“If she wants to know something specific, but doesn’t want people to notice her asking questions, she should simply make incorrect statements while in the company of experts. Her companions will correct her, especially if they're men.”
- Advice for female agents in WW2, provided during SOE training
- Advice for female agents in WW2, provided during SOE training
I found that to be quite sexist. This post reminded me of that, that's all.
The initial meaning of the phrase mansplain, was "confidently explaining to a woman who has equal or better knowledge of a subject" which is an important qualification.
(BTW, Rommel was totally a Nazi. And a terrible commander.)
Oh you are dithering around 4 different possibilities. Here what about option 5.
"no, do this one!"
Never told him I did that on purpose.
Scared the heck out of me when we were talking one time and some other guys entered the room.
I saw the gears shift and 'Dumb Blonde' mode engage.
Probably why I'm so fascinated by code switching.
Sort of makes me wonder if the US didn't abandon thirdspaces as a security measure (along with the focus on profit).
Their need to mansplain always does the trick. 😏 ✌️
She’s still gonna have to do some sleuthing.
Me read good.
Want to know something, but can’t ask?
Post something wrong and someone will correct you.
The irony is Elon thinking he's better / smarter / stronger than them in any way. They're free people, not addicts. Meanwhile money is only one thing he joneses for. A slave to his base demands, never a moment's true peace.
A book and a cup of tea, feet up in warm sox
Just offer a wrong figure over drinks in a bar and watch him "well actually" you.
Female astronaut spy with a gun: Always has been
Though I did once have a very embarrassing late night bar conversation about bollard pull with someone where it turned out that I meant *actual* tugs/bollards and he... didn't.
“the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer.”
(Margaretha Gertruida Zelle)
A harlot? Yes, but a traitoress, never!
However, I’m pretty stubborn and just blurt what I’m really thinking.
Hence the constant breaches via the War Thunder forums.