The GOP is apparently planning on passing a reconciliation package with as much as $120 BILLION in border-related funding.
To put that in context, if you add up ever single Border Patrol budget from 1990 through 2024, adjusted for inflation, it's $121 billion. That's THIRTY-FOUR YEARS of funding.
To put that in context, if you add up ever single Border Patrol budget from 1990 through 2024, adjusted for inflation, it's $121 billion. That's THIRTY-FOUR YEARS of funding.
I'm sorry you got static from an expert. It was helpful for others of us who don't know as much.
I don't care about their feelings or their seats in Congress. Primary the lot of them!
But too many others will be harmed, which is unforgivable.
It is all going to be diverted into fake departments and fake jobs and whisked away into Trump's and the Cabinet's Swiss Bank Accounts. He promised them he would make them
rich if they donated to his campaign.
I thought the deficit was a problem and we needed to slash programs for the most needy.
Clinton balanced the it to zero, and since then every republican president increased the deficit during their term like clockwork.
Axios is predictably framing it around the fiscal topic instead of around the massive upheaval this amount of money is clearly prepping for
Our full statement can be found here:
(screenshot from the Wikipedia page on the 1685 Fontainebleau edict, or « révocation de l’Edit de Nantes », effectively banishing Protestants from France)
Unless we have specifics, that is an empty promise.
What is this "training" you speak of?
Straight out of the Putin playbook
>60% of that money will go into oligarch pockets
The CBP budget in 2003 was $5.9B. ICE was $3.3B.
Both have more than doubled in the past twenty years, and yet the GOP would have us believe the problem is much worse now.
Either they're lying or they're wasting a lot of money.
(In reality, it's some of both.)
I don’t think the maps from aclu and others is correct. The external boundary is 12 miles off the coast.
happy if I'm wrong about the airport thing but 1) warranties searches ok 100 miles from a coast or border is still horrendous and 2) also still not sufficient motive for me to move to St. Louis (Denver maybe)
This country is so broken.💔
Republicans spend months (lying) claiming they are and then call the CBO score a Hoax and then pass them anyway
She is supposedly non-partisan and respected?
Given the Border Patrol is militarized and already a hotbed of Trump support, it seems very worrisome if they suddenly got to increase their numbers dramatically.