Aside from everything else, no one in this cabal of halfwits has read a single history book. Abrogating rule of law ends badly for everyone. The reason you play by the rules even though they constrain your power is that they give you legitimacy and prevent Wikipedia sections like "The Terror"
Reposted from
Sahil Kapur
Removing a judge through impeachment requires 67 senators, not 60.
Rulers had advisors and followed customs so they don’t go huffing their own supply and ending up on a pike. This is further proof that the egos of the oligarchy are unchecked in America.
laws don't matter to maga and libertarians. in fact, they revel in the pushing norms past historical boundaries. the longer we play by our rules, the easier it is for them to win. it's a new game. stopping maga requires playing by no rules we know of.
they're just making fun of you to your faces, americans my friends
-> "[Villain] Seizes Power"
-> "The Disappearances"
-> "Economic Consequences"
-> "The Bread Revolution"
-> "Officials Publicly Executed"
They literally don’t comprehend where their power comes from.
Yes, you might get a shiny nickel for shooting yourself in the foot--but the return on investment on that is awful enough that future entrepreneurs need to be somehow dissuaded
Long Term Planning is why laws exist
Ponzi Schemes also exist as a very myopic approach to wealth generation--and will hoist people by their own petards
The current administration's mindset of "But I'm Build Different" will only have them being shown to be build the same as historic villains
They have no interest in understanding.
They are just ignoring it because, so far, they can get away with it.
You can't teach a fascist except by punching them.
they want this overthrow of our government
and will do anything to achieve their goals
And ask those same people when they cut off his head. And then each other's.
Proof: "restore rule of the people"
I think we all know who is the dictator in this scenario and they don’t wield gavels.
Reminds me of that Shakespeare line from Richard II
“This other Nest of Nitwits, Clique of Chuckleheads, this precious Cohort of Clowns set in the silver sea of this earth, this Cabal of Halfwits, this D.O.G.E."
—William Shakespeare
Because the people are literally burning Teslas and telling him over & over again he’s not wanted.
You could read “60” as a threat (10 can’t attend because they’re unavailable)
And it continues into the present. Timothy Mellon is the grandson of one of those hateful capitalists and the 2nd biggest donor to Trump.
The past is never dead, it’s not even past.
These guys see themselves as pharaohs. But it seems to me they removed their masks too early. And they’re very confused about us Non Player Characters
> Karis Nemik: And how am I wrong?
> Cassian Andor: They don't care enough to learn. They don't have to. You mean nothing to them.
If his lips are moving he's lying, gloating about something his ego is fronting, or proving he's not the genius that tech bros pretend he is.
He's NEVER been a genius. EVER.
If anything, it's a perfect example of why we shouldn't have billionaires. They are breaking the US out of boredom.
it’s winning the board game and flipping the table over in a rage and going berserk until everyone is forced to [REDACTED]
>Business career
>The Cleaving of Washington
>Personal life
Did he ban that person? Poor little snowflake can't take anything.
677 judges: Dictatorship
1 dude with supreme executive power: shining beacon of democracy.
Truly the best and brightest this fine nation has to offer. what more could we ask for?
Democrats are feckless, gutless pussies only in office to benefit from insider stock trading.
copious quantities of drugs
and not being able to force his kids to love him
Most of the "silicon valley geniuses" are on that spaceship following the Hailey-Bopp comet >.>'
Could someone hand me my robes? Pierre, would you mind?
Jacobin. (I got nothin for this one)