Everybody knows someone who did something they refused to apologize for and then started insulting all their friends and then disappeared because the whole friend group tired of them.
Sad, America used to be the beacon on the hill. No more we are the “pariah”It’s sad and embarrassing. Trump, and his little African sidekick has destroyed our standing in the world.
Americans, especially MAGA fans, are you really okay with this guy as your leader, your spokesman, the man with his finger on the nuclear football? Do you think he's more likely to keep America out of war or bring it to the US?
Are you not embarrassed, daily, by the twisted & wrong things he says?
I guess you aren't paying attention to what the majority of Americans (non-magats) are saying and doing. We're more than concerned about fascism in our W.H.
But shouldn't you be worried too? Canada has seen fascists moving in, so has Europe. Our 2016 & 2024 elections were hacked by a foreign actor.
All of this negativity is a projection out of the darkness, venom and irrationality of Trump. He’s a desperately unhappy man who knows nothing of happiness and takes it out on whoever he feels vengeance for. He’s one very sick individual infecting the world with his disease
Actually, and terrifyingly, he can. US presidents have sole authority to order a nuclear launch, and don't need a second person agreeing or approving it.
If he ever did snap and order an unjustified nuclear first strike, I hope someone sane in the chain of command would refuse the order.
In Trump's worldview...everybody cheats us, every nation robs us, everyone, everywhere hates America.
And, his MAGA minions love him even more. Just sick.
Well Trump isn't wrong.. Canada has been free riding on US defence for 20y. Lichtenstein could take over Baffin Island at this point and Canada couldn't do squat.
It is so nauseating listen to him speak now. I can only stand to keep informed with the tiny snippets because if I watch him speak for more than a minute, I want to jump through the TV and beat his ass! #elbowsup
And we shame those who still go.
But we have our own Mapplemaga here. Some are worshipping the Orange-utang and granting him every stupid excuse possible.
Some just can't fight the urge to lose their pants.
He is always talking about himself! There is a name for his behavior- psychological projection he can teach a master's class at Defunk Rump University.
Christ he is an infantile, whiny piece of shit🤬🤬 clearly he is upset that Canada didn't cave to his crap and our new Prime Minister is off making new deals with real world leaders and ignoring is felonious ass.
He telegraphed that by saying he’d “rather work with a liberal.😂🤣 “ he so wanted PP. You guys dodged a bullet thanks to this asshole fortunately, you saw what can happen.
Manipulation is easy if you're not bright enough to see that you're being manipulated.
'We' are being exposed to the very same propaganda, but 'we' see it for what it is. Hence my point about low intellect.
Fucking hate him. My comfort is that, this is all he has now, insulting everyone and all alone, a miserable old fuck. Meanwhile, the world ignores him, laughs at him and is having parties without him
I think he disappears when he doesn't have attention. He wants 100% all the time.
We don't have much choice, but I'm glad that the world is ignoring him. That's the best weapon to use against his chaos & black hole attention-need.
While I agree, unfortunately he has enough support from his brainwashed base. Also, while blissfully ignorant and indifferent people who don’t pay attention to the world outside of their suburban home won’t do anything to stand up against this fascism.
Uhm.. 6 Casino's!!!
Atlantic City and New York: Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009).
Wow! He can’t manage a lemonade stand let alone the country. Here’s the kicker people voted for him thinking he could save the country. Hope they realize the mistake they made voting for him. Everything he does affect all of us one way or another.
Look at Orange Adolph talking with the Nazi woman. Surprised she didn't salute him. He cheats at golf, taxes, women and anything else his mushed brain can think of.
Does this orange baboon know that Canada has highest percentage of immigrants among the G7 countries? Is he willing to grant all of them US Citizenship willingly? 🤔
Vidkun Quisling is a famous traitor and Minister President of Norway in World War 2. He has his followers just like Trump. He was also a member of the far-right party. He was a Nazi collaborator. He helped the Nazis send Jews to concentration camps. He was arrested and executed by firing squad.
