You can sell with the truth. It’s still about presentation.
“Inflation is painful for everyone. But what can destroy a family, the price of Gatorade going up , or the price of medications not being affordable? The republicans have a concept of a plan for drug pricing. We have a solution.
“Inflation is painful for everyone. But what can destroy a family, the price of Gatorade going up , or the price of medications not being affordable? The republicans have a concept of a plan for drug pricing. We have a solution.
Reposted from
Hope Matters
Point taken. But isn't that bc Trump's a scammer? It's a lot easier to sell a fantasy, especially if you wrap it in promises of riches and self-righteous vengeance. As well as promise fake solutions to problems that don't exist or that he created. Not sure if being more like Trump is the answer?!
You family will benefit. If you run a business, the cost of offering benefits will benefit. That’s why you should vote Harris
It resonated a lot more than “ we will stop price gouging “ , which the Dems were fixated on because it “tested well” , but did not address any family or business finances of the moment
Which is more important to your family at this very moment ? Health or Gatorade ?
And yes m, they heard me say this same thing every event I did
"Angry people click", and they also seem to vote.
We need a way to sell with anger?
It's the successful combination of years of conservative media propaganda and social media psyops.
“The other guy should have done this to get the message out”
To “the other guy’s message was this…and it still is better
than what is happening.”
Sounds more constructive. Just sayin’.
We knew it couldn’t be done.
What would you do different from Biden. Nothing.
There should’ve been something lined out. What will be different.
She didn’t sell people on the new incoming administration. Mark Kelly would’ve been a better running mate. To me, it’s strategy.
I’m a straight shooter.
Both the country and the world need to see pushback on this, and those who are pushing back are being left to drown.
I have little respect left for any of them at this point . They are culpable.
Kamala wasn’t perfect but Trump literally just played music and refused to answer questions during one of his campaigns.
Was racism a factor, yes.
Was sexism a factor, yes.
But you don’t move a nation to vote for a convicted felon without a propaganda machine downplaying the crimes and legitimising the criminal.
is a severe indictment of the Dem party.
As is the idea that she has to "sell" her policies.
Primary the Dems. Hard. until they become a political party instead of a PR firm.
Allways have been.
They went high and lost their innermost fight mentality.
Republicans are dumb bullies and we should stoop to levels that make them shutter but we lost all golden opportunities.
This is why vilification if so effective in politics. And also why it is so important for political leaders to have a strong message about their character not just their platform.
America wasn't willing to vote for a black woman in 2024
But he didn't say anything about the word "Felony"!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Boom goes the neck vain!!! 🤣🤣🤣
It's an ugly world where lying works.
Communication wasn’t the reason Kamala lost. It wasn’t why Democrats lost the Congress.
Being outrageous won. No one could be more outrageous than Trump. America got what America wanted.
How does this work?
Any American who listened to his lies from 2015 , through the ENTIRE Biden four years , and still doesn’t know he is a total scammer : those people are unreachable.
I think Kamala lost because men couldn’t vote a woman in
It was never about the price of ANYTHING
In bullet points.
3 word slogans.
To reach the others.
"Harris says inflation unavoidable in her presidency"
"Democrats fine with increased prices on items regular Americans enjoy"
Better would be solely focus on measures to lower costs and point out Rs lack of a plan of ANYTHING
#Maga #FAFO
Instead…you’re on social media trying to sell yourself as the “good billionaire”.
Assuming you're not scamming us and playing a long game. I don't have any real innate distrust of rich ppl. It's just that the greater part of the current crop does make me view them in an extremely jaundiced and cautious way right now.
If you had any guts you’d declare your candidacy now. That will instantly magnify the importance of everything you say. You are an outsider. A business leader. You can critique the current idiocy and offer real solutions. Do it.
Point being: More so than what is said, the Dems need to associate positive images with their brand, and negative images with Trump.
Writings by MANY GREAT MINDS ... all point to the VERY SAME THING .....
"... 2 roads diverged in a Wood ... and I ... I took the one LESS travelled by ..." ~ #RobertFrost
Egg prices at Christmas 2024 under Biden - $4.15
Egg prices at Valentines Day 2025 under Trump - $8.00
What has Trump done to help bring the Egg Prices Down?
Still at Concept of a Plan stage
They have to see it.
But really, the best option is to advocate for earlier and better health.
Appeals to pity? Mark, come on. You are selling yourself as being better than that.
I'm actually a little embarrassed for you
You have a huge following, and so much influence, we need you to get it together. Stop being a defeatist.
Read what you wrote again, and think about it.
89 Seconds to Midnight.
I hate it, but it’s about the only chance other then lying even crazier then them.
