My brother didn't call 911 with chest pains because an ambulance would've cost $1500. He didn't have his wife drive him to the ER because the copay there is obscenely high too.
Instead, he died. He leaves behind two children, a widow and a family. Hurting forever.
Health care is a human right.
Instead, he died. He leaves behind two children, a widow and a family. Hurting forever.
Health care is a human right.
Reposted from
Many disabled & chronically ill people won’t go to the ER unless they’re literally dying. The risk of setbacks, trauma, gaslighting & more is too high. Add in the threat of being infected with Covid & it’s no wonder we’re scared to access care. 5 articles to make it easier!
A country that claims equality and freedom but lets its people die because only the rich deserve care.
Best of luck to the entire family in coming to terms with this. 💔
And at the same time I understand completely how he made that decision because I've wrestled with it as well (and am paying off an ambulance ride from last year when I was too ill to say no)
Cismen are socialized to respond to grief this way. When we try to help by making something all about us, we THINK we're reaching out to say: "you're not alone."
Instead: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Health care, with dignity and compassion, is a fundamental human right when society can afford it.
And that's obscene. That should never be allowed to happen in society as rich as ours.
That he didn't go out of money concerns and that we don't KNOW, is an added heartache.
I spend way too much time not seeking medical care, myself, while on Disability and “insured” because it’s not welcome everywhere. Plus, as you said, the discrimination & gaslighting. It’s not sustainable.
Something very similar happens to my dad in 2018. It’s so infuriating we absolutely can afford to insure everyone and we just don’t.
And you're right -- we can afford it! 🎯💯
Looking at you, doctor who thanked me for pushing for scans when they didn't think it was appendicitis (hint: it was)
In a way it's fitting in a sort of sense. She seemed to have much love for everyone and you and Free and the bakery.
The fucking capitalistic society we live in failed her
Here's hoping for a near future of leaders that actually try to fix this travesty of a system.
Our "healthcare" is an abomination
That's our stuffed our reliance is with NZ healthcare.
For profit 'healthcare' kills people every day.
There is a better alternative, namely Medicare for All.
Yes, we can afford it by eliminating the greed from the Healthcare Industrial Complex that is stripmining We the People.
Republican corporate enablers propping up a discriminate unjust system of exploitation also ignore those dying at the feet of corporate billionaires, raging at basic universal healthcare as ‘socialism’.
It just seems so unconscionable looking from outside the US.
The money is there, to make sure everyone is cared for.
The willingness isn’t.
I am so sorry about your brother. Massive change is needed to take our world back from the greedy few.
Health care MUST NOT be a business, but a public service!
Nobody hates the NHS more than the Tories.
A reason why Scotland needs to be an Independent Country as the English Govt WILL look to privatise more sectors in the NHS.
My migraine will never go away. I will never work again. Didn't have to be like this.
The system is fucked.
I'm so, so sorry this happened to your family. ♥
Totally agree with you on everything you said.
F*ck this awful system.
I'm enraged for you.
Sending you and the rest of your brother's family hugs if you all want them.
Living alone can be difficult at these times.
Good for them, I say. can always recover from debt ...DEATH is a little more PERMANENT....
They have to take you in and help you.
Use their bill to light the fireplace this winter.
They can’t make it without us.
All of us.🌹