Ford is the best example (only one, really) that if you make cars people want to buy, people will buy them.
Ford had 3 models in Europe's top 50 for last year, the Puma, the Kuga and the Focus.
"The haters will slam her later". Is pointing out objectively that she is a lying stoog grifting for the facist considered slamming her, or is calling her a fuxking deceitful, lying bitch the real slam. Luv all the yuks she has with her. Guess she can't carry the show alone. magaTville = Fux.
In March of 2009, at the same point in Barack Obama's first term, the Fox "Business" clowns (batshit Bartiromo was still at CNBC at the time) were decrying the weak state of the economy and claiming that "Obama owns this, he's been in office since January."
Now that's pretty amazing when Trump was taking credit for good December economic news.
And when the direct cause of recession can be found in massive February layoffs and insane uncertainty created by the First Felon.
I can see why it takes long studies to become an economics pundit!
She's never seen Ford in UK/EU even though they sold 426k cars there in 2024. American cars are just big and not designed for the narrow roads in the UK/EU, example, the Dacia Sandero (best EU seller 24) width of 69 in, the Ford F-150 (best US seller of 24) has a width of 95.7 inches.
These people are something. It would be? They screamed last 4 years that we were in a recession, economy sucked yada yada. They said Trump would fix it. Now they are saying "It would be a Biden recession". I hate these people more everyday.
0f course its bidens fault. Just like all the jobs that were lost thanks due the orange hitler and his evil minions...🙄🙄🙄 Are these people if you can call them that fucking stupid evil or full of hate? Probably all 3 at the same time
Nope, you know better than that...shame on you. This is all the new name is the Trumpcession. I'm using that name I saw someone else use it. It fits, everything from Jan 20 belongs to MAGAss and felon47..
Alternatively, they could blame the upcoming recession on FDR, to give it a little more historic gravitas and add an interesting surprise element to the story.
Plus they are attempting to eliminate DEIA ("accessibility" is included, despite the ADA) so picking FDR would work in nicely, too.
And all MAGAs will continue blaming Biden for Trump/Musk actions…. It is hopeless, we can’t save the USA with this level of lies and indoctrination. If I could blow up one thing, I’d blow up any satellite allowing Fox News propaganda to air. It’s a 🤬 cancer.
Yes we will call you out for that Marian because Biden left a growing economy. Not one month of negative jobs. Record markets etc. at the very least Trump has brought massive uncertainty to everything - which even I know the economy doesn’t like.
Dumb bitch doesn’t understand why European don’t buy pick up trucks. She needs to go back to Sicily to see how roads, transit, trains and city are built. What a dumb idiot.
And check what fuel costs. No one in Europe is clamoring for a vehicle that gets American truck fuel mileage when petrol runs almost 2x the price Americans scream about.
Yeah, Canada charging 25% more on three state energy is Bidens choice. Trump putting 25% more on the price of potash and aluminium is Biden choice. Yep those are not going to inflate price.
Set aside all the stupidity about Trump’s Recession not being Trump’s. You don’t see American Pickup trucks in Europe because they’re mileage pigs, and massive, unworkable death machines if driven in a European city. These arguments are just dumb jingoistic blather.
Nah. ‘After a record breaking 45 months of economic contraction, are we finally seeing the first green shoots of recovery - a testament to the hard choices the Trump admin has had to take…?’
Mercedes and Audi are better cars (by a country mile) which is why !!! Dip shit!!! That’s why we’re not watching French or German films !!! Is she fucking deranged? Don’t bother answering
I’m stuck on her questioning why there aren’t more Dodge rams in Europe. Have you seen how congested Europe is? A Dodge ram would take up the whole street in Amsterdam.
She’s talking about trucks in Europe, when the tariffs were on Canada and Mexico. And Europe doesn’t drive giant trucks. That’s why they don’t buy Dodge Rams.
I can just see a Ram truck in the streets of many European cities. Even the big cities have many narrow streets; in the quaint old towns, there's only narrow streets. Gas is much more expensive than here. Plus very few people anywhere even need those giant trucks.
Why don’t we have Dodge Rams in Europe?
1. Too big for narrow streets/parking
2. Fuel is expensive
3. High taxes on large engines
4. Smaller pickups preferred
5. US models need mods to meet regs
It's darkly funny to me that when Trump was out of office, his sycophants wanted to talk about how maybe he was really in power, and now that he's in office, Biden is still mysteriously running things somehow.
Apparently "the economy is good or bad" is, for these people, a more accurate metric of who is really running things rather than, say, who is verifiably living in the White House and signing executive orders. Trump, by definition, cannot fail.
Her lips have created a feedback loop with her brain and only stupid crap comes out?
Good stuff may or may not be stuck in a loop inside her skull, we'll never know.
Definitely a Biden recession. It’s his fault thousands of government workers are being laid off, with the knock-on effects to those who relied on their business. And Biden is the one forcing Trump to levy tariffs. Biden is the reason there is so much pain and fear and turmoil in the US right now.
Charles Payne: "A couple days ago Bank of America came out with their credit card data, & it was scary. I mean, shocking declines in restaurants, airlines, lodging. Just look at the most recent poll of people who said they're gonna go traveling soon. It has plunged. I think the boom times are over."
With all the layoffs and even greater #'s to come..warning on street is hold onto your money to get thru another great depression coming. So yes, we will see horrible stats in months ahead!
They’re trying to tell me that the most jobs added (a poor showing anyway) are the same place most jobs were CUT by a bad doge? The place EOs and secretaries seem to actually pink slip, demolish, diminish and destroy?
If 1.5% had voted the other way, we'd be talking about universal health care instead of clear cutting our parks and selling the land for golf courses and mining just because Donald Trump loves golf and doesn't give a shit about trees or sick people.
In Europe fuel is expensive, many roads are narrow, parking is hard to find, most people don't have their own place to park. The typical US designed car is just too big, too thirsty, too heavy, and too costly to drive over here.
"shocking declines in restaurants"
Does this mean that little fucker Nick who voted for Trump because of "no tax on tips" might not even have tips to be taxed? Poor babe.
Petty Me
No kidding! In December I was FINALLY feeling a lift in my finances. Groceries were comfortable again. I could order restaurant food in once or twice a month. I was able to start saving again. And since Feb 10, I’ve had 7 clients drop down in frequency and/or fees due to finances. FUCK!!!
Was optimistic last year with kids finishing up college and getting to travel and now…
Will be likely laid off by summer and feeling daily stress of job loss(I’m at the VA) and sooo many good folks struggling with the uncertainty and incompetence.
I sure as hell ain't going to the USA as long as this disaster orange man is in charge. Been three times and was planning on going back in 2026. But I think we are going to Canada instead. I know this doesn't make a difference but for me it does.
I am hoping to retire in 4 years, so everything is going into house payments and retirement account. The 401 will probably be worthless by then. Planning on Medicare and Social Security being severely curtailed or canceled.
We have canceled using Amazon.
Yeah, and they act surprised people hesitate to travel by plane when there seems to be weekly aviation issues. We're supposed to take comfort in the fact that a dude from The Real World early 90's is in charge of transportation safety.
We look at the “front stack” (check out lines) in the stores we visit in central Florida and they have been unusually light to non-existent in the big box stores.
I'm not flying bc I'm legit terrified of the aviation world these days. Stop shooting yourself in the toe and then wondering why your foot fucking hurts
I think we could see that happen since 80% of fertilizer used by American farmers comes from Canada. Administration prob going to replace with Brawndo. It does have electrolytes. 🤣
'Narrator: The years passed, mankind became stupider at a frightening rate. Some had high hopes the genetic engineering would correct this trend in evolution, but sadly the greatest minds and resources were focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections'.
Does anyone who is serious about business watch this stuff? The government firing a bunch of people, canceling leases, canceling contracts, and imposing tariffs and then rescinding them repeatedly will have a negative effect on the economy.
Exactly. It’s the optics taking a chainsaw to our government has created that is driving everyone to shut their pocketbooks. You would think the stable genius and his band of a-holes would know that, but it’s a big ask I suppose.
Our local NPR played clips of local Republicans (voters) speculating on how good things would get once Trump is done. Even a guy who once worked for the Parks Department was quoted (via his wife) that it would get better.
They see what is happening, but lie to themselves about the outcome.
Everything should be branded Republican or GOP recession. We need to think long term and start to unwind this notion that Republicans are better for the economy. They aren’t and haven’t been for a long time. They all own this economy so let’s repeat it loudly and as often as possible.
But all they have to do is come up with some inane but catchy phrase that shifts the blame onto the dems so they can just repeatedly shout that instead of admitting fault like the sleepy Joeflation or the Biden bust.
Trumpcession is simple and easily understood by low info voters: he's the President, there's a recession, groceries are expensive, jobs are going away...they have much more complicated messaging they have to do to try to blame Biden and it's not supported by what people know.
No matter when it happens it will be "Biden's fault". She is such a hack. When it is improving, and then stalls or starts going backwards when a new guy takes over, it's NOT the fault of the guy who is no longer in charge, and who had the economy that The Economist called the "envy of the world".
Of course it couldn’t be DOGE and Trump cutting 60-70k good federal jobs, reneging on billions of dollars in contracts to American businesses, and raising the prices on everything through tariffs!
So after the election Trump takes credit for good days in the market but when he is in office it is Biden's fault on bad days.
Makes perfect sense in MAGA world.
coffee that we'll soon be growing in America because tariffs are beautiful
Coffee plantations can take the place of all the forests we've cut down for lumber
See, he had a plan after all
The US cut a bunch of jobs after the Great Depression in an effort to balance the budget. It caused another massive recession. People might not remember it because it came between the Great Depression and WWII. Austerity measures always have a negative impact on the economy.
Or - and I'm just spitballing - it could be because regular people see the crazy going on, threats of tariffs every day, egg prices doubling and Trump saying "yeah, it'll be painful", and they just stop spending because they're scared.
Inane talking points outta both sides of their mouths. Dodgy “Doge can’t cause a recession” then “half of all jobs created; they have to go!” That’s a fucking recession. No accountability for these liars.
That's gonna be a hard sell. Luckily, the intended audience consists of abject morons. This mess is DJT and EM 100%. Everything was FINE up until 11/24. And circumstances suggest it's gonna get worse no matter how much success they have selling their insulting lies so choose wisely.
Some things in the economy were shifting during the Biden administration. Credit card debt and defaults didn't start on Jan 20. I suspect the bad jobs/unemployment numbers will escalate on trump's watch + tariffs = disaster. Repubs are smart to get out in front of it and start framing Biden now.
I hope you're right! There are plenty of them out there and trump won't allow anyone to speak out against it. He is very good at directing people's anger away from him.
I've been saying for a while that when he betrays the people he vowed to help, and it was inevitable he would, that they would turn on him. It's just way too obvious now who's to blame.
But yeah, Biden caused the drop in Tesla sails. His fault. Always.
English is my second language and it shows.
4cyl compact and sport/luxury compact hatchbacks
They're 25-50 thousand euros
America doesn't even try
(Wait, Ford has 1, and they DO buy that)
Ford had 3 models in Europe's top 50 for last year, the Puma, the Kuga and the Focus.
Or, is the orange felon responsible for everything now, and going forward?
Roads are slightly different over there than here, not to mention SPACE Constraints.
not met
And when the direct cause of recession can be found in massive February layoffs and insane uncertainty created by the First Felon.
I can see why it takes long studies to become an economics pundit!
Damn you Taft, damn you to hell!
I guess Fox "news" viewers REALLY ARE THAT DUMB!
It’s a Trumpcession!
Please take all your investment advice from Fox Business
And ride your DJT stock to 10 cents
Plus they are attempting to eliminate DEIA ("accessibility" is included, despite the ADA) so picking FDR would work in nicely, too.
This is a cult.
The American people isn't well..
Hearing her talk now is day and night compared to then.
She seems to have gone completely out of her mind.
Even they can't stop us from noticing that Trump broke the SEC, the job markets, health care, research and Social Security.
Sure, sure
Fascist Bootlicking Hatful Bitch
Perhaps other US manufacturers should consider that.
1. Too big for narrow streets/parking
2. Fuel is expensive
3. High taxes on large engines
4. Smaller pickups preferred
5. US models need mods to meet regs
Good stuff may or may not be stuck in a loop inside her skull, we'll never know.
Maria Bartiromo: "This is Biden's war, you know..."
Keep your crap.
he needs her in his corner - economy is about to crash
Lying sacks of….
That Faux reality is truly delusional.
I’m sure Biden will get an apology.
In Europe fuel is expensive, many roads are narrow, parking is hard to find, most people don't have their own place to park. The typical US designed car is just too big, too thirsty, too heavy, and too costly to drive over here.
We are judge-y
If you drive an American car you are clearly a wazzock
Welcome when you are in Europe
The boom times are done
Can you hear the bears
Cause here they cooooooome
Call everyday at #5Calls
#VoteVets #StopProject2025
#StandUpForScience #DontDefundPublcSxhools
Run! Donate! Write! Show up!Support those running against GOP’s billionaire$
#PennilessPolitics -
#generalstrikeus -
Does this mean that little fucker Nick who voted for Trump because of "no tax on tips" might not even have tips to be taxed? Poor babe.
Petty Me
But perfectly acceptable for ridiculously high interest rates for the rest of us like 30% on credit cards and student loans.
Corporations making record profits.
Student loan debt $1.77 trillion
Credit card debt $1.21 trillion
Was optimistic last year with kids finishing up college and getting to travel and now…
Will be likely laid off by summer and feeling daily stress of job loss(I’m at the VA) and sooo many good folks struggling with the uncertainty and incompetence.
Seeing a pattern here.
was "TRUMP" lying?
This administration and it's investors can go losing together.
We have canceled using Amazon.
"gotta wait for the richest people in America stumble before there's a break on Main St."
BINGO! ya dimwits
How many of us have decided to vote with our disposal income? I'll go first.
Oh, and fuck elon.
Would anyone like a little more 'Brawndo'?
'Narrator: The years passed, mankind became stupider at a frightening rate. Some had high hopes the genetic engineering would correct this trend in evolution, but sadly the greatest minds and resources were focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections'.
They see what is happening, but lie to themselves about the outcome.
Tariffs are dampening consumer confidence and fears of a downturn seem to be weighing on the dollar.
Why don’t the #republican cowards do the same to #trump now he has brought about #stagflation?
Because they gave up their morals and your $avings for their power.
Economic numbers are weak. Tariffs make this worse.
Tariffs mean high inflation.
Poor economy with high inflation: Stagflation.
It’s rare and dangerous. The Great Depression being an example.
#trump #musk are making things worse, not better.
If you’re concerned:
In the first post, Dow was green.
In the last is red 🤷
Makes perfect sense in MAGA world.
Right wing takes credit for good days, but when are bad is always leftists' fault
Coffee plantations can take the place of all the forests we've cut down for lumber
See, he had a plan after all
Eggs are pretty much $10 now.
Depression= Realistic
They got what they asked for. Lies and gravely false promises.
I am not an economist, obviously.
Selling USA properties!
Think of the words - Annexation!
51st state.
Think of the word - Annexation!
And: 51st state.