Casually implying a threat to a sovereign nation like that, especially one that is not actively looking to sell territory, could be seen as an act of war.
I've got a gut feeling that the real danger of the upcoming administration might not be Trump's madness, but instead the possibility of there being a military coup in this country because of his actions. You know the fascists are never gonna watch or support you, right? Good job appealing to no one by being absolute fash-appeasers.
Apparently the historical comparison is more apt than I knew.
My public school education seems to have greatly misinformed me.
But CNNs jovial tone of fun inevitably is still evil incarnate!
Just read “the Year of “living danishly” and I am pretty sure that’s the lesson you take away. Sounds like an awesome place to live. Very family friendly.
A “territorial expansion” sounds a lot like taking land, countries and people by force. What kind of nonsense language use is this?
Is the press so supine we’re now yadda-yadding armed invasion?
When resharing and expressing your displeasure with CNN for this outrageous act of collaboration with America's domestic fascist enemies, I encourage people to call them out by taking the spaces out of the following:
He excites his base with this nonsense. Then, to excite them again, it'll all be the fault of someone else that, frustratingly, he can't do them. Like 'the Wall'.
He's a conman. That's all he is, a felon and a conman.
In the months leading up to the election, his base kept insisting that Democrats are the party of war because “Republicans have never started any wars. We had peace under Trump”. So, they’ll pretend invading our neighbors is a peaceful act 🥴
I tihnk that is the one silver lining here: Him, his cabinet picks, and the general infighting of the current House GOP are so incompetent that it can prevent the worst of his impulses.
This is Trudeau’s last chance to do something smart and be welcomed as a liberator while enough of America still looks at him as Prime Minister Steal Yo Girl
He is literally spouting nonesense… my mama had dementia and she’d say things like this ALL the time, GET HIM DIAGNOSED AND SENT TO A RETIREMENT HOME,, like this man is speaking nonsensical items and is weirdly paranoid :1, this is VERY concerning.
… yes! Like my mama IS very old and she’s definitely not all there, I wouldn’t trust her to run the supervision of an event, let alone the country… he needs to be put in jail for his crimes and checked regularly for Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
Reality: HE WANTS HIS OWN F-ING UKRAINIAN INVASION!!!! He wants to be like Daddy Putin... & Putil wants the US & NATO screwed up by a stupid war.
I'm not convinced the average American understands how offensive this sort of talk is to the average Canadian. It's disgusting, and it's not a joke to have your country's sovereignty questioned. Apropos of nothing: Canada has the 7th highest number of guns per capita of any country in the world.
And an immense amount of land that is not/sparsely populated, good luck controlling those areas. AND let's not discuss Quebec and Indigenous populations, both are well know for being, ahem, cantankerous.
I'm genuinely so fucking tired of this return to 4 years of "he said outrageous thing today is he serious" tabloid ass nonsense disguised as journalism.
I swear to god, if the media had just ignored him in 2016, he never would have gotten elected in the first place.
Turning the camera on him every time he said something asinine completely backfired. Even pointing it out long enough to make fun of him gave him enough credibility to get elected.
The whole god damned thing is right out of the Hitler-Goebbels playbook. Keep the masses agitated and distracted, while executing the actual strategy: concentrating power and authority in a cabal - a REAL swamp. His bleating sheep won't care at all, as they joyfully enter the kill chute.
CNN fell from grace during the opening of the second Bush organized Gulf war when their on air hosts giddily promoted Shock and Awe as the US murdered a 100,000 or more innocent civilians. They acted like it was NYE, and I never looked to CNN for major news coverage again.
Is that really the relevant comparison? Or should it be the Anschluss and the Sudetenland? Or Crimea and the SMO? Americans as a whole will soon have to decide who they really are. All bets are off.
Every day, he's going to throw out some insane rage bait like this. It's a distraction from his financial grifts. Don't blow too much energy on these, folks.
Sadly, the most difficult part is going to be knowing what’s him just spewing bullshit, and what he wants to follow through with, but MMW: He’s going to start a war somewhere to distract from things here and abroad
but it’s not. not insane or having any harmful consequences or anything. see, it’s just a teaser. like a new song or movie. so, don’t worry if trump is going to drop a little war. it’s gonna be fun
Canadians have nothing to worry about being invaded by the US. Soon enough Americans are gonna be far too busy clawing at each other’s throats and desperately trying to keep the existing 50 states together to worry about adding any more.
Canada is formally attached to the United Kingdom. So if he's serious, even willing to damage 2 major trade partnerships at once, wouldn't Trump be declaring war on Britain too?
Assuming the UK would defend us; our reps swear allegiance to the Crown, so they *ought* to honour that if we're invaded.
"Hitler has suggested a territorial extension into Poland. If he's serious, that gives me job security and a lifetime of loneliness from everyone I've driven away." - CNN
Going from a moderate conservative outlet to a fascist outlet in the course of a single election. Great job CNN. I hope you die out with the fascism you embrace.
I'm not going to grant them a click to read this crap but I am curious if they give any estimate for the numbers of dead & maimed young Americans their MAGA mothers & fathers have pledged to accept in the name of Trump's tiny penis?
Putin never thought his cost would be 1 million+ but it is...
Dear CNN: Note keyword "Purchase", agreed on with France (crazy enough, but wait). None of the current 3 are For Sale.
May want to re-phrase. After a think.
What's more insane is this headline from CNN, as if this is something completely normal and legal and some kind of brilliant historical moment orchestrated by Donald Trump and not what it actually is - the deranged rantings of a certified lunatic.
Is cnn serious?
My public school education seems to have greatly misinformed me.
But CNNs jovial tone of fun inevitably is still evil incarnate!
No, he’s suggesting invading other independent countries!!!
this is called warmongering
Is the press so supine we’re now yadda-yadding armed invasion?
@ CNN . com
CNN: This is all so fun and kooky!
He's a conman. That's all he is, a felon and a conman.
If this starts, may I defect?
CNN likes the chaos though. Don't give them clicks.
Reality: HE WANTS HIS OWN F-ING UKRAINIAN INVASION!!!! He wants to be like Daddy Putin... & Putil wants the US & NATO screwed up by a stupid war.
Turning the camera on him every time he said something asinine completely backfired. Even pointing it out long enough to make fun of him gave him enough credibility to get elected.
Also, if Elon wants Congress to help out his fellow bazillionaires he’ll post something on X. They’ll grovel.
not sure which is better for ratings
"CNN can go fuck itself with a rented dick"
we got fun and games
CNN is just so gone now. Junk. Their serious anchors need to quit. Now.
It's not actually green, Donald.
(Yet anyway. With climate change and a few more decades, who knows?)
He can go and fuck himself.
Sadly. Imperialism at it’s finest
Yes, this is the result of the billionaires taking over all the mainstream media.
*Technically the British North Americans with some friendly assistance.
Here for a rerun
cnn: damn that would really do some numbers if he did that wouldnt it
Assuming the UK would defend us; our reps swear allegiance to the Crown, so they *ought* to honour that if we're invaded.
Unfortunately for our media landscape and everyone in it, it’s real. 🙄
Putin never thought his cost would be 1 million+ but it is...
And yes this is insane
May want to re-phrase. After a think.
But even they won't allow him to do this
But I have to believe it.
Where did we see this before? Hitler, Putin & Netanyahu come to mind...
Same as it ever was.