Brian Thompson was being investigated for insider trading… Last year he made ove 10 million dollars, and brought over 280 billion revenue to the group. He came up with the idea to stop payment for ER trips if it wasn’t a “true emergency” saying that patients weren’t doctors to self diagnose.
That's UHC's strategy to defend Prior Authorization denials that result in death. Denial deaths are so frequent there that they had to come up with a standardized set of tactics. The CEO relentlessly pushed to increase the rate of Medicare Advantage coverage denials, killing hundreds of customers.
Bang on, used an AI developed by NaviHealth called "nH Predict," with a faulty 90% denial rate. Knowing 0.2% would appeal. The kicked the elderly out of nursing homes and denied critical services.
Say 400,000 bankruptcies in US/yr, two thirds of them provoked by uninsured medical expenses, leaves you with a quarter million or so direct suspects. Considering family and close relationships, the possibilities run into the millions, on this motive alone.
While the death of a person, especially in front of an innocent witness, is bad, this guy is the ceo of one of the most evil things in America, health insurance system. Hopefully this leads to more done to change from insurance to public healthcare
Roanoke is not much of a mystery. There was a nearby group of native americans called the Croatan, and when contact was made with the Croatan later they had a number of individuals with blue eyes, pale skin, and other european ethnic traits. It's not exactly difficult to trace A to B there.
How so? I wasn’t previously at all familiar with that reference, so I just went and skimmed the Wikipedia. Do you just mean that we may never understand what it was intended to communicate?
Yeah, that’s definitely possible. Especially if they never catch the guy.
Regardless of the intended meaning, it could end up accumulating pretty significant assumed meaning. But I’m not going to try to predict how this will play out.
Him or others. This type of assassination could be a sign towards social volatility
For him to kill, he believes
1 Evil is winning
2 He is balancing justice to Good
3 Target is a vital node in an immoral system
4 He answers yes to "should someone have killed Hitler"
i cant cry for a ceo who let people die for lack of meds or health care. private health care insurance is an evil scam. murder is wrong but in some
cases i dont blame people
I work in out-patient physical therapy. Private insurance companies haven’t increased our pay us per service in over 20 years. Not just my clinic, all small businesses. There’s nothing we can do about it except not take insurance & charge patients out of pocket. I don’t wanna just treat the rich 😳
Ditto, it’s not like they’re giving it y us for free. I was paying $750 a month for myself and 1 child. This did not include dental and vision and was thru a large company employer.
They could post a video of his dog pacing and whining, looking for him, and I don’t think I’d feel anything. They couldn’t post his kids grieving. They’re relieved.
Ehhh rich ppl care about their dogs more than human lives so the dog prollly has insurancefor the vet, daily grooming, a pool house converted into a dog house, and a fully pantry
Medical debt in this country, accumulated over decades, is almost exactly 3 years of profits for major health insurance companies.
The sole purpose of for profit insurance is to deny sufficient healthcare that they a profit, and to rig the system so you can't get healthcare at all without it.
How many died because of his corporate policies?
How many were bankrupted or homeless because of his corporate policies? How much money did he give to right those wrongs?
Yeah ...I thought so....
It’s hard to feel bad for a mass murderer. Someone was remarking about how heartless our country is due to the lack of empathy… but… why would you have empathy for your abuser and killer??
We actually know the answer to this and it is literally thousands and thousands. This is a good day for the common people: abject evil has been destroyed.
Oddly enough I think what will help catch him is that light-colored backpack. Almost everything else he's wearing looks studiously generic. If the shoes can be identified that'll help too.
a mystery for the ages... But assuming he dumped them in a convenient dumpster - like when he disappeared into Central Park - I would expect any nearby trash to be impounded/not landfilled until it's been sorted.
The killer would have wanted to dump anything identifiable from the video footage ASAP.
- personal for killer?
- well planned
- well executed
- victim was wealthy, powerful, privileged
- killer escaped
- law enforcement hates killer
- no million dollar GoFundMes for killer
Of course we must say, that, “Nobody Deserves *murder*. That being said.
As a member of the “Pain “”Problem”” (Multiple Spinal Injuries-Surgeries) & Arthritis patient Prior Authorization DECISION- DENIED! Thought has CROSSED MY MIND!?
