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writer, poet, and tea fiend. she/her.
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None of us can be sure what will “work.” You try multiple things and find your way in. Read some histories of the Civil Rights Movement by those who participated. They were never “sure” of what would work. Some campaigns fizzled out. But persistence, creativity, determination, and focus were key.

this is a 100% accurate take, no notes

Instead of The Empire Strikes Back, we've been living in... The Lost Cause Strikes Back. And here you've been wasting your time complaining about Star Wars! Please see the following Vox explainer for more.

The measles outbreak in Texas is reminding me of the public letter Roald Dahl wrote about losing his daughter to measles in 1962, just before the vaccine was publicly available.

I was in a room with a few octogenarians yesterday and I thought man, these people survived Jim Crow. My grandfather was 12 when Emmett Till was lynched. His dad almost met the same fate in Georgia. Amnesia will be our downfall if you don’t keep speaking up that history is right there.

It is perfectly legal to know your rights and to educate others about them, too. EVERYONE in the United States, citizen or not, has rights. I will not allow this administration to intimidate us from helping you know about them. Here’s our shareable guide ⬇️: (pt. 1/2)

We are going to need a LOT of people to stand up this way. I’m glad people are doing it.

In my email: PLEASE DONATE TO OUR FIGHT FUND in private: please stop bothering us we’re just three lil guys in a trench coat

a maximalist strategy of opposition against every nominee as unqualified would have stood a better chance of creating the kind of public outrage that might have led to more republican defections, but i'm sure the imaginary family that chuck schumer relies on to guide his decisions disagreed

I am extremely freaking thrilled to announce that Bad Company is *officially* available for preorder wherever you buy books. (I am linking to Bookshop but buy it wherever!) I worked so, so hard on this book, and it would mean a ton to me if you ordered it.

“My death as a member of the third gender and transgender population does not mean you won. It solely marks the end of our association. You are not the land of the free.”

props to the homie R.I. who suggested i need to be using "treat yo'SHELF" in this valetine's day promo. it takes a village.

There was so much in it. I saw Alvin Ailey’s Revelations in this stunning moment. If you don’t know the significance of Revelations, here you go.

I'm gonna be real: shit like this is why I won't listen to fanboys complaining about the show. yeah yeah, it's not a big deal to you because every fantasy show ever has a bunch of men doing political machinations without being dehumanized/assaulted/objectified. IT'S NOT FOR YOU THEN

These are research grants awarded through evaluation of their merits by scientific peers, in which the investigators are carrying out important, ground-breaking work. They're being targeted because, as required by NSF guidelines, they include some investment in benefits for the broader community.

Beginnings of Roman London discovered in office basement The wall is made from a type of limestone from Kent, and formed an imposing building - the basilica would have been about 40m long, 20m wide and 12m high.

And now is the time when we see what companies REALLY gots women’s backs,,, the world is watching 👀

We only know this man is in Gitmo because Noem tweeted a propaganda photo that included him and his sister saw it. He has no criminal record. He entered the US in January and immediately made an appointment with CBP to claim asylum. They sent him to a concentration camp bc of his basketball tattoo.

i am going to put a finer point on this: executive orders are not laws. and they certainly are not royal decrees. they are interpretations of existing law for the purposes of enforcement. the fact that so many people are treating them as laws is actually driving me a bit insane.

First training call TONIGHT: Fight deportations - The Solidarity Pledge is offering this tonight. Registration here: Can't make it tonight there are two other opportunities: Wednesday, Feb 12th at 5PM ET Saturday, Feb 15th at 12PM ET

"Despair and believing that you are powerless is a form of 'obeying in advance.' People ARE doing things. You will meet those people when YOU start doing things." Concrete actions from, excellent as always.

“Over just 18 months, the Harvard Slavery Remembrance Program conclusively identified 913 Harvard-affiliated enslaved people, and located 403 living direct descendants. I estimate that Harvard leaders enslaved thousands more during the period 1636-1900.” — Richard J. Cellini

a good part of me thinks that in addition to everything else, the reason they are scrubbing these stories is they do not want disadvantaged kids to believe they can aspire to anything other than their designated “black” or “hispanic” or “woman” job

If we ever get to this point, the first thing we need to do is consult with lawyers from countries who have been through this and come out the other side. We need to discard the idea that Americans know best about everything. We obviously don’t.

the OTHER thing about the white house’s anti-diversity push is that like old fashioned segregation it is explicitly an effort to undermine unions! like c’mon! don’t be stupid!

I think what's being done to trans people in this country is a FUCKING SCANDAL. It's absolutely an attempt at eradicating trans people from public life and ALL OF US must refuse this. Everyone. Stop being a loser mealy mouth person. This is bullshit. You should say so in all the places you inhabit.

It's a chaotic time. Have you eaten something today? Taken your meds? Gone for a walk outside? Called a friend recently or made plans to see one in person? It's tempting to rot in bed or doomscroll all day. I get it. You still deserve moments of joy and enough time to rest.

*stares directly into camera, specifically at all the people who told me I was being dramatic when I said they would attempt this*

they are stealing data from the american people and depriving us of the transparency that we are entitled to by law. none of this is legal and not a single federal employee has any reason to comply.

i think this should be factored into how states, counties, localities and hospitals respond to these executive orders. "we will investigate you if you teach DEI." okay, with what agents, specifically? with what state capacity?

classic Loony Tunes have much to teach us about class solidarity

Happy 5th "Large boulder the size of a small boulder" anniversary! #Geology ⚒️

The reaction to Elon’s salute compared to Will Smith’s slap? Quite telling. (And some of us are sick and tired of telling y’all. It’s egregious hypocrisy.)

If you are a visa holder/temp resident in the U.S., and your child was born here and doesn't have a passport, GET A PASSPORT FOR THEM IMMEDIATELY. Like, make the appointment this week.

My MLK day piece is up.

To celebrate, once again, Erik Satie’s postcards to the critic known as “Fuckface” —

One of the things I love most about daily divination is how it encompasses the sacred and the mundane. Some mornings the message is basic, like “call your sister, it’s been a while,” and other times it’s a deep dive into emotional turmoil I didn’t realize was brewing under the surface.

this is our actual climate future staring us in the face - no consensus reality or shared source of authority, rampant conspiracies everywhere, more pressure to address made up nonsense than the underlying problem conspiracy theories are fully mainstream now

Occasional reminder that there’s no, “it’s too late, its over” for anthropogenic climate change. Every molecule of CO2 that doesn’t go into the atmosphere makes a difference. Preventing 0.1 degree of warming makes a difference. Every bit of climate resilience we build together makes a difference.

I wrote about which museums and art institutions are currently closed due to the fires in Los Angeles:

It’s funny Zuck says “I started building social media to give people a voice” when in fact, he started building social media to publicly rate the hotness of undergrads.

My membership has lapsed and I'm not at the meeting, but I'm glad to see the AHA pass this condemnation of the indefensible assault on educational institutions in Gaza.

Congrats y'all we shatpostbullied the nerds into their lockers

No joke: it should ALWAYS be like this. No party should have the authority to stop journalists from recording whatever they want on the House floor.

December's trip to LA for Comic Arts LA was literally the first con I've done within memory where I didn't bring home a cold. I masked in the taxis, airports, and most of the show. And I'm gonna keep doing it. I love not being sick. :3

I made it to the beach just in time to take this photo of Venus’ ingress into Pisces 🥹

Really happy with this tea towel I embroidered for my bestie’s Christmas present 😍