Hegseth using “she/they” as an insult just boosts Judge Reyes’ conclusion that the transgender ban is based on animus, not a genuine concern for military preparedness.
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And it took Hegseth three days to come up with that self-sabotaging retort! He regrets not deploying “The jerk store called and they’re running out of you.”
Since "Secretary of Defense" Hegseth and his draught dogging butch now think they have a clue, maybe they should join the real soldiers on the front line in Ukraine.
Like hegseth thinks of himself is a top military planner? Ha ha ha ha ha, son you were a drunk, sexual assaulting, Fox News talking head a minute ago. We all know YOU have zero credibility to be pointing fingers at anyone much less a judge.
Bright side, your liver is dying from your alcoholism.
Army gave him leadership of four squads and an HQ and whatever happened there pretty much immediately decided this was a guy who should never be allowed to command anything.
This also hints at Hegseth's intention to remove all women from the military. 'Well let's see her - a She! - a Woman!- report to work at 6am & do military stuff!' - So what? A whole lot of women in the military do that for their everyday job. You know who can't do that? Hegseth.
putting aside the bigotry, the non-sequitur, and the unjustified attack on the judiciary, I'm not quite sure that drinky pete wants to start a conversation about whether people are qualified for their jobs...
Hegseth’s snarkiness in this response to Judge Reyes’ conclusion reminds me of his suits - unfitting, and in need of alteration. His irreverent, bad boy persona may be what Trump liked about him on Fox, but it is definitely not an asset in a U.S. Secretary of Defense.
Look at GI Joe Hegseth trying to use military words to make it sound like he knows what he’s talking about. I’m surprised he put his bottle down long enough to post that.
I’m sorry, is the Fox and Friends weekend host instructing Army Rangers on how to execute High Value Target Raids or training Green Berets on counterinsurgency warfare?
He’s certainly not holding court on axe throwing technique.
When did drunken racist Nazi-boy Fox News host Hegseth become a "top military planner"? The guy was a midlevel garden-variety National Guard Major who never commanded more than a company of troops at any one time; and the poser sure-as-hell never qualified as a Green Beret or a Navy SEAL himself.
Also, SCOTUS ruled against judges being specialists in Jarkesy V SEC. So Pete, you might want to take up your sporty comments (and juvenile argument) with the conservative majority. They want a “neutral adjudicator”
Likewise, Hegseth and his ilk don’t seem to have problems with judges like Matthew Kacsmaryk having no relevant experience in the fields *they* rule on... unless they rule against them, of course.
I'm not sure what message Hegseth is sending the troops when his own best lawyers couldn't make the case that transgender troops were a threat to military readiness and he resorts to crying about it on social media. And I have doubts a significant portion of the troops support his views on this.
His sneering, puerile postering demeans the office he currently holds, rendering it nakedly political and partisan. May his time there be brief and inconsequential.
in all honesty i would rather have judge reyes in charge of the military right now, since she actually listens to the opinions of high ranking commanders instead of dismissing them on the wildly incorrect claim they're only where they are bc of DEI...
Judge Reyes is as insufficiently equipped with expertise or experience to train Green Berets as Hegseth is to manage DoD, however she is expertly qualified to adjudicate legal matters such as this bigoted ban.
Because, you know, the fact that Trump promoted DEI Hegseth from a weekend co-co-co-host on Fox, to the leader of the DOD, miraculously makes him a strategic military planner.
Pretty amazing watching them fire competent, senior women and promote the most infantile pants-shitting beer guzzling date-rapey fratboys they could dig out of the dumpsters after pledge week.
Yes, he's a MAGA DEI hire. Jobs for the otherwise unemployable - as long as they're straight white cis MAGA men, especially if they are Trump boot lickers.
He thinks and talks like the juvenile O4 officer he was. Everything is tactical, so sense whatsoever of operational or strategic thinking. Way out of his league - aside from the bigotry, obvi
The lack of maturity, grace, integrity, common sense & decency in the people leading R country is beyond belief. Not speaking hyperbole here-but seriously, what is going on is truly beyond belief! How did we get here & who can actually do anything to fix it? We can't last thru 4 years of this.
Pete Hegseth is the queen of performative temper tantrums. Like when he was so hurt about the renaming of bases from Confederate traitors to something as offensive as the word Liberty. They renamed the bases back but cite some random soldiers they never cared about until they were a useful token.
Hegseth is right. I was at a military conference recently and it was all the Chinese & Russian generals were talking about: “We’re so scared of the US military now because they are getting rid of DEI” 🙄
Why is he writing “judge” for a qualified female judge? I guess he’s feeling threatened since he is unqualified for his job. “Secretary” Hegseth needs to talk down to people who deserve the position they have.
It's embarrassing to have such an immature, inadequate person as Secretary of Defense. He's not demonstrating respect for the law or our constitutional system. He's not showing fidelity to the oath he took. Our military deserves better "leadership" than this.
