The US military just purged their website of mentions of the Holocaust, 9/11 remembrance, cancer awareness, sexual assault, and suicide prevention to align with their new “anti-DEI” policies.
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ADL: “Honoring the memory of the Holocaust and those who survived is not a matter of political ideology — it is a moral imperative and a vital component of education, remembrance, and the fight against antisemitism. The history of the Holocaust, including the liberation of the camps,
also reflects the bravery and sacrifice of Allied soldiers — a legacy that should be preserved, not erased. We urge the DoD to reverse this decision and preserve these vital historical records.”
When something is achieved by a cis white man, it’s just history. When it’s made by a woman, person of color, or LGBT person, it’s “DEI”. Our accomplishments are hidden, belittled, ignored. They think our stories aren’t worth telling.
In addition to everything else, the waste of tax dollars on stupid things which accomplish nothing drives me crazy. Besides pretending that only white CIS men work are they now saying none have cancer are suicidal thoughts? What is the freaking point?
They might as well put a sign up saying: Effective immediately all branches of the military has decided that unless you're a straight white man, your service & dedication to our country is no longer recognized and will be deleted from any & all public & private records. Thank you for your service.
Sorry I misunderstood what you were asking. I think trump and hegseth will want to fire everyone they deem unworthy. So far, judges have blocked the firing of trans people, so hopefully, if they try it with POC, women, and others, the courts would block that too.
Thankfully a judge stopped Trump from purging trans soldiers, so if we are lucky, that will be the result when he starts purging other specific groups.
Surprise, surprise. They found that just entering key words into a script and pushing “mass delete” created a huge problem they now have to spend time correcting.
As I predicted yesterday there would be something new today 😖! This is not what I expected!! At what point does enough become enough? If the government doesn’t change we HAVE to change it!! All of this isn’t normal. God help us!!
When is enough going to be enough was what came into my mind too. Clearly not there yet. Unless there’s pushback they’ll keep on testing how low they can get.
Only done, because trump and his cultists are racist communist loving assholes. Who are anti democracy and rule of law. No sane leader would do any of this crap.
Also as I just mentioned in my reply, there was a campaign on my son’s base about the high prevalence of sexual assault *of men* that encouraged soldiers to get help
This is another sign of the mental illness that is pervasive in the maga cult. Stop the madness, STOP TRUMP and MAGA! We are now in a war with the fascists within America.
Why are diseases always a part of "woke"? Does it have anything to with their desire to perform unethical experiments on humans so that they can achieve immorality?
Can you imagine anything more decadent? Billionaire wellfare queens becoming immortal. Like the vampires that they are.
Wasn't Columbia University getting funding cuts because they were accused of antisemitic behavior? (when their students were protesting a genocide)
Now that the Pentagon is displaying actual antisemitic behavior, can we cut their funding?
I think the trillions saved could be used for a cancer cure.
Cancer awareness is about minorities? I'm just confused by the abject hatred of this administration towards anything that Skum or Trump are incapable of doing. It's like everything they want to eradicate, they know they couldn't accomplish to save their lives
All the shit we’re going to put back in place after this shitclown is removed. And we’re gonna have to erase most of his legacy.
I think we should put him in a cage at a national zoo and Americans can poke it with a stick and feed it circus peanuts.
Democracy in America has fallen into despotism.
The Republican Party under that Orange is exercising absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.
Dumb. Why not erase all culture/ we don't know what sacrifices people made in the past for our current state of prosperity...that should really give our soldiers a reason to scratch their heads and and not know what they're fighting for/not fully embrace what it means to be an American.
YES! They have changed the meaning of terms and too many otherwise responsible people go along with it, further spreading their despicable messaging. .
And 🇺🇸 citizen are ok with that?!? I have a lot of friends and colleagues over there… these actions are so much against everything I thought 🇺🇸 stands for… 😞
But Amazon is showcasing reruns of The Celebrity Apprentice, the unreality show that tricked viewers into believing a serial bankrupter had business savvy and smarts - a contributing factor to where we are today.
Digital book burning is here and alive. Erasing history won’t erase what it happened but it will put a spotlight to this racist white nationalist administration.
Hey Magat veterans, a majority of you chose the military, voluntarily. You served America, not a person. Think about that for a while. Remember righties, you're getting screwed as well!
Our democratic leaders are FAILING US we need to protest in the hundreds of thousands. At capital buildings at your elected officials office. This is A FIGHT FOR ALL OF OUR RIGHTS.
CALL YOUR congress person (202) 224-3121
The People are being taunted. Focus your outrage on your elected representatives from whichever party.
Ignore MAGA lickspittles, they will never understand unless they leave the cult.