"They are the worst people to negotiate with . . . they cheat!"
Out of the mouths of babes? This coming from the guy who just "won" his umpteenth golf tournament, competing against . . . who???? (the Pope, maybe? Zelensky, gritting his teeth?)
Because he publicly stated that there is no need to oppose illegal acts by the administration unless and until the Supreme Court rules on the legality.
so the Great Negotiator lost.
he got his ass kicked by a Canadian woman. that eats at his reptile hrain.
Canadians are nit the worst people. he is just a dumbfuck.
We cheat"? priceless from the guy who cheats on everything. wife, taxes, elections, and golf.
we honour contracts. he honours Putin
Our military was in both world wars before you and fought alongside the US in Afghanistan, you lying fuck. Keep our name out of your mouth, we don’t do Nazis and despots. FAFO
In the ‘50s, Canada gave up developing the most advanced interceptor in the world at the time, because America rattled their nuclear sabre and threatened to shoot Russian nukes down over Canada with BOMARCs. The subsequent brain drain staffed NACA/NASA. But please, tell me about poor old America.
Fucking come up here and say that to our fucking faces, ya hoser. Go kick rocks and take a rip into a cold puddle, ya dumb fucking rapist. And take your idiot cabinet with ya.
...as peace keepers, not war mongers....which is why we dont need to spend the ridiculous amount of money the US does to support it's military industrial complex.
I suspect that very little USA military expenditure has to protect NATO allies. It has been spent in other parts of the World and where it is spent in North America and Europe it is predominantly protecting USA
It’s those military/government contracts that need to be examined for fraud and abuse (Tesla, Starlink, SpaceX, X anything). Look for the big fraud where the big frauds live.
He’s the kind of guy who’d beat someone, and, if they defensively hold their hands up in front of their face to ward off his blows, he’d call it “cheating” …for which he now has to punish them by hitting harder.
Exactly. Canadians are not the people of his fantasies. We are, as PM Carney said, masters of our house. We have rallied around the flag, and it's going to hurt.
Prime Minister Carney announced that Canada will take on a greater, sustained, and year-round Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) presence in the Arctic – an investment of nearly $420 million to protect our sovereignty across land, air, and sea.
PM Carney announced that he intends to partner with Australia to develop advanced Over the-Horizon Radar technology.Partnership will include developing Arctic Over-the-Horizon Radar system, investment of more than $6 billion that will provide early warning radar coverage from threats to the Arctic.
Prime Minister Carney announced that Canada will take on a greater, sustained, and year-round Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) presence in the Arctic – an investment of nearly $420 million to protect our sovereignty across land, air, and sea.
The Canadians did, after all, kick our asses in the War of 1812,
and the White House got burned down.
If Trudeau or the new guy wants to burn it down again,
I won't feel bad about it :-)
Canada can’t pay him bribes. This whole thing would disappear if we donated $10 million to his “library”. But since we still have the rule of law here we can’t.
He's spoiling for a fight. He will demonize Canada to justify whatever move he is really planning. It's always important to ask, what's really going on?, in relation to the gibberish of the Burger King.
1st term nafta got redone, this term at least two times Canada made concessions to avoid tariffs
Does President Ponzi Krasnov ever honor deals he has made?
How many times will Lucy pull back the football?
We gave you the lives of 158 of our children when you asked us to fight with you in Afghanistan, we sent firefighters & aircraft when your forests were burning, we sent power crews & rescue workers after hurricanes & floods. AND we sell our oil to you for less than market prices. YOU'RE WELCOME!
I wish he could see your comment. He is an embarrassment around the world. He’s the number one most hated man in the world. To be honest he doesn’t have a clue’s how to govern or how the government works. He’s a vindictive person out for revenge. America, hoping he doesn’t destroy democracy.
