Newskies: I don't like skeets, do we have to call them skeets?
Oldskies who up until this second were calling them posts: Yes
Oldskies who up until this second were calling them posts: Yes
As has been pointed out by other uses, 'skeet' is a slang for ejaculating.
What about, 'sleeks'? or 'bleets'?
Guess I'm thinking being quiet on the issue isn't going to fix it.
Bleep? Blip? Blot? Bloop? Nup
Flutter 🦋?
Skybidi? (apologies to GenA for usurping skibidi)
There must be some creatives out there who can come up with something better, something that might stick?
As my kid says, if hating could be monetized, I'd be a trillionaire.
This is pretty basic psychology. If no one ever complained about skeets, the term probably would've faded into lore a year ago.
Keep suffusing the word with more and more comedic energy until it... well, you know.
The skeeting will continue until everyone stops complaining about it. At which point it will stop being funny and almost everyone who does it will let it go.
But I'm a mere user.
I like skive. He skives. She's a skiver. They skived. I'm skiving. We're skivers. Reskive sounds funny, but proskive or transcrive could work.
Also, I know a guy called Jon Skeet (he's quite famous in programming circles). I'm not sure he'd be happy finding out his name is used idly.
I’m a Gen-Xer who’s all in for trying something new. :-p
I agree, skeets makes me think of…and it’s a little awkward.
I skeetered the day away.
I skeet, you skeet, we all skeet together.
Happy Skeet Day to you!
Welcome to life on Skeet-row!
I just can’t skeet without you!
It’s truly a whole new level of fun unlocked.
Heard of "Team Skeet"?
Yes, I'm fun at parties. made an argument for all short-form posts to be called tweets to differentiate from blog posts & the like, but i think if you're talking about a specific platform 'posts' is fine, it's primarily about conveying meaning.
Butterflies float. You can float an idea. If something from Bluesky is quoted on TV, they can say that this person “Floated” this on Bluesky. Skeet sounds like soiled underwear.
(First time my life maybe, that I've gotten an inside joke!)
Skeeting away
Skeeting away on the thin ice of a new day.
I am a bird flying the blue sky singing my song
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