Coincidentally Blue Cross Blue Shield chose today to announce they will no longer cover anesthesia for the full length of certain surgeries in Connecticut, New York, and Missouri.
If a surgery exceeds a specific duration, anesthesia costs for the additional time will not be covered.
So yeah.
You—or anyone else for that matter—can pry my em dashes— or, for that matter, any other beloved parenthetical pause—from my cold—well, let’s be honest, room-temperature—dead hands.
He wasnt "unchambering" them for this purpose. guns do that automatically, normally. But he had a suppressor, which redirects the gases in order to "silence" the sound. This dampens the energy that would normally push the slide back and cycle in the next round (and eject the casing)
I saw another post that suggested he was using sub sonic rounds too which increases the chances of a jam even more. I wonder how quiet it was in person.
Been thinking and if he wrote those words on the bullet, unchambering was definitely part of the plan. Whether he thought of it, before or after any gas/gun related issues is up for debate
2/2 He was racking the slide of the pistol in order to cycle a new round in so he could fire again. normally the gun would have enough pressure to do this on its own, but the suppressor affected that, it seems.
Interesting. I wonder if the shooter was a victim of United’s healthcare policy or thought the CEO was a “healthcare tyrant” that needed to be deposed? Maybe both??
Heard a rumor that U.H. ceo had cancelled someone’s insurance and denied their claim because the patient had been bragging about redbull viagra martinis…. Anyone know the last time Gaetz was in NYC?
This man is a hero. If all of these tyrant CEOs feared this type of justice for what they do to common people, maybe we could start to move forward with a little progress. There is nothing humane about the private health insurance industry. #denydefenddepose
Coming here from Europe, all this is news to me, aside the fact that US health care is a hot mess and rather a business (as stated in the article) than the means to sustain the health and thus business power of its people.
I find it fascinating that across social media there is almost no sympathy for the dead man. Says a lot about US healthcare.
Find it weird UHC shares rose 5% AFTER the shooting
There are a few different types of person who might willingly sign up to lead a business that profits from preventable misery and death, but one of those types has an unusually muted sense of what suffering would be like to experience.
I have been predicting this person, the one that will take command of what cruel abusive insurance companies truly are, and destroy them by targeting key people. The absolute nerve of charging people to the point of bankruptcy; only in damned America. He arrived. Glory!
Stole yer words,,,,: "If the wife of the murdered CEO of UnitedHealth is upset now, just wait until she gets the emergency room bill!" --Rodney Dangerfield's stoned ghost.
,,,or Matt Novak,,,I forget which...
Barely covers 4 months of health insurance. $24k per year for a family of 4. I don’t think there’s ever been a mafia kingpin as greedy and vicious as this one.
Best guess the barrel wasn't properly threaded for a suppressor and kept jamming though he clearly intends for 6 shots he was able to clear three landing two.
For whatever it’s worth, the direct quote above was in the story when I tweeted this but it was buried low in the article. They’ve moved those facts up to the top paragraph and changed the wording so it no longer says “written on” which is interesting.
Written or engraved is a detail they’d want not to be out, I’d imagine. If someone calls in and says “my friend engraved …” as opposed to “my friend wrote …” that’d be a detail that proves or disproves your tip.
Everyone may as well stop scrambling to put together potshot theories-- I have been able to decipher the cryptic clues and uncover the exact message the gunman intended to leave behind:
Me either, I’ll get to it in time but the perk/loot/armor/weapon changes are wild, I still want to try out some of the accessibility stuff. In the meantime I can dress up my cat lol
It's been so long but I think I remember those 3 D's coming up in an interview with a health insurance employee in Michael Moore's Sicko as well, and was the first thing I thought of when I read what was written on the casings
Incredible quote from the widow according to daily mail: “She said: 'There had been some threats. Basically, I don’t know, a lack of coverage? I don’t know details. I just know that he said there were some people that had been threatening him.”’
How do you.. “not know” why lack of coverage is a big deal? Idk if that’s the motive but the brazen willful ignorance is something else. Like it doesn’t even occur to you that people don’t like being denied medical care?!
If they do catch this guy I don’t think the ruling class is prepared for the mythologizing and outlaw worship that will happen in ways we haven’t seen in pop culture since the 1920s and 30s.