He’s a stupid troll who spews hate & lies every time he opens his vile mouth. Canada is an amazing neighbor who deserves much better but half our country is batshit crazy & here we are. I can’t blame you for being angry but he’s not worth your energy.
He likes chaos.
His oxygen is attention. I'm sure he's gleeful that you, like us, watch him to know which way to jump.
I frankly hope you disentangle from him, find other trading partners & can ignore him.
He is MOSTLY bluster, but in keeping w/ chaos will act at random times.
You deserve better.
True. A 65% turnout. A plurality not a majority of the popular vote. An historically narrow win in the antiquated, 18C relic electoral college. Yet, here you are. A fascist takeover. It will be a multi-generational haul back from here. If ever.
I'm still baffled by the fact that we still don't really see much resistance. And from what I've seen, there are masses of people in the US who are actually cheering Trump on.
I know it's hard but I'd strongly recommend that the sane people go and leave for Europe or Canada.. while they still can.
The masses cheering him on are somewhat over-reported, though, because the way media is controlled by large organizations.
Still, the relatively small # of protesters is out of fear of being deported as an enemy combatant (without due process- Trump isn't afraid of the courts) or even shot at.
I base my assessment on the fact that I follow quite a few different social media platforms where people are still free to express their thoughts about Trump and his methods. It is difficult to follow a discussion from the sidelines where Trump supporters openly rejoice in the current situation.
I live in Europe, where the media coverage about the US varies a lot. I don't feel we see the whole picture from here. We see a raving lunatic, but Trump supporters see something else, and I still don't understand why. We all see what's happening, but the reactions seem to be the exact opposites.
We do. We do. This is horrifying. I NEVER voted for this buffoon and knew it was going to be bad but never imagined it would get to this. Protests every weekend now. The lawlessness is overwhelming.
It varies widely around the county. Children born in some areas have few chances to get a solid education, and few resources. Trump plans to cut the limited govt services those families depend on- hurting his own supporters, to pay for tax cuts for the $$$$. It makes no sense.
The damage he is doing to your country around the world is going to take decades to repair. And that's assuming your democracy survives. After all Americans voted for him twice so they clearly like it.
This cunt calls out Canada on the same day he bends over for Putin. What a piece of shit.
I fully agree, except that I think the damage is already so massive that it is realistic to speak of generations rather than decades. As you said, this is Trump's 2nd term, and then there was Bush jr. with two terms as well who also managed to profoundly erode trust in the US.
My sympathy for US is severely limited. The misinformation is spread predominantly by US socal media companies which have been hijacked by Russia todo it's bidding. They need regulating/breaking up which won't happen until US does something first. Meanwhile every other democracy is also under attack
We know, and I think decades is optimistic. I don’t see how we can be trusted until we fix our rampant voter suppression and the electoral college that let him lose by millions of votes and still become president. It’s only sort of surprising to me how vulnerable we are to disinformation
You are absolutely correct.
I don't think he'd be this aggressive and chaotic unless he plans to implement martial law, preventing an election in 2028.
Note: he won 2024 with only 37% of US voters supporting him- that's atrocious.
not you personally but your nation as a whole. I don't see millions of you doing much more than letting him act like this. Maybe a few thousand are protesting. Most do nothing. Some send us messages and threats. . . . Some say "we sowey"... but I don't see you doing anything about it!
And I do believe so. “Dear God, how is he doing this to Canada?” comes up not just constantly among friends but with random strangers in the grocery store. There’s some fear that acknowledging it makes it more of a problem, like with toddler having a tantrum. Everyone is just in a state of shock.
I don’t know, is my honest answer. Everyone I personally know? Yes. Heck, the Canadian anthem got a long standing ovation at a game in DC this weekend, so I think it’s most people. It’s more than a few thousand people here and there, but our oligarch media doesn’t cover it, so we don’t know how many
The DOJ will not sanction a sitting president, and his 34 felonies had no consequences.
Our Supreme Court ruled that he has immunity for acts as president.
We know is willing to pardon people who do blatantly illegal things.
