Just want to be on the record saying that I fully support the annexation of Canada provided that each province is admitted as a state and given the requisite two senators and complement of Congressmen.
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Lol what is the joke? That he secretly doesn't mean what he's saying?
When a country known for invading other countries and violating their sovereignty makes a genuine threat about doing all that shit again, idk how anyone thinks it's a joke to say "yeah let's do it!"
Americans are incorrigible.
They're going to keep this joke running until they can't.
But if you know Canada, you're not especially worried that this ish going to happen, soon.
It's about as probable as Mexico. Both countries are extremely independent, except they live next to the elephant.🏈
American here concurring. Trump and his merry band of magas, go fuck yourselves. And to all Americans who stay silent on this, go fuck yourselves, too.
How about we just annex the US as a colony, tax it progressively, require that it learn a new political system while having to swear fealty to the King of England and for that you get universal health care.
10 provinces and 3 territories makes 13 new states with 26 senators, and as many representatives as California. All of them accustomed to having national health insurance.
I just moved back to the US from Canada after 14 years and I am absolutely convinced that this way of doing it would be a net good whether it is accomplished by accident or not
to be clear I don't think it is likely to happen this way or that Trump, who I do not support, would actually want it this way because the implications are too actually positive, but I became a Canadian citizen before leaving and imo Canadian sovereignty is basically a net negative at this point
Give back your Canadian passport and relinquish your citizenship, you f’ing traitor. Your current country would invade an ally because your country wants our natural resources. You want our land, water and oil but you don’t want to pay/trade for them. Fucking grifters
I am also aware that this way of thinking is extremely unpopular with Canadians (apparently I am in something like 3% of NDP voters who think that joining the countries is a good idea) which is another reason I am not expecting anyone to take it seriously
Canadian neighbors. I don't think you need to worry. Trump can't even wipe his own ass. Let alone pose any kind of threat to you. Infact I'm willing to bet good money he thinks Montana is Canada.
Looks like some people are missing your point. If we actually became one country, Trump might not have majority. But I do feel like the world is moving toward conservative fascism as a whole for some ungodly reason and this could actually backfire.
Yeah, I’ve seen a lot comments like this from russians, I would say you should be ashamed of yourself, but you probably have a shrink who told you how toxic shame is
I do think we're making some big assumptions that they would all go democratic when they have a strong conservative movement hellbent on dismembering their own wellfare state.
Funny seeing the National Review run from Trump's musings on annexation for this very reason, but also illustrative for those holding out hope for D.C. or Puerto Rico statehood. As a thought experiment, republicans aren't interested in $33 trillion worth of natural resources if it would shift power.
Given how many US states were split apart before getting statehood because they were apparently too big, it would probably make sense to do the same to the Canadian provinces.
Say hello to 5 Ontarios.
(No, this is absolutely not serious, almost nobody in Canada would be fine with annexation)
Alberta and Saskatchewan would both be light-red states imo. Not unwinnable for Democrats by any means, but generally tilting right. Every other province would be at least as blue as Minnesota.
No disrespect, but Ontario is a lot more like Ohio than New York State. Quebec would probably have a third party and not caucus with Dems or Republicans. NB probably R, NFLD, NS, and PEI probably D. BC and MB swing states that lean D. AB and SK red states. Not that straightforwardly a D sweep here.
I suspect that the involuntary American annexation of Canada by a Republican president would hurt the Republican brand in Canada. And by "hurt," I mean "they'd be lucky if their reception was more Kim Campbell 1993 than Nicolae Ceausescu 1989."
Ontario is not a lot more like Ohio than New York State, no. The GTA and Ottawa are a significant majority of the population, and the smaller Ontario cities are often fairly progressive themselves. Rural areas are relatively indigenous. Ontario would be at least as safely blue as Minnesota.
Even as right as ON, AB, SK etc are, they still fall to the left of the GOP (hell, on certain issues they're to the left of the Democrats).
Healthcare is the massive one. Cdn healthcare isn't perfect, but no majority in any province is ditching the public system for bankruptcy-inducing US style.
As a California-born resident of Washington State I'm perfectly willing to pronounce lieutenant "lef-tenant" (for whatever reason they do that) if it gets the three west coast states admitted to confederation as new provinces
To be fair it’s a good move, Canada is slightly ahead of Australia in the “let’s break our country” path of destruction. But you’ll could saved by merging with USA. Australia on the other hand is highly screwed
It's all hilarious, but the US right wing will discover the 'human rights' violations of the French language charter and happily use them as a excuse to invade.
