And to think, you used to have to ride a got-damn horse to the capitol, then wait in line (like an asshole!), and actually put lips to the hand of some grimy mfer who doesn’t wash after wiping.
Much better world for feeble ass-kissing worms, just gotta hit a button on your phone.
"Himmler" seems to be just another name in the bunch to Musk.
But to many people he is the man who killed their relatives.
To joke about him is to mock the suffering of millions.
Musk must be made to apologise, and never offend again.
i just saw this shit. are they all shits for brain morons or do they all understand they have to laugh at his shit jokes otherwise he’ll fund a primary?
You could actually do a decent joke about this. How many rad leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb? Well, they all agree it needs changing but are too busy fighting over what bulb to replace it with.
Mace is a slave to $$ like most in this administration prostitutes really since they only care about making money and will do anything to get more of it
Republicans are falling into the trap 2014 Dems fell in, where they do so much in-group signaling it becomes their sole form of communication, and therefore causes them to be deemed cringe and grating by anyone who hasn't already bought into their subculture.
Its a case where right wing "humour" has kind of stopped existing.
The joke here is the assumption that someone you don't like will have a hissy fit. There is no punchline, its basically just a loyalty ritual.
I just realized he's the kid from the Twilight Zone episode where the kid has ungoldy mental powers and everyone is afraid that he'll turn them into a corncob if they tell him something he did is wrong.
"He was a bad man, so I turned him into a jack-in-the-box. One that still had his bad face. And you musn't think bad things about me, or I'll do the same to you."
Nancy Mace in particular wants to keep getting re-elected and at some point even her constituents are going to wonder what she's done for them. That's when she crushes all challengers with Musk's money. It's diabolical, really.
It me be an even older terrible joke. The people who say “it’s just a joke” when denigrating racial or sexual/gender minorities, get real sanctimonious about the flag and the troops. PC (patriotic correctness) culture.
Prolly the second one. Anyone who’s been in a toxic family system, abusive job, or a cult is familiar with this behavior. You fall in line or you eat shit. Every toxic system protects its most toxic members.
I have to imagine that being a brown noser boot licking kiss ass must be the most fulfilling lifestyle that is possible for a human to achieve, given everyone is doing it
Much better world for feeble ass-kissing worms, just gotta hit a button on your phone.
(The ladies): Linda Y.!
But to many people he is the man who killed their relatives.
To joke about him is to mock the suffering of millions.
Musk must be made to apologise, and never offend again.
Elon appears to have serious psychiatric issues.
I don’t remember if she blinked.
They really, really are.
*me, responding to my own joke* 🤣🤣🤣
I dunno what it is but it's so much of it.
It’s pathetic and sad
The joke here is the assumption that someone you don't like will have a hissy fit. There is no punchline, its basically just a loyalty ritual.