This is what you end up with when Mental Health care is ignored because it's simply not profitable to give a shit about people - especially when they're psychopaths you can push into governmental roles and use like puppets to push your profit driven agendas through congress.
Lay off the crack MTG. US doesn't use cloud seeding. You kindly of need cloudsnfoe cloud seeding at the roght negative temperature. US is lead by dumb people. Republicans have racked up -32$ trillion going ro senseless wars which they didn't win. And Americans voted for the stupid people party.
NO..No... no... it wasn't the lazers or the lesbos.. it was the black, female mayor. She's way too emotional and ill-informed for the position she was GIVEN due to DEI policies!! KETCHUP. DUR!!
*Disclaimer: The author of this comment, was using sarcasm as a form of humor. To interject levity into a ludicrous situation, by using the GOP's own ignorant, racist, sexist words. There is no correlation between the text and true facts.
Ignorant is the wrong word. They ARE informed, and since her district is fairly affluent(median income is roughly 70k they're also educated.
They're macâtisowin: Evil people. Morally and ethically bankrupt. Selfish, rude wankpuffins. Even stupid could be used.
But ignorant is a misnomer now.
By definition "ignorant" has two parts:
1. Unaware
2. Uneducated
Her voters are neither, and if they are they're doing it on purpose because they're macâtisowin. Only macâtisowin would see what she does, and consistently vote for her KNOWING full well what kind of person she really is.
They are #1
because they only watch FOX. I have ignorant MAGA family, they all watch FOX & believe everything they say. Refuse to fact check anything.
Now that’s ignorant
As i said: Wanton ignorance. They have the ability to be informed, they just don't want to be informed, nor do they care to be informed. They're not ignorant. They're simpletons.
At this point a mentally challenged person is smarter than them because even they know how to get basic information.
Wasn't long ago when MAGA called liberals idiots, snowflakes and needed safe spaces to now being called evil geniuses with the power to throw destruction weather whenever we feel like it. Shit, if that was the case, why burn down our own blue state? I'd fuck up Greg Abbots general area but whatever.
Take her. I don’t care how but we, Planet Earth, don’t need her sucking up anymore oxygen. Maybe she could walk to the edge of the Earth and fall off 😏
If democrats could actually do that I’m sure MTG would have been struck by lightning a dozen times by now. Why does anyone actually care what she’s got to say about anything?
Thoughts? How about: How STUPID are the people of N Georgia? To elect an absolute idiot like MTG. Are you fucking kidding me? Didn't an American hero run against her and lose? Again, are you fucking kidding me? Count me out.
I feel like, if her point is "If the Jews have weather machines, WHY AREN'T THEY USING THEM?", she's remarkably close to realizing something very fundamental.
Thoughts? you ask. if i had any extra, i'd gladly send them to her. what i want to know is why she, and her compadres haven't be institutionalize for believing all the fake stuff????
Well, if more Republicans had bought weather machines, they could have used their own.
But no!
They "poo-poo'd" the weather machines and bought guns instead.
Have you tried shooting the fire, Marj?
Have you?
Her lineage skipped a few essential steps in the evolutionary sequence. She has more traits in common with Neanderthals. Her intelligence is in line with a much lower standard.
MTG doesn't have any thoughts, just a little word spouting machine that was implanted by only-you-God-know-who and it's been malfunctioning for years. I vote you (1) smite the person who installed it and (2) immediately drain MTG's battery so she becomes defunct.
If they had weather machines Mar a Lago, Trump Tower and MTG would have been struck by lightning. Come to think of it a lightning strike might explain MTG's fried brain.
MTG is unwell obviously
Trump would like that!
They're macâtisowin: Evil people. Morally and ethically bankrupt. Selfish, rude wankpuffins. Even stupid could be used.
But ignorant is a misnomer now.
Of course there are a percentage who are evil, and apparently have jobs in the new administration; but the majority are simply ignorant.
I’ve known, and worked with, these people my whole adult life.
And yes, many with degrees.
1. Unaware
2. Uneducated
Her voters are neither, and if they are they're doing it on purpose because they're macâtisowin. Only macâtisowin would see what she does, and consistently vote for her KNOWING full well what kind of person she really is.
because they only watch FOX. I have ignorant MAGA family, they all watch FOX & believe everything they say. Refuse to fact check anything.
Now that’s ignorant
I’ve lived very near there, and am familiar with the inhabitants.
I work, and spend time with these people, their only sources of information are from the right wing bubble.
At this point a mentally challenged person is smarter than them because even they know how to get basic information.
Must she be possessed by the Devil maybe?🙄😇
Firefighters are also aware of the risks of oversaturation and take that into account.
You have made her brain as smooth as a billiard ball 🎱…
She has more possibilities that He will answer.
But no!
They "poo-poo'd" the weather machines and bought guns instead.
Have you tried shooting the fire, Marj?
Have you?
The stupid bitch, will spent eternity looking for that fucking corner.
That’s how fucking stupid she is.
Large Marge’s name outta this.
Yer asking a lot here God.