With all those punitive actions gone, what can the average person do?
Agreed. Many Americans are poorly educated and lack critical thinking skills. Luckily for Trump, eliminating the Dept of Education will keep them stupid, and those are his voters.
I'd LOVE to see him come up so we could all show up to shower him with all the 'love' we feel for him in person and thank him properly for all the respect he's given us *innocent type blink* .
Nations are realising that the USA is a potential enemy and it is very unwise to buy unreliable equipment from Lockheed, Boeing, Starlink, General Dynamics, etc.
Most dangerous for Britain since the US Marines landed to attack Whitehaven.
Brought up to believe that money is everything. Dreams of being king of New York. Doesn't realise you need taste, style, wit, brains. Gets laughed at. Bears grudges. Takes comfort in threatening litigation, daring to outspend his enemies.
I think we’ll just have to accept that in Trumps upside down world the fact that he thinks we cheat means we’re fair and that our leaders are strong negotiators
Cannot trust Canucks. Turn your head and they're dipping into your poutine. They run around places like Vancouver and Montreal like they own the place.
Every person who voted for Trimp are responsible for what's happening now. The scary thing is the Republicans that have stuck their heads in the sand, allowing and supporting everything the Muskrat has done.
Canada's defense budget is currently around C$31 billion (approximately $22.8 billion) annually, with the government aiming to increase spending to 2% of GDP by 2032, committing an additional C$8.1 billion over the next five years and C$73 billion over the next 20 years.
I think you may have just landed on the reason that he says no other countries are paying their "NATO dues" -- they're not buying enough military equipment from the US.
👍 My former neighbor was in the Canadian military. He was doing a rotation at the Canadian embassy in DC. He had also done a tour of duty in the Middle East in support of the U.S. mission.
When I saw that interview I yelled at my computer. There is no closer ally to the US than Canada. And Trump is burning it all down. They have literally laid their lives down for our country for right and ill fated reasons.
My country (Czech Republic) elected a senile hateful drunkard 2× in a row, it was 8 years of hell. The 2. time his voters probably did it to us on purpose. The question Is he still alive? was also common. Fortunately for the world, his reach was not as destructive as that of this 🍊orangutan.
Does this idiot know anything about Canada?
tRUMP is now recognised for not being able to negotiate with. As far a cheating goes tRUMP wins every time.
How can any one be friends with him. He isn’t a loyal person. No friends from his childhood come forward to talk about when they were growing up in their neighborhood. Some people have life long friendships.
Let me say in my career I’ve done business with Canada’s utilities and hospitals and have never once experienced anyone trying to cheat my company or even be unusually difficult in negotiations. Maybe Trump should get the guy who ghost wrote “Art of the Deal” to handle the negotiations for him?
🤥 Trump’s complaints about the 🇺🇸-🇨🇦 trade deficit ignores facts:
✅ USMCA addressed trade imbalances
✅ US has a services surplus w/ Canada
✅ Trade deficits aren’t always bad
We benefits from lower-cost imports
🤥 His rhetoric post-USMCA is political, not economic reality
100%. it's cause they know they are protected. im absolutely convinced that decades of ppl moving out of their way and not touching them was noticed by them and passed down from generation to generation that they can do whatever they want, so do. it's how to make a bully 101. lol. give them immunity
The fact he thinks Canada is the worst neighbour to live with peacefully, and Ukraine is the worst ally to stand by during a war, speaks as much for these wonderful countries as it does for his miserable poisonous character.
The question I now have:
How many frigid Clipper Systems can your peeps push towards Mar A Lago?
I'm talking Christmas in July, Hail On the Chief-level stuff.
(Just asking. Politely. 🙄)
Deflection is his go to .. "cheat cheat cheat, they don't pay, worst to negotiate." Ha! And that idiot blonde inflating his faux ego .... regurgitating
You can’t. I’m still trying to figure out why he wants to make Canada the 51st state. He thought he could bully Canada. No “sane” president would want to make Canada the 51st state. It was a bridge to far when he wanted to buy Greenland. The man isn’t well. Everyone knows it.
