The worst ones for me are names with a silent H that could go in different places. I always want to type Ghengis or Ghenghis instead of Genghis Khan and Ghandi instead of Gandhi.
I’m a bookkeeper and I misspell “receipts” multiple times a week. Also “medieval” got me over and over again for many years but now I’ve got it, I think.
Restaurant. For some fucked reason I always think it’s “restaraunt.” I’ve been alive for 42 years, and I’ve been making this same mistake for most of them.
Reminded of the old story about the personnel director who always glanced inside their desk drawer when signing something, and when someone went to clean it out, they found a note saying "Two Ns, one L."
Every single internal email ends with me capitalising the H in "THanks". I have sent one external email where I typed one wrong letter in "Kind regards" and accidentally uttered a slur. Had to work out if I apologise for it or just hope they didn't notice.
That reminds me of the time I was working retail during the holidays and instead of saying "hey there folks" I said "hey there fucks". I didn't even realize it until my manager told me after the customers left. I wondered why they were looking at me weird.
A few weeks ago, I managed to spell "bureaucracy" correctly on the whiteboard while simultaneously lecturing to my class — quite possibly my biggest career accomplishment so far.
“acknowledge” is my most common google result and the dozen or so ways I spell it are my most common google searches. I spell it so poorly spell check is like ‘Sorry, I have no idea what this is’
I know it’s literally a meme but I’m an anarchist with an economics education who still can’t spell bourgeoisie on the first try (I can however spell hierarchy)
I always struggle with silhouette which I just spelled “silohuette” on first pass. And I always spell it “Rennaisance” which has been frustrating considering all the humanities and art history classes I’ve taken as electives over the last couple years
Necessary. 1 coffee 2 sugars. Every time.
Stamina. It should be like "anima," but it's not. Every time.
Diarrhoea. There's no mnemonic for this one, but if needed, go with "dire rear," and people will think you're doing a little joke
Also remembering which is the US/UK spelling for -ise/-ize or -re/-er, but that's seems like a different problem
I always try pirhana and pirahna first
I have to remind myself there's a "veni vidi vici" in there. :)
(I work in an animal hospital. It comes up a lot .)
characters becomes "charachters"
always becomes allways
and a few others I can't think of right now.
I've never spelled "Definitely" correctly on the first try
Which was problematic. Because I prescribed it relatively frequently.
I just misspelled it now and had to rely on spellcheck. (I also misspelled "misspelled".)