You've probably already googled your way to this info, but if you have health insurance, it should cover PEP (after deductibles/copays/etc bc yay US healthcare). If not, some mfctrs have patient assistance programs; more info here:
Shots are based on weight. Our nurse said she feels bad for the big football player sized guys. So many shots..... But in terms of the actual shot they aren't any different than flu etc. Both my son and I agreed that the freezing shots at the dentist are 100x worse.
i got bit by a rabid raccoon a few years ago. the bills ran $43,000 for the shots at the ER (only place that has them here). insurance refused to pay for over a year. they said I should have shopped around. bitch, this is rabies. GTFO with shop around
Turns out that no, getting them prior to exposure is actually just to give you more time and each exposure does need the more shots. The rabies vaccine doesn't 100% prevent infection, which is good enough for pets but not for humans
I'm pretty sure they give the immunoglobulin for each exposure. Why wouldn't they? The vaccine is like 95-98% effective but the immunoglobulin is like 100%
Rabid by Bill Wask is my favorite disease history book. It kinda turned me into a rabies prevention evangelist. I'm so glad you are sane and taking this seriously. I'm sorry that this happened to you and your household.
Thanks for sharing your experience. It might save someone's life.
So sorry. You’ll be fine though, the shots aren’t bad! And if you ever have another rabies exposure in your life you’ll just need two vaccines and no HRIG. So you can achieve your dream