“Bad people do bad things“ ?? Ugh. He should just shut the f**k up. Every single thing he says makes me loathe him more. I never thought I would wish death on anyone but Elon and Trump have me hoping for their immediate demise
I have no desire to kill him. I just want him out of the government, out of politics, and no longer having a disproportionate impact on the world (so not rich). There are many ways that could be achieved, his death is just one of them.
Why is everybody so mean to me? Is it just because I’m one of the worst people to ever breathe air, the least deserving billionaire imaginable, and an annoying, stupid little bitch? Is that why?
Elon could wake up and say “I want to help! We can solve world hunger, end extreme poverty, provide everyone with access to basic medical care, we can end cancer, we can end wars and I alone can solve them all!”
Elon could be Dr Strange but he seems hellbent on being Thanos
If he had the capacity to do any of that, he wouldn't have been a billionaire in the first place. Helping other people with his money is a completely alien concept to people like him.
This new "I'm just a smol bean trying to do him job" act is honestly more annoying than when he was doing his "Elon the Carpathian, Scourge of Moldovia" shit
yeah dude, people hate you. that's what happens when you fuck with the livelihoods of millions of people. you cannot be too stupid to grasp the cause-and-effect relationship between your actions and popular sentiment towards you
still you gotta wonder how the kind of guy who'd have a panic attack if he had to shop for his own groceries manages to rise to a de facto leadership role in the modern fascist movement
not to give Trump any credit, but he's actually been shot at and he's not this much of a weepy little bitch
To be fair, he almost certainly knew it was coming. I'm 99.7 sure that was staged. There is NO WAY he would have popped right back up with that bullshit fist pump if that were real and unexpected.
"They" being all the millions of people whose lives he routinely makes worse? "They" being everyone who has ever had the misfortune to work for him? "They" being everyone who wants to preserve the constitutional order of the US and not let an unelected oligarch tear apart the government?
i acknowledge this would probably make him really miserable, but hear me out: what if, after making him live like that for a month or so, we give him a bunch of paper cuts and then boil him in piss. best of both worlds
Hard agree. I simply want to see him live on $40-60,000 a year.
Now, the Trump voters Elon’s pissing off, the Steve Bannon acolytes, the same ones who set up a scaffold to hang Mike Pence if they found him on Jan 6, I cannot speak to what those people may do.
I would like us all to have universal basic income and make sure people each can maintain a standard of living so my valuation is based on that. I think him learning he’s not a generational visionary and that his IQ is extremely average will break him, anyway.
Nah, fuck that. I've never made 40k a single year of my life.
40 hours a week at federal minimum wage without even any withholding is $15,080. I'm being generous.
Rich people forced to live poor is my dream in life. It would be a living hell for them after years of luxury. Set up web cams and have it on YouTube 24/7 and I'm a happy camper.
Yeah, if life is a movie, as alt right and other conspiracy slow cookers seem to think, killing the baddie is just lazy writing, plus death lets them escape meaningful consequences
You're better a person than me. I want him to die in a very painful way. My only wish is that it doesn't happen in front of that poor child he is using as a human shield. He didn't asked for having that dipshit as a dad. 😅
As long as tesla is in business he will stay a multi billionaire. tesla image is tarnished but it is a legit company with products that are selling and the future is quite promising for EVs and robots
Why worry, Elon? You're protected by your son, four-year-old Kevlar Scarf, plus 100 Blackwater Proud Boy US Marshall bodyguards. America wants you to come out and play.
There is no such conspiracy. The dude spends more time in an airplane than I do in a car. If there was a conspiracy to kill Musk you can bet there would have been an airplane malfunction already.
Seems unlikely.
If that is true, why does he not protect his child from the public?
If Musk is in any reel danger, he would not want his kid around to see it or possible get hurt in the caos.
I mean yeah, he's right, a lot of people do want to kill him. Look at those "town halls" in ruby-red districts. Think his security army would let him walk into one of those? Those people basically voted for him, and four months later here we are.
Have you tried not being a vile nazi saluting traitor running around revelling in chainsawing through 350 million people's lives, threatening the existence of entire nations, then mocking them all endlessly about it for twitter points?
Might help cool things down a bit? I dunno, just a thought...
I want him to stop looting our money, but even if he does that, I want him to feel intolerable heat and pressure for the rest of his short miserable life
Wrong. We would prefer he’d be found unalived cause no one should go to jail for this pasty fool. Is it just my perception or is the Ketamine making him sound like a bumbling fool when he speaks?
This ain't ketamine. It's speed. There's all kinds of "I Can't Believe It's Not Meth!" running through Silicon Valley since the 80s and it has absolutely wrecked these peoples brains. Ketamine knocks you out, puts you to sleep. This dude is 100% gakked out and tweaking.
Yup. There's video of him at the Olympics just rocking back and forth in his chair, tweaking. The whole blitzkrieg operation was practically fueled by meth
Yeah. Musk posts about ket because it's what he takes for fun. There's a whole class of people like him who consume vast quantities of uppers but don't think of them as recreational, just something that helps them function.
If people simply consider the facts, instead of starting with "but he's rich and white" - this man is a drug dope whose brain is slowly dissolving in his skull. Anyone else, you'd be getting authorities involved for an intervention.
thats the most mind boggling part. he can become a hero right now and the threats will stop. he can decide to end world hunger and homelessness at literally any point but actively chooses not to every day. he’d rather live in fear and die a nazi than be remembered as the guy who ended world hunger.
