I mean, I WANNA crusade but what about my unnaturally acted polyamorous pornography?!?
And HOW am I suppose to violently spread the word of God if I don't have a Spouse not to neglect in the first place?!? All this contraception I was gonna use anyway is gonna spoil.
I would not have thought about it this way before but apparently you can be even more of a virgin then just "virgin." Like you can be a extra, double virgin knight of virginity.
Ok think its pretty unnatural to have half a dozen blokes in skirts waving their weapons in your bedroom. Maybe it doesn't count if they are God Botherers.
There is really nothing unnatural about having a platoon of dudes watching to make sure you are only "doing missionary with a firm handshake after" It's even less unnatural if they're singing "Every Sperm is Sacred."
Well yeah, the reason they don't like democracy is that it puts sinful and holy people on equal footing. The fact that nearly everyone will say this sucks is not, to them, a sign it sucks, it's a sign The People cannot be trusted with self-governance
It's literally the meme with Jesus in the bedroom, unironically and with so much added goofiness that could only come from fash losers like this. *Mwah*!🤌 Molto bene
When there's absolutely nothing going on in your own bedroom because you're repellent to everyone, worrying about what others are doing in theirs is all you've got, I guess.
They will, however, remain loyal to institutions that aid and abet sexual abuse, so that's how you know they're super duper serious about all of this very genuine concern.
I kinda miss fucking with accounts like this. Ask them why the crucifixion iconography looks less like a genuine torture scene and more like a gay BDSM porno and the block would usually come within seconds.
you're not wrong though, and I'm a non-lapsed Catholic. I do go to a church where the mosaic behind the altar is of a post-Resurrection Jesus in front of the Cross, so I'm pretty sure the tradcaths think I'm a heretic.
Can someone please tell me that this is from a parody account? I just need to know that an adult human being capable of typing doesn't actually believe in this kind of cartoon nonsense.
Nope. I refuse. I mean... yeah, it's a fascist, that much is obvious... but also no, this didn't happen. I never saw this picture and I am leading a normal life in a normal world.
This is the kind of thing that *almost* made sense when there were birthright monarchs ruling countries, but *only* as it applied to them. In that case it actually would have been in the public interest to prevent the inbreeding that led to so many crappy rulers.
I love mediaeval law when they hate someone. "We're arresting you for marrying rats and turning into a flock of geese during the full moon and also you gave Satan breakfast"
Most of that was pure propaganda, aimed to show they were secret Satan worshippers so they could be tried as heretics and, most importantly, so their Church property could be confiscated
That was their downfall, King Phillip of France owed them more money than he was able to pay, so he got their leaders executed and the order's wealth in his pockets.
As the Jews found out in England, being owed a lot of money by sociopathic royalty can be extremely dangerous.
For a bunch of weirdos supposedly against godless heathen savagery these guys sure do enjoy themselves a whole lot of godless heathen savagery costume play
That "AI" image is upsetting - their necks are wider than their helmets. The little sword. One has an antenna. The woman in bed appears to be wearing a Grouch Marx disguise.
And HOW am I suppose to violently spread the word of God if I don't have a Spouse not to neglect in the first place?!? All this contraception I was gonna use anyway is gonna spoil.
This is *quite* the pickle...
- have limbs that obey physics
no pornography, now please get back to fucking as we watch
We leer whenever we're able
Write fascist laws
Without a pause
Some would say that we're unstable
*neural network-generated nonsense pixels
As the Jews found out in England, being owed a lot of money by sociopathic royalty can be extremely dangerous.
They want to take turns with that lady while dressed as Monty Python characters, right?
GIRLS: Oral sex! Oral sex!
GALAHAD: Well, I could stay a BIT longer.