in a fascist country