But that doesn't mean they should've been banned for adults.
Companies like Zen Magnets already covered their product in sufficient warnings, yet you still made them stop selling the higher quality magnets and effectively destroyed their company.
The new low power ones suck. You hate fun.
Days from your Federal pension must feel good. But why throw shade on the rest of us who get kicked everyday and still come back in the morning to do our best for this nation and everyone in it without fear or favor? If we don't respect each other, why should anyone else?
Oooh, those magnet balls. I accidentally swallowed 3 of them (together) when I was like 10 or 11. I wasn't even trying to, and now that I think about it, it's a good thing I swallowed. Hid it from my parents until the next morning I think. And I dissected the stuff the next time I went to bathroom-
Damn. My 2 year old asked Santa for nothing but a BUNCH of HPMs. Pretty sure that letter already got delivered to the North Pole. Can you guys patch me over to the USPS customer service line?
you know, the only time i think about a Magnetic Death is that of a MRI machine, it's magnetic force is so powerful no metal objects are allowed in the room where the MRI is. what makes MRI's dangerous is the fact is the Magnetic Pulse is really strong like a Junk yard magnet crane.
takes a lot of T to get your little hydrogens to align their spins together like herding cats, then release them like Free Willy as they relax in a gazillion directions and shoot lil' radio waves to the Big Ear of the scanner
Yeah, I saw a video about how Dangerous MRI machines are, i learned it from IDKsterling, he showed a clip where a metal was flung and pulled into a MRI machine demonstrating how Dangerous MRI machines are, the MRI Warning signs are Impossible to miss.
Jesus Christ, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission back it down a bit. Do you think traumatizing people with PSAs helps? If so I'd like for you to talk to all the people that quit drugs when that one guy fried an egg, or after Mario told us all we were gonna die before we went to hell.
I used to work with a nine tesla magnet for a little while back in college! It was a pretty good idea to keep that away from toddlers too. And from adults that *acted* like toddlers.
(I was volunteering at a nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy lab in the 80s. Wild times.)
I don't have any good first-hand ones. I mostly worked with the computers -- I knew them better than any of the scientists. I showed up and told them I'd maintain them and set up data visualization software in exchange for nothing more than them explaining WTF they were doing in the lab.
Second hand, on the β¦ other β¦ hand, there was the story about erasing credit cards of people walking through the hallway on the floor above. And there was the 100% wooden fence around the magnet, where apparently if you reached past it, it would rip the jewelry off your fingers.
(This was at Carnegie Mellon's Mellon Institute. The main guy I worked with was Josef Dadok. He was *very* easy to chat with, for a world-renowned physicist.)
Bothner-By and Dadok were such legends. I was doing NMR as an undergraduate with Chien Ho just upstairs from you at the time and once *almost* brought a heat gun into the NMR room to unfreeze a hose from a Dewar.π¨
sign from earlier days of Oak Ridge. if you were stupid and got too close, your belt buckle would get you stuck and they couldn't guarantee how fast they would work to devise a way to fish you back
"Thatβs why you are typically asked to leave your metal jewelry, forks, spoons, keys, staplers, fountain pens, chains, crowbars, zippers, xylophones, cymbals, anvils, flame throwers, air fryers, harpoons, tridents, and, yes, guns before entering a room with an MRI machine."
I ran a hysteresis cycle on one of the only two hadron colliders in operation on Earth: the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider! Electromagnets have a memory of how they were powered in the recent past, so these cycles are used to put them in a predictable state.
I would argue that theyβre even more dangerous with how quickly irreversible the horrific and almost always fatal effects are. They should be required to be sold with a massive skull and crossbones and shouldnβt be legal for use in any toys.
And teens pretending they got their tongue pierced. It's a real thing where they put magnets above and under the tongue to make it look like a piercing.
uscpsc my beloved i had no idea you were on bsky,,, ive missed your strangely caring absurdity so much since leaving twitter,,, im so happy i've found you again :)
Fortunately, as an adult I can make good decisions like playing with high power magnets.... Now can somebody fetch a crowbar to get these 150lb holding force magnets apart?
My daughter got these at a local fair and thought it would look cute to fake a pierced nose. She got one stuck way up in her nostril. We got her to sneeze but it was scary. She was 7 at the time.
We're going to sincerely miss you when 45 & his co-president leon smuk dismantle your Agency for parts & kick you all to the curb. You do great things protecting people & the environment & in my opinion are necessary part of government in a civilized society. Sadly our dictator is not civilized
god, so people ARE stupid. huh. the more you know. like, look, i get it, you can give your kid magnet toys if they're, well, mature enough to know to not stick them in their mouth. like what, do they really think a baby wouldn't plunge anything into their mouth the moment they get it?
We got a genius over here folks π
But that doesn't mean they should've been banned for adults.
Companies like Zen Magnets already covered their product in sufficient warnings, yet you still made them stop selling the higher quality magnets and effectively destroyed their company.
The new low power ones suck. You hate fun.
they memes are to get your attention not convey information
you really think fully cooked turkeys walk around the house?
Theyβll get βer done alright
Did you see Musk utilizing his child as human shield instead of just acting right?
This is the question you must ask yourself with considering AI vs. real talentless hacks.
An attempt was made, and everybody they regulated came out and demanded they not do that. (chemical companies love the CSB, for good reason)
truly an artist for the ages
(this is not a compliment for "the AI")
Although that image may not be AI, this was the first thing that happened when I opened the website.
....However, they do advertise exactly that in the listing lmao
I probably should have mentioned I went to the hospital for it, a bit after searching through the toilet
...but yeah! https://bsky.app/profile/tobiasgilk.bsky.social/post/3lcnlsu24ns2o
(I was volunteering at a nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy lab in the 80s. Wild times.)
e.g. Any surgical implants?
Any body piercings?
Any pins, rods, screws, nails, plates, wires?
But there's a question they don't ask.
"Thatβs why you are typically asked to leave your metal jewelry, forks, spoons, keys, staplers, fountain pens, chains, crowbars, zippers, xylophones, cymbals, anvils, flame throwers, air fryers, harpoons, tridents, and, yes, guns before entering a room with an MRI machine."
MRI techs should fear me.
So it was necessary to build one thousand superconducting magnets, plus spares.
And test them.
This project had the very highest priority.
But (as @beamsandbows.bsky.social well knows) there was that one time, a few weeks after they started up, that it didn't quite work. Magnets jumped.
Some call this "The Big Sneeze."
I worked w/one of the surgeons who co-authored the abstract - helped the authors edit it before publishing. It was pretty gruesome.
βSurgeons laboured for hoursβ¦.β
It was plastic, thoughβ¦.
Magnets are destroyed by water.
Just drink water. One cup. Thatβs the end of the magnets.
(Yes, yes he actully said this)
...you don't need to look at me that way. It's kinda hurtful.
Second off, WHAT THE FU-
Like the Lego: nope nope nope
a toddler can be smart enough to not eat magnets, but they're dumb enough to leave them in places adults can't find but baby siblings can
So no magnets or lego in this house