I did the same. While I don’t entirely agree with the previous post (if you’re going to fight the good fight you go to where the opposition is) for the next couple of years at least I’m staying here.
I listened yesterday. My big takeaway: what is the upside to Democrats embracing economic populism if voters punish for inflation (1) that they didn't cause and (2) that was already tamed anyway? (among other reasons, of course, like the right wing media ecosystem and misogynoir) Ugh.
I am so thrilled to see you here. I deleted it election night but honestly have been feeling lost and unmoored without it the past few days. Missing my lists of trusted people and information and context. It all feels a lot harder to track here, but maybe as more come over that will change.
Glad you're here. Will you be deleting your account? I haven't done that yet, but I spend very little time there, haven't since Elon turned it into a cesspool of hate. Built a bit of a following here and on Thread.
I’ve chosen to leave a locked down stub account so that no one can claim my name and use it to scam people. But it’s protected with two factor authentication and I’m cleaning out all the content except for a post saying I’m at Bluesky. Maybe x will notice I have posted there since 2022 & delete it.
Yes, still in Madison. Thought about you a lot, esp wondering how you got through pandemic. Michael and I are thinking we need to leave Wisconsin, if not the country. I’ve had a couple really bad years, but still hanging on! 3 dogs again 🙂
A lot of the people abandoning Twitter entirely are Americans. For those of us with academic friends, journalist colleagues in the non-English-speaking world, Twitter still has many more of the people we follow. Almost no Indonesian language colleagues on blue sky.
I posted the picture of Ben Affleck looking into Matt Damon’s window at the end of Good Will Hunting as my last post (so like 12 hours). Figured folks would know where to find me.
Note: Read the author's comments below the video. He shows two ways to do it; I used the second script, which involves adding a script-running browser extension. I found it simpler than the first listed method.
No, NOT shitter, I want to delete BLUESKY. They won't let me edit, so I want to delete it. HOW THE FUCK DO I DELETE??? I want to start over because they won't let me edit.
Thirty days of inactivity after you deactivate and your account will self-destruct. So pull the trigger and don't sign back in for any reason. If you think you left the gas on, definitely don't go back to turn it off.
Seems to be working. The weird part is that it still has posts to delete but when I look at my profile, I only see ~4 tweets listed. Though my total count of tweets at the top of my profile has been going down the correct amt. So I don't know why tweets are missing that haven't been deleted yet.
I'm still not able to sign into my account because I don't have the 2FA code I chose to use last year. And I can't get their tech help unless I pay for premium and pigs will fly before that happens. I'm really itchy about accessing the account and deactivating it.
If you want nothing more to do with X why not just deactivate the account? As long as your account remains open Musk is making money off you. I do understand it’s hard to leave I had my account since 2008. Honestly I miss the following I had,but not the toxic environment.
First, go to "Settings and Privacy" from the three-dot menu on Twitter. Then select "Your Account" and click the third option "Download an archive of your data." It will take about a day, but you will get a notification that a file of your data is ready for download. 1/2
I am running this script using the downloaded archive provided by Twitter. I've deleted roughly 40,000 tweets in an hour. https://github.com/lucahammer/tweetXer
Sometimes it's as easy as looking at the github page. Many projects publish installation and use instructions. Some don't though, and might require some experience with development tools. Really depends on the project.
To use this one, you would first need to request then download your Twitter archive. Once you have that, there's a file called tweets.js (there might be tweets-1.js, etc., if you have a lot of tweets as I do)
Yeah, I understand how this will be painful to all of you who've built large followers at great effort over there, but it's just undeniably become a weapon of RW billionaires trained on the rest of us, and the free world.
Will keep it active for awhile, and occasionally search my Following list for Bluesky handles.
2 days in and I can say I dont miss it. All I need here, and a much better vibe.
Note: Read the author's comments below the video. He shows two ways to do it; I used the second script, which involves adding a script-running browser extension. I found it simpler than the first listed method.
Also there's the replies to this:
Hi cow!
There are many paid apps you can find, but I used this free method: https://upriseri.com/fight-back-how-to-bulk-erase-old-tweets-for-free/
If you are comfortable with cutting and pasting some basic code, it is quite easy. Good luck!