Nice job Joni Ernst. She made a “deal” with that rapist POS to ensure that sexual assault response would continue if he became Sec Def. Now resources have been removed. Way to go you fucking sell out.
Insanity. They are fascist to the core. They want you to be as poorly educated as possible. Limit access to information and instigate racism in society. Beyond pathetic this man is president. Malignant.
We cannot allow this administration to try to re-write history, use and discard our military & veterans, and take away information & care from our most vulnerable. How do we fight this?
It is a never-ending barrage of "How do we stop this?" and I'm so tired.
Rewriting history and destroying historical records of contributions by women, immigrants, indigenous and minorities . Magats have unraveled 250 yrs of progress with the power of white xtian influence (Doug Coe , Graham, etc) started with Reagan
Of course they did. Looking back on my life, I’m glad I was taught about slavery, the Holocaust, and WWII. As ugly as these aspects of history are, they need to be taught, period.
Absolute travisty. A big f*** you to all the gate keepers and fence sitters claiming that many were being hyperbolic about the threat of fascism in the US. It's here now!!!
Fortunately for us, we have copies. We know the truth. When these fascists are no longer in power, we will replace our documents & monuments to our brave women, people of color, LGBTQ et al. So, all that they tried to erase will come back to life in Living Color. Their efforts are for naught.
My imagination has a major server bank in a hidden facility that was tasked with backing up the national archives & all govt websites before 1/20/25. 😊 It's an odd dream to have, but I'm odd.
This isn’t so much about aligning with “anti-DEI policies” as it is about trying to revise history, deleting mentions of the great contributions of those who have helped make the US great but who don’t look like White Christian Nationalists. STOP RE-WRITING OUR HISTORY.
Because Trump, Musk and the GOP are Anti-American, out to destroy everything that America represents to form a Dictatorship. They are puppets for Russia and share Putin's lack of values, only to attain more power, more money.
What? How are those things dei? Really, how is any acknowledgement of people who enlisted and served our country dei? These people doing this elimination sure are fragile. It must suck to be them.
Just because you remove it from the website, it doesn't take away from the fact that this is our history. It's up to us as citizens to make sure that we talk about our history - the good, bad, and the ugly - especially right now as it's literally being white washed.
Joey Goebbels, minister of propaganda for the Trump Administration, said the administration removed subject matter referring to the contributions of Blacks, Jews, and Latinos as part of its DEI agenda. “We're simply doing what the Nazis did,” Goebbels said. “How could anyone object?”
I’m sorry- cancer prevention is woke now..? Let me guess : it’s because cancer screenings for men can involve getting a gloved finger up your ass, and that is just too incredibly gross and gay! Woke pervert doctors want to finger your bum!
The admin did include Holocaust Remembrance Day on its list of holidays that the federal government would no longer celebrate due to being "identity holidays".
It was part of their "DEI" purge that also got rid of Jackie Robinson briefly, and 2 of the guys who lifted the flag at Iow Jima, so it could just be incompetence.
Sad thing is, he’s not even an iota of the intelligence of Hitler, the US wasn’t on its knees economically like Germany was, all the facts were available to the electorate and yet STILL they voted for him. INSANE.
"...they correct the content so it recognizes our heroes for their dedicated service alongside their fellow Americans, period" but only if they are white men apparently.
They are spending more time coming up with ways to just be disruptive than on lethality/readiness like they claim.
Just remember that they don't use words, they repurpose them for white supremacy. "DEI" simply means "not straight white Christian man." In this case Jews & rape victims.
See also: woke=black, states rights=pro-slavery, CRT=teaching black perspective, school choice=give taxes to Christian schools
Supreme Court should be pressured to reverse their Presidential Immunity Declaration. This is our only chance to survive a dictatorship. Without this reversal no one will be able to stop the Felon.
Do they know a woman, in 1940’s, co-invented a radio guidance system for torpedoes with a technology that is now the basis for WIFI. Or that a black man, Adolf Shamms invented and patented a multi-stage rocket in 1963. The US and Musk owe a lot to women and African Americans.
See, the problem is that those that know would like the rest of us to forget that in favor of their narrative in which only white men have ever done anything.
Funny🤔 how they can run, spite and kick at Light but they can't hide those Lights that shines. Into the darkness of their inner most being that is if they only had an inner most.🤔"Shakespeare's Sonnets: “I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, Who art as black as hell, as dark as night.”"
President Dwight D. Eisenhower made sure there was a record of what he saw at the concentration camp he liberated. He wanted to make sure NO ONE could EVER deny what happened there. What does any of that have to do with DEI. Are they REALLY THAT stupid?