We cannot even handle the territories we currently have. Once we have Guam and Puerto Rico in as states with full voting rights and senators and congressmen representation this all feels like a child grabbing a toys.. Settle down there, kiddo you don’t even play with the toys you have now.
Which America almost certainly will not do, especially in the current political climate, given they haven't done it yet for the territories they ALREADY control: Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and Guam.
I used to be less annoying about this one until I moved to DC and faced the reality of having no individual representative congressional offices I could call to express my feelings.
The Congressional Apportionment Amendment was the first amendment proposed after the constitution came into effect. The Bill of Rights was added at the Constitutional Convention. So technically it would have been the original Eleventh Amendment.
I am an American, yes. But I am also the son of a man who was born a subject of the British Empire. Don't really need to be lectured about imperialism over a joke about Canada joining the United States, thanks.
And, just so you know
..the MAGAs are not intending on making them "states", where there would be voting rights ... nope, they want to make them "colonies" and "protectorates" under the "American Empire" https://bsky.app/profile/atrupar.com/post/3lfaoiuni3s2w
I am old enough to remember Hasan Piker, "joking" about Russia invading Ukraine. Until it happened. Then, you know, his life didn't change. But whatever. There are lots of topics to discuss, so lets not get fixated
lol. Dude. A joke? Are you paying attention. I say this as also a former subject for the British Empire. You seriously are American now, if this feels normal and funny to you.
Dominion status meant sovereignty. Sovereignty and membership in the British Empire were not incompatible, that's how the British Empire *worked* by the 30s (if you were white, that is).
I mean, I probably won't ever get to see my grandmother again because the country of my birth decided to launch a war of imperialist conquest, I'm not too enthusiastic about my adopted home doing the same.
My great grandparents were colonial subjects twice (Spain, then America), and fell under Japanese occupation during WWII and even they would've been less sensitive about a joke like that.
Isn't Canada still a constitutional monarchy with the King of England as the ultimate authority over Canada? I believe Charles title includes King of Canada.
Legally they are separate crowns that the same person holds. When acting in Canada he does it as King of Canada. And the position is a ceremonial one today, executive power is with the government and Prime Minister of Canada.
When a country known for invading other countries and violating their sovereignty makes a genuine threat about doing all that shit again, idk how anyone thinks it's a joke to say "yeah let's do it!"
They're going to keep this joke running until they can't.
But if you know Canada, you're not especially worried that this ish going to happen, soon.
It's about as probable as Mexico. Both countries are extremely independent, except they live next to the elephant.🏈
*1/3 the population of Wyoming*
Your idea of a joke, probably.
The prairies and maritimes might not go the way you think they should. Quebec might surprise you from time to time and say they want to be a country.
Canada, Greenland….where next??
Shame Denmark and Canada have stayed relatively silent on this so far, a diplomat telling you to go fuck yourself would make great TV
This isn’t remotely funny to us Canadians.
Thanks for listening.
Агрессоры всех стран объеденяйтесь!
Say hello to 5 Ontarios.
(No, this is absolutely not serious, almost nobody in Canada would be fine with annexation)
Healthcare is the massive one. Cdn healthcare isn't perfect, but no majority in any province is ditching the public system for bankruptcy-inducing US style.
If Canada is going to be annexed by anybody, let it be Australia: they would keep these things, and wouldn't have to deal with school shootings.
There are a lot of normal, beer drinking, pro wrestling fan, outdoors types up there.
That's okay. REAL ones get it. ;-)
I do not want to be a part of the USA.
Thanks but no thanks.
It's not a "joke" when you think taking over sovereign countries is legitimate.
Just stop.
..the MAGAs are not intending on making them "states", where there would be voting rights ... nope, they want to make them "colonies" and "protectorates" under the "American Empire"
You think there are going to be elections?
Trump: were going to try to annex canada
Americans: i agree, we should
Ha ha ha so funny ha ha ha hilarious. You should follow up with the same 5 dogshit canada jokes that every American uses
Dominion status meant sovereignty. Sovereignty and membership in the British Empire were not incompatible, that's how the British Empire *worked* by the 30s (if you were white, that is).
Same reason why they won’t allow Puerto Rico and other territories to become states.