He doesn’t know how to have friendships.
Trump has enemies that openly hate him and sycophants (enemies that secretly hate him). If someone doesn’t fit into either category he antagonizes them until they do.
Because he's a Russian puppet. I didn't believe it before but now it seems more and more real that the piss tape is real. Everything he's done so far is only explained by the idea that he wants to weaken the American bonds around the world.
He is a bully. He bullied his way through school, he bullied in the business world. I’ve watched his nonsense since the late 1969s when I was in high school.
He really doesn’t get how advantageous it has been for us to be the world’s primary source of military aid and equipment, does he?
Putin/Russia must’ve spent the last 30 years feeding him tales of how America is being cheated by NATO, Europe, Canada, Mexico, etc., for him to have such dumb takes.
Everything is a zero sum game for them and if they cannot see a tangible personal benefit, it is a "bad deal".
They will be surprised when they find that as part of their brave new world suddenly countries soend more on defense, but not in America :D
When you’re stupid you only need 5 minutes of misinformation to be completely misguided. I doubt it was years, just one day on the golf course at best.
Exactly this. Close to all "western" nations were buying from the US military equipment. Even the money the US is investing in the Ukraine is spent locally to manufacture weapons for the Ukraine.
It's simply nuts what's going on.
And turning against your neighbors like that...
That's us now.
Easiest way for them to talk is to say what they are doing, but say their opponent is doing it.
Are you not embarrassed, daily, by the twisted & wrong things he says?
But shouldn't you be worried too? Canada has seen fascists moving in, so has Europe. Our 2016 & 2024 elections were hacked by a foreign actor.
People like Canada
People respect Canada
He can't handle that
If he ever did snap and order an unjustified nuclear first strike, I hope someone sane in the chain of command would refuse the order.
And, his MAGA minions love him even more. Just sick.
2. The Liechtenstein’s would freeze to death. They do not do ice well.
3. Canada has not been pissing off other countries like we have, so no need for all that defense.
Seems like we’ve really hit a nerve in this crazy 🤡 man!
Half a Million fewer Canadians 🇨🇦 travalled to the US this February because of tRump!
Canadians & the rest of the World 🌎🌍🌏 will continue to boycott all US 🇺🇸products & travel!
Thanks for everyones support 🇨🇦
But we have our own Mapplemaga here. Some are worshipping the Orange-utang and granting him every stupid excuse possible.
Some just can't fight the urge to lose their pants.
Art of the deal and all that
The same way Putin was counting on Viktor Yanukovych to deliver Ukraine. Nyet!
'We' are being exposed to the very same propaganda, but 'we' see it for what it is. Hence my point about low intellect.
We don't have much choice, but I'm glad that the world is ignoring him. That's the best weapon to use against his chaos & black hole attention-need.
What the fuck
This is why he doesn't get written briefs and is so halting when using a teleprompter.
Obviously he's presidential material. 🙄
Atlantic City and New York: Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009).
Trump is a traitor. He's Putin's mouthpiece.
Get rid of him, America!
Out of the mouths of babes? This coming from the guy who just "won" his umpteenth golf tournament, competing against . . . who???? (the Pope, maybe? Zelensky, gritting his teeth?)
Thanks for the laugh, Donnie boy! I needed one.
he got his ass kicked by a Canadian woman. that eats at his reptile hrain.
Canadians are nit the worst people. he is just a dumbfuck.
We cheat"? priceless from the guy who cheats on everything. wife, taxes, elections, and golf.
we honour contracts. he honours Putin
He's such a little man.
Bomb Canada!
I think?
He didn't mind the verbal protests, but financially hurting the US because he says he will invade and make them part of the US is "cheating."
Canada wasn't supposed to hit him back.