Mara Gay 03/19/25 Let's stop saying DEI when they use it. we're actually talking about is anti-civil rights agenda, anti-black, anti-feminist , anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ+ agenda -an attack on idea America is multicultural multiracial .
Trump's DOJ has no intention of enforcing Civil Rights Act 1964. DEI? From Mara Gay on Deadline Whitehouse 03/19/25
Let's stop saying DEI when Trump and Republicans use it. What we're actually talking about is an anti-civil rights agenda, and anti-black agenda, an anti-feminist agenda, and anti-trans agenda, an anti-LGBTQ+ agenda
and an attack on the idea that America is a multicultural and multiracial nation.
Trump administration's DOJ has absolutely no intention of enforcing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The worst thing is not long ago being against 9/11 hero’s would basically make you redundant, now they all just follow daddy cult leaders every word not matter how unamerican it is!
Pol Musk will be checking people’s hands: if they show signs of physical labor and don’t have an overflowing shares portfolio, it’s out to the Killing Fields….
The senators did that with the one fucking consecutive day. Cause they decided to cede their power to the felon and not stop the fucking tariffs bullshit
This is all about reshaping the military in Trump's image. No questions asked when they're commanded to carry out whatever evil plan the Red Party intends to put into nefarious action.
This is literally arse kick worthy
Can you imagine anything more decadent? Billionaire wellfare queens becoming immortal. Like the vampires that they are.
Now that the Pentagon is displaying actual antisemitic behavior, can we cut their funding?
I think the trillions saved could be used for a cancer cure.
I think we should put him in a cage at a national zoo and Americans can poke it with a stick and feed it circus peanuts.
The Republican Party under that Orange is exercising absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.
Journalists insisting on adopting the preferred terminology of the propagandists is a big fucking problem. Stop it.
(Although there are also plenty of lies floating around about how they represent The People and everyone else is an outlier)
Additional reading:
Shirer, William L. Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Arrow Books, 1991.
Persist and resist together
Is there no one to stand up?
"If it ain't White, Straight and Or Christian, It never happened and doesn't exist..."
Shame on them all!
Seek prayers?
CALL YOUR congress person (202) 224-3121
Ignore MAGA lickspittles, they will never understand unless they leave the cult.
Not exactly subtle.
It is a never-ending barrage of "How do we stop this?" and I'm so tired.
My imagination has a major server bank in a hidden facility that was tasked with backing up the national archives & all govt websites before 1/20/25. 😊 It's an odd dream to have, but I'm odd.
Netanyahu took to X on Wednesday
to claim in English that
"strong right-wing leaders"
in the U.S. and Israel
must stand against
a "leftist Deep State" that is
"weaponizing the justice system"
against them
the Dangers of Psychological Projection
That’s his unconscious “Projections”,
He is scapegoating the “Other”
for he himself
and the Trump administration are doing.
He is projecting his own darkside
upon the other.
Make numerous copies,and hide them well
If you are non-White, affluent, devoted and have a large audience, you can be FBI director.
If you're non-white, devoted, but aren't a prominent propagandist, you can get a spot behind Trump at a rally.
Food stamps? Nahhh....
2. 99% chance that someone has it downloaded for safekeeping.
3. Crazy.
They can't even actually define it concretely because if they did, they wouldn't be able to move the goalpost anymore.
Also MAGA: it's fine to stop talking about the Holocaust, I mean, what does "never again" even refer to... 🤔
Who even knows anymore... 🤷
He hates proof of evil, because he wants to be evil.
He hates reminders of tragedies that unite us.
He hates when women report rape.
Again, Trump Hates America. Pass it on.
They are spending more time coming up with ways to just be disruptive than on lethality/readiness like they claim.
See also: woke=black, states rights=pro-slavery, CRT=teaching black perspective, school choice=give taxes to Christian schools
*Dept of War beats that poppinjay's Dept of Defense any day.
Please someone, make it make sense!!!
Trump's DOJ has no intention of enforcing Civil Rights Act 1964.
Let's stop saying DEI when Trump and Republicans use it. What we're actually talking about is an anti-civil rights agenda, and anti-black agenda, an anti-feminist agenda, and anti-trans agenda, an anti-LGBTQ+ agenda
Trump administration's DOJ has absolutely no intention of enforcing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
This is very very 1933 Germany.
The worst thing is not long ago being against 9/11 hero’s would basically make you redundant, now they all just follow daddy cult leaders every word not matter how unamerican it is!
Get that drunk Pete out of there!!
Pol Musk will be checking people’s hands: if they show signs of physical labor and don’t have an overflowing shares portfolio, it’s out to the Killing Fields….
It is not as if the government is going to stop giving the military money if they stood up for human rights and honour, at least of their own.
Doesn’t bode well for the coming mass conflict.