I have been disappointed in the number of people here who think murder is okay because they don't like the victim's business practices, or think that mass murder of all CEOs is okay.
Do you see the irony in calling the killing of this man murder, while calling the sanctioned, "Murder-as-a-Service", that is the Health-insurance business, "Business practices"?
It's not "murder as a service." I disagree with America's model for healthcare, but that doesn't mean I get to murder people holding positions in it that I don't like. That's MAGA-like thinking there.
No. Denying insurance coverage is not a form of violence. That you don't like the guy's business model is not a justification for murder. You are thinking like a MAGA now.
I don't think anyone thinks it's ok but powerless people who are squeezed and squeezed sometimes react violently. Is it morally wrong when a slave kills the master? Or a father kills his daughter's rapist? When we have no hope of real justice these things happen more frequently
Nah. The mythology happens when he isn't caught. It would be legendary. I don't think it's big enough for the FBI to get involved. Singular individuals get killed everyday.
I think the media will spout plenty of law enforcement propaganda to sway a lot of people. Any skeletons in his past will be blown way out of proportion and they'll paint him as a mentally ill monster
Besides that even, if they do catch this hero, what the fuck does voire dire look like in this, there isn't a county in the nation where you could rustle up a dozen people that are unbiased about healthcare insurance companies and their practices
Ironically in the search for an unbiased jury they'd have to move it to a country that has single payer and even then it's a tough sell every other civilized country looked at our health care system with utter horror
This is why the insurance companies are going to lobby hard that the police should execute him in the street, to teach us all a hard lesson about who is in charge.
TOS was blowing up over lack of empathy on his murder. I have to admit to three of my own. One with a dog cartoon, but the other two calling out UHC’s horrific record on denials and their usage of a faulty AI they knew that led to a 90% denial rate for seniors prompting a lawsuit last year.
I was just thinking this is going to be way bigger than Jessie James or DB Cooper. If he doesn’t get caught but even if he does the myth making will carry on.
Seriously, if his story is anything like those of ours that have had to deal with that industry, he’ll be absolved forthwith in the popular mind regardless of what the law does. Hard to say if they’d be better off not finding him, but he’s certainly struck a chord.
The sort of interesting thing about a hypothetical court case with this guy as defendant, is that it could be hard to find a jury that could be seen as very unbiased, as basically everyone in the US knows someone who has been fucked over, or have themselves been fucked over, by Health-insurance
Yes that is actually the far worse case for them. Although if he’s caught, and his statement and motives are clearly what they appear to be at the moment if this reporting is true well that is just as bad just in a more clearly defined way.
Calling it now: they will bust somebody for it, guilty or not. And they will claim he’s a mentally ill pedophile or something equally unsavory to try and get people not to side with him.
Its says everything about the time we live in, whilst billionaire scum bags tell us they are draining the swamp, whilst in reality they profit from making the swamp 10 times bigger.
And their mates buy up all the media and blogs to keep us down.
as it should. I mean, hopefully, if we are going to launch a large protest, it should be against these soul sucking deniers to people just trying to get health care.
In a foot race to be the most worthless people on the planet, profiteering health care CEOs would eke out a win over trend-chasing shitcoin shills by a Planck length.
if they don't catch this guy, or he stays silent we might never know if this was the real motive or a ruse (e.g. if someone wanted a co-conspirator in a crime silenced, a memeable ruse motive to conceal the real motive would be wise)
I am worried that if they catch him, things will break the way they always do, Left and Right, instead of the way they should, along class lines. They'll find he either had MAGA or Bernie in his Google history, then it'll be the usual goose honking. But I hope you're right.
TBH I think it's even worse if they don't catch him. Guy kills a CEO in central manhattan in broad daylight with a witness right in front of him, sends a message through the gun casings, and is never seen again? That dude's going down as a "mysterious stranger" sort of hero for yeeeears.
The cops serve capital first, last and always so they will be feeling the heat to make an arrest. Thankfully they're also very inept in addition to being lazy and immoral.
I know how easy they are to get. There's roughly 4 million of them in the U.S., especially since sales beat historical trends. Just not something you see in shootings on the street.
He was running a medical insurance company who’s job it is to make money from peoples suffering. What ever his immediate family thought he was NOT a nice man. I wonder how many died because of the actions of the company he ran!