On top of proving the point, none of the military's existing commanders travel from post to post to do trainings like that, just kinda further proving the point that nothing he says is preparedness-driven.
This almost makes me want to go back to Twitter and tell him, Pete, please treat her with the respect she is due as a Federal judge, and have some fucking class, you lowlife braindead rapist piece of shit. And furthermore,
Nah, he ALWAYS believes he's the best at anything, he just needs the drink to say it out loud without his patheticness imploding him into a wrinkly ballbag.
Judge Reyes is probably as qualified as Hesgeth, (if not more,) so why not, really? Looking over the cabinet, I wasn't aware qualifications actually mattered to this particular administration.
That Dude’s personal life was an utter disaster. Then Trump decided he should be SECDEF. I’m NOT surprised he did this after watching that comical Oval Office meeting on Friday. He’s a joke
I can’t even describe how much I hate them, and I can’t think of a more despicable person to ever run that department. Well, that goes for everyone of them.
Oooh I’m really going to get her now. 🙄 Was this while you were doing curls or dips so you felt extra masculine? Petey should be more worried that his US attorney defending him didn’t know who SecDef was on the first day of the hearing. Nor did he fully read all of the discovery data submitted.
The most telling indicator that Hegseth is just military-for-show is that he gleefully runs his stupid mouth, never once considering that someone might decide to shut it.
This whole name-calling to suggest someone is part of the out-group only works w/ people who genuinely believe either (1) you should only care about your own group or (2) just being in the out-group is worthy of hate.
Even the MAGA rank-and-file is not close to there.
We're seeing them try to turn the corner with the connection b/w Tesla torching and portraying trans people as violent & mentally ill (which they'll soon try to tie into extant animus against the unhoused). But there's a really big disconnect b/w bans and universal hatred of the group
Which is why Crockett calling the hate what it is feels so effective at this moment. Because R's are being called on to actually just hate, not get behind a sports or surgery ban, but to pivot to just hate.
Hegseth thinks people are behind him using "they" as a slur. They're not.
Also, again, WHY is Hegseth Secretary of Defense??? (Was thinking about this late last night). It’s got to be more than Trump plucked him from FoxNews…. Is he like a Proud Boys or Oath Keeper leader or something?
Trump goes by how someone looks and also how willing they are to kiss his ass. Iʻm assuming he also likes that Hegseth seems willing to violate the military code.
Yeah but plenty other sycophants in Trump’s sphere would give their their dignity and youngest daughter to get that position... I’m thinking there’s something more here
If that’s all Pete knows how to do, he is clearly not a competent secretary of defense. While I appreciate what ground troops do, that is a small part of overall military strategy and preparedness
I lost count on the number of times I've been mis-gendered by superiors in the military. It happened so often, you get dismissive of it in short order.
"Alright Ladies!!" ... and you're like; "What the fuck is it Now?" 🙄
Can confirm he was, and was ridiculed relentlessly, called "Captain America" in reference to the Generation Kill character, by his own unit and the Canadians I know who served with him in Afghanistan.
Let's have Hegseth deploy to Fort Gregg-Adams and teach how to arrange the transport of an armored brigade from Fort Moore to Fort Cavazos for training.
Remember folks: Amateurs study tactics. Professionals study logistics.
we survived Trump one; not sure about T2
Completely ignores the vast infrastructure that allows these teams to operate, where workforce diversity would be beneficial.
A common theme with MAGA. The "deep state" infrastructure is not sexy and thus not worthy of preserving.
Bright side, your liver is dying from your alcoholism.
The new SCOTUS-All by herself!
He’s certainly not holding court on axe throwing technique.
I thought she just had to be a Judge.
Morons in charge always effortlessly provide
“Exhibit A”.
Shaming has failed. A long time ago.
Need tactics that are not proven failures.
Smells like #conservatism
Strange, that.
Folks, they are not sending their best.
How to be a Dick
They are acting like it will not matter, and undermining the constitutional role of judges generally.
I think he still thinks he works at Fox News.
War criminal supporter wrote that their service lacked integrity and honesty.
He's got his current job to make sure the war crimes happen to whomever his boss wants them done.
I can't wait until all of these impotent freaks are behind bars
Even the MAGA rank-and-file is not close to there.
Hegseth thinks people are behind him using "they" as a slur. They're not.
Then maybe you can throw stones you pathetic waste of Oxygen.
(I'll wait)
just completely unethical and gross, like his boss
Hold on, wait, that's an insult to pussies, which are self-cleaning and actually quite tough, unlike him.
"Alright Ladies!!" ... and you're like; "What the fuck is it Now?" 🙄
(I hear it every time I see this picture...)
Remember folks: Amateurs study tactics. Professionals study logistics.