my favorite part of that movie is when they put him in the electric chair and it gives him electricity powers instead of killing him, they didn't concoct an explanation for why that happens at all.
there's no scene where a guard talks about the chair malfunctioning or something. that just happens.
re: the alt text, i haven’t seen the movie since i was a kid but i’m pretty sure that him being electrocuted and not caring about it was a major plot point in this one, lol
It's fitting for a film that completely lacks the emotional core of Ernest Goes To Camp or Ernest Saves Christmas. An amoral film that embraces chaos tbh
Not a joke: my mother took us to see this film after telling us that she and my father were divorcing. She and my younger siblings and I sat there in the dark theater silently weeping the whole time. I haven’t watched it a second time.
the alt-text made me die laughing. also i just wanted to say apropos of nothing me and my boyfriend reference your letterboxd review of the first star trek movie, where you say deforest kelley is dressed like the invention or of cocaine, constantly
this might be childhood nostalgia talking, but i watched this one pretty recently to see if it holds up and there's a lot of stuff in it that's genuinely pretty funny to me still
had an actual lol when Nash shows up to Ernest's house and see all the PeeWee's Playhouse type bullshit and contraptions and is immediately disgusted by how much of a loser his lookalike is
guaranteed video on youtube did a really fun earnest movie retrospective series like 5 years ago! earnest goes to jail holds up pretty well tbh, the africa one does not though
I really believe that if Jim Varney had lived to the present day he'd be like a respected Tim Blake Nelson type character actor, but he'd also probably have to never talk about Ernest Goes to Africa
They also had a local band come in and play music and tell us not to do drugs. I googled the band and they were a Christian rock band so it all makes more sense now.
I was caught escaping from jail via spoon-dug tunnel myself, and I made the same face. I had no idea until I saw a photograph years later. The funny thing is, Varney tried escaping from the same prison as prep for the role, and he also made the face without realizing it. It had to go in the film
i feel like the animators for the Hildibrand storylines in Final Fantasy XIV had to have watched these movies as inspiration for some of the insane expressions that go on in them
there's no scene where a guard talks about the chair malfunctioning or something. that just happens.