Perhaps the shooter is ill themselves and their condition is terminal without treatment which UHC denied? They have nothing to lose because UHC took the chance from them?
Wouldn't it be wild if they found him, turns out yep, you're right, he is terminal without treatment that's been denied and ends up getting the treatment he needs in prison. Essential medical care is mandated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Everybody wins!
So... We're entering that part of the dystopia already?
It's getting closer and closer to a civil war.
This isn't a way to make justice. But with a ruling class that bullying and that deaf, they had it coming.
And how will Justice respond? What can they do with him that will not backlash?
And where is DOJ?
Sitting on their balls
"Avoid, Deny, Defend" is the mnemonic they teach
sounds like this guy incorporated it into some kind of manifesto
Deny not the truth of capitalism
Defend not capitalism
Depose of capitalism
Regardless of the intended meaning, it could end up accumulating pretty significant assumed meaning. But I’m not going to try to predict how this will play out.
"Comment" "repost" "like"
For him to kill, he believes
1 Evil is winning
2 He is balancing justice to Good
3 Target is a vital node in an immoral system
4 He answers yes to "should someone have killed Hitler"
Overall bad sign of times
cases i dont blame people
The sole purpose of for profit insurance is to deny sufficient healthcare that they a profit, and to rig the system so you can't get healthcare at all without it.
How many were bankrupted or homeless because of his corporate policies? How much money did he give to right those wrongs?
Yeah ...I thought so....
Let's hope the trend continues.
And doesn't matter how careful the shooter was, he is bound to have left some biologicals on hat/jacket/mask/backpack.
Also possible. He wants to be caught to get the credit.
The killer would have wanted to dump anything identifiable from the video footage ASAP.
- well planned
- well executed
- victim was wealthy, powerful, privileged
- killer escaped
- law enforcement hates killer
- no million dollar GoFundMes for killer
- real humans don’t care or even approve
As a member of the “Pain “”Problem”” (Multiple Spinal Injuries-Surgeries) & Arthritis patient Prior Authorization DECISION- DENIED! Thought has CROSSED MY MIND!?
If a surgery exceeds a specific duration, anesthesia costs for the additional time will not be covered.
So yeah.
Nay Feinman was a professor at Rutgers and wrote this book? Just a thought
Mine would say “stop” “overusing” “em dashes.”
Believes those are your real lashes
Are You
Shots have been fired.
May it all burn to the ground.
May the ashes also burn.
The gift shop
Delay paying out claims
Defend their actions in court
Deny valid claims
Giving me John Wick vibes here.
"Claim denied"
Find it weird UHC shares rose 5% AFTER the shooting
,,,or Matt Novak,,,I forget which...
People get desperate. I get it.
If it was me? It would take at least a house and free healthcare for life to even think about narcing him out.
Hiring a hit man isn’t cheap.
the level of thought that went into this is wild.
Congrats on the new gig as an ABC News editor for zero pay!
I forgot to ask your thoughts RE: FO76 patch
because the insurance 'deny' could easily equivocate to 'depose'.
Maybe because that would in turn lead to talk about why someone might have motive for this...
Which, to me, seems more likely than the working man avenger fantasy the far right and far left are co-creating.
lots of t-shirts
Honestly, we need way more of this... But let's start with one.
Send me a link to his defense fund
No easier way to ruin someone than that.
One question: have you ever been denied coverage by a health insurance company?
Not ONE individual in the US could answer this w a No.
fuck no
Claim your place in history, boys
“What’s the frequency, Kenneth”
Please say you do, don’t say you don’t
I am the last of the famous international playboys “
We're dealing with a culture where health insurance is more expensive than a handgun.
So I get it.
Honestly, there is no hell hot enough for these assholes.
#Bonhoeffer2.0 has finally arrived.
More are coming. trump's existence on the planet make that certain. Glory!
And their mates buy up all the media and blogs to keep us down.
Individuals will slash out with forms of rage!
but we all know better
new york's finest
I already know, I’m going to hell.😂🤣
It's getting closer and closer to a civil war.
This isn't a way to make justice. But with a ruling class that bullying and that deaf, they had it coming.
And how will Justice respond? What can they do with him that will not backlash?