Fascists always portray themselves as the victims while waging harm.
In truth, no one cares enough about him to do anything more than take away his un-elected power and his false wealth that empowers him with this minority control.
Kill him? No, I don't want Nazi Musk dead, but I do want him dead broke, I want to kill his businesses and I want him run out of this country for illegally obtaining his work visa. That's all.
I can't say I condone violence. Nor do I even protest. But, fuck around with my government and find out. This is why executives don't also serve in government. All the court cases aren't a conspiracy or left wing plot, YOU violated the LAW, and this is what happens!
This is some of the most “I’m not touching you” bullshit I’ve ever seen. He thinks since he’s just organizing the carnage & not physically doing the damage himself that he’s immune to the consequences
Musk: "I always thought the Left, the Democrats, were supposed to be the party of empathy and caring..."
What he didn't say: "Its the Right that's the party of uncaring, cruel, & violent ideologues. Its not fair for the Left to start behaving like the Right. Who changed the rules? I am now scared."
The best thing about this is that it's very much likely that if he *is* assassinated it'll be by one of Trump/Vance's lot trying to remove a political rival
I know, right?! Heck, I'm inept at low level violence; that kind of thing is way past my pay grade. I'd trip and knock my own front tooth out on the rifle or something... 😒
Whoever does it should definitely be someone who is very accurate and efficient. I just want to read about it on the toilet and then giggle about it every year on the anniversary ☺️
Of course we don’t, (f)ELON, you vainglorious prick. We don’t want to kill anyone. You are speaking about YOUR bloodthirsty impulses, NOT ours. We DO want you exiled FOREVER with no access to communications or technology. Go enjoy retirement on a remote island or any OTHER planet.
"Bad people do bad things.” For once, I agree with Elon--but not the way he meant. He and the DOGE boys epitomize the statement. In his mind, the people on social security are the "bad people." But he gets a sadistic joy from wrecking our institutions.
No, you dumbass Nazi scumbag. We don't want to kill you. We want to make you so miserable that you do humanity a favor and kill yourself. That way no decent person has to go to jail, and the memes will be hilarious. Certainly you of all people can understand that.
Why is it that so many people hate this guy? Could it be he is trying to destroy the legal government of the U.S.? Maybe it is because he bought the presidency for $300 million and helped elect a convicted felon.
The only kid you see him with so I’m sure that’s the child grimes was referring to recently needing to see. Why would he subject his child to any danger is beyond me. That’s why I think he’s fabricated this story.
The unbelievable arrogance of these clowns! Never does it occur to him that not only is he deeply unlikeable, but is also perpetrating *literal crimes* against the citizens of the US. No, his diseased ego is so metastasized that the answer can only be A SHADOWY CONSPIRACY ON HIS VERY LIFE 🙄
Maybe lay off the K and see what happens?
Strong desire for him to go back to the private sector.
Elon could be Dr Strange but he seems hellbent on being Thanos
yeah dude, people hate you. that's what happens when you fuck with the livelihoods of millions of people. you cannot be too stupid to grasp the cause-and-effect relationship between your actions and popular sentiment towards you
not to give Trump any credit, but he's actually been shot at and he's not this much of a weepy little bitch
Now, the Trump voters Elon’s pissing off, the Steve Bannon acolytes, the same ones who set up a scaffold to hang Mike Pence if they found him on Jan 6, I cannot speak to what those people may do.
40 hours a week at federal minimum wage without even any withholding is $15,080. I'm being generous.
Hell, I'll volunteer to be their warden
1. Honor your word
2. Take care of your kids, which half the job is just showing up
3. Don’t be a piece of shit
Dude needs to step back and go hang out with his children.
If that is true, why does he not protect his child from the public?
If Musk is in any reel danger, he would not want his kid around to see it or possible get hurt in the caos.
Into your life it will creep
Seems like a bad situation to be in, forever.
Might help cool things down a bit? I dunno, just a thought...
The thing that makes western civilization weak?
Killing Nazis is always a good thing.
Asking for unfortunate TESLA employees everywhere
If people simply consider the facts, instead of starting with "but he's rich and white" - this man is a drug dope whose brain is slowly dissolving in his skull. Anyone else, you'd be getting authorities involved for an intervention.
But yeah, any long term substance abuse will have you believing wild ass shit
His own employees have talked about how he would attend meetings while high.
In truth, no one cares enough about him to do anything more than take away his un-elected power and his false wealth that empowers him with this minority control.
Nobody gives a damn.
This is what you are encouraging on the other side
First Elon got the whining down, now he has the gaslighting.
More like Trump everyday.
The attacks on Tesla are fake, orchestrated by Musk himself
(See Reichstag Fire)
Mosk/The!L are going to assassinate the President
to install MK Vance
then Declare mart!al law and blame it on a patsy
The COUP is about to happen
The Ketamine will do it for us.
What he didn't say: "Its the Right that's the party of uncaring, cruel, & violent ideologues. Its not fair for the Left to start behaving like the Right. Who changed the rules? I am now scared."
It’s a consensus, not a conspiracy.
I want someone more qualified to do it 💅
The only person I want to see kill Elon Musk is Elon Musk
Marijuana: egoccentric paranoia
Coke: "I'm a genius, let's open a new business"
K: Being terrible at telling jokes
It's me, Elon.
But I also won't cry when I see his obituary.
*goes back to building guillotine*