Trump appeals to vulgar base instincts. There's nothing special or new about what he does.
Also, pretty sure we’ve recently proven that lies sell far better than truth.
Every day in the studios highlighting the Project 2025 policies being enacted, and Musk’s deranged ketamine usurpation of power.
Every day.
We could help them help us!
AND offered help for families.
Mortgage, childcare, elder care, no new taxes etc ...
Does that mean you hate this country if you have the power and influence to do something about it but you still let Republicans lie with impunity?
Case in point: Trump #45 bragged multiple times about 10% military pay raises, but my reality was raises that ranged between 2.1% and 3.1%.
It’s not about selling truth. It’s about giving people want they want.
Someone or something to blame for their problems, that’s easy to understand even if it’s a lie.
And, the promise of a fix even if it’s vague and impossible.
But the fiction and grift will win 9 times out of 10. That is why we have things like truth in advertising laws. Lies work!
We just need more intelligent people, not more lies. Republicans are ignorant by choice.
Dems need to put away the billionaire $$ crack pipe first.
They cannot serve billionaires and the people at the same time. This is why they lose.
Then you can discuss tactics to regain control.
It doesn’t affect anything but you not being able to go out for a 25000 dinner
Please your a bunch of liars and just as corrupt … do you think we believe you
run for office if you really care
The felon won because he constantly repeated his lies and propaganda and people came to believe
Dems continue to try to poll test their messaging and go through all of this archaic nonsense to vet their communications. The best messaging right now is passion. I only see it from a handful.
It's not about a flowery statement. It's about simplicity, repetition, multiple points of the same info, and persistence.
And memes, and yes it hurt to type that.
They think they’re smarter than everyone, and rather than either simplify the message or educate, they scorn.
Lets begin the list, agree and put it EVERYWHERE...particularly in complete opposition to P2025
With respect, I think the Dems needs to a find message (and a vision of America) that resonates emotionally.
and has sold his soul with his "brand" of a sales pitch and outlandish and lying propaganda that gets him free press. If he understands anything at all, he knows how to market an idea to gain free press, no matter how cruel and insidious his message may be.
That is effective, they just need policies to back it up and say the words.
Happy Valentine's Day to a lovely couple!
It's The Very High Tensions,
American & Russian Relations.
Putin is Not going to bow to pressure.
And Therefore...It's Super Dangerous Right Now."
"Let's Immediately Unify...In Which We Very Simply,
Do Simple Reasonable Good For Each Other,
Assist Survival?"
"The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for a few good men to do nothing."
21% of adults in the US are illiterate
54% have a literacy BELOW a 6th grade level
Americans need to be coddled and talked to like a 11 or 12 year old
Which is why you seem to think Counter Propaganda stands a fighting chance at this point. We are far beyond messaging, Mark.
Those people don't get to lead anymore and the sooner you accept it, the sooner you'll move beyond 'messaging'.
Help organize, build out comms networks. Do the things the little folks can't or don't have the resources to accomplish, but as for the leadership, that must come from the people.
The cuts could start as soon as Friday.
Is it great what you are doing? Yes.
But seriously, other rich people need to do better, and the government needs to reform.
the loss of jobs, funding, contracts; the inflation from tariffs, is going to touch every American.
the coming economic contraction will not go unnoticed.
but something more than "the sky is falling!", please, Democrats...
they buy what SATISFIES them. human nature.
the lies sound good, and they want to believe...
and when it doesn't come true there are always the USUAL SUSPECTS to blame. (RADICAL DEMOCRATS!)
and the next lie to believe.
For those religious nuts...idolatry will eventually be their undoing. You can talk the truth, few will hear.
Nothing worse than a politician promising and not coming through then say Congress is to blame.
A lot of people don’t understand law making.
This would also highlight the need for down ballot candidates.
Same tactic pushed by New Gingrich and someone in Germany in the 1930's and 40's. Gingrich sent out a list of - adjectives to use for Dems, + one for GOP.
The hard core cultists will stay no matter what, but I am thinking we will surely win over some fringes.
No need to throw babies out with bathwaters ;)
1.) Intimidation
2.) Incarceration
3.) Extermination
(Incineration preferred but optional)
It's the Nazi 3 step...
Nat-C or Nazi no matter the name the sordid depravity's always the same.
They nvr really cared about inflation, f'ed up hlth care system, or how trumps policies hurt them!🤔
Increase the size of the carrot for voting in a Swing State.
Offset the discount with a Red State Premium.
Dems speak at 6000 feet when voters are at sea level.
We need a populist of the left or we going to pedantify ourselves out of a democracy forever.