He’s used to the weak Democrats who meekly roll over for him. (As you can probably tell, I’m still ticked off with Chuck Schumer.)
51% of the time.
He’s essentially parroting Russian talking points, as usual.
Orange Dunce: I want Canada and Greenland!
Like a kid watching toy commercials.
and the White House got burned down.
If Trudeau or the new guy wants to burn it down again,
I won't feel bad about it :-)
Does President Ponzi Krasnov ever honor deals he has made?
How many times will Lucy pull back the football?
Finally something he knows about it
…because they stand up to him
Bullies need to be stood up to…and some bullies whine when they don’t get their way
Do not allow this garbage to come to our country in May
He is a weak, frail man who has to pick a fight with a friend to feel strong.
Canada has no choice NOT to spend our energy steeling ourselves and our alliances.
His oxygen is attention. I'm sure he's gleeful that you, like us, watch him to know which way to jump.
I frankly hope you disentangle from him, find other trading partners & can ignore him.
He is MOSTLY bluster, but in keeping w/ chaos will act at random times.
You deserve better.
Please don't judge us by the dangerous buffoon that is our President- he was elected by only 37% of voters.
I know it's hard but I'd strongly recommend that the sane people go and leave for Europe or Canada.. while they still can.
Still, the relatively small # of protesters is out of fear of being deported as an enemy combatant (without due process- Trump isn't afraid of the courts) or even shot at.
USA should hang it's head in shame
This cunt calls out Canada on the same day he bends over for Putin. What a piece of shit.
I don't think he'd be this aggressive and chaotic unless he plans to implement martial law, preventing an election in 2028.
Note: he won 2024 with only 37% of US voters supporting him- that's atrocious.
not you personally but your nation as a whole. I don't see millions of you doing much more than letting him act like this. Maybe a few thousand are protesting. Most do nothing. Some send us messages and threats. . . . Some say "we sowey"... but I don't see you doing anything about it!
Our Supreme Court ruled that he has immunity for acts as president.
We know is willing to pardon people who do blatantly illegal things.
With all those punitive actions gone, what can the average person do?
I do judge the people who let this shit continue
Tennis jargon, let's throw eggs.
Most dangerous for Britain since the US Marines landed to attack Whitehaven.
And for Canada since the US invaded in 1812.
-Mme. Rubens-Chatte
Gay Purr-ee
Accusations = confessions
Insults = compliments
I have worked with Canadian military members. Just like us. And work every day to protect North American Airspace
He thought they'd be a bunch of Ned Flanders and they're a bunch of Scotts (of South Park fame).
is he gone yet?
Please, sit next to me. I’m fluffing a pillow right now.
tRUMP is now recognised for not being able to negotiate with. As far a cheating goes tRUMP wins every time.
Technically, we don't pay for ours either, that's why we have to keep narrowing money...
Too slow #DementiaDon!
Such an insecure, incompetent little child.
✅ USMCA addressed trade imbalances
✅ US has a services surplus w/ Canada
✅ Trade deficits aren’t always bad
We benefits from lower-cost imports
🤥 His rhetoric post-USMCA is political, not economic reality
How many frigid Clipper Systems can your peeps push towards Mar A Lago?
I'm talking Christmas in July, Hail On the Chief-level stuff.
(Just asking. Politely. 🙄)
Make it make sense to me.
He's never been well. Fetal alcohol poisoning. No cure and no treatment for it.
And we're not going to stay in place either.
Trump has enemies that openly hate him and sycophants (enemies that secretly hate him). If someone doesn’t fit into either category he antagonizes them until they do.
He is a toddler tyrant that would implode without all the attention.
Putin/Russia must’ve spent the last 30 years feeding him tales of how America is being cheated by NATO, Europe, Canada, Mexico, etc., for him to have such dumb takes.
They will be surprised when they find that as part of their brave new world suddenly countries soend more on defense, but not in America :D
It's simply nuts what's going on.
And turning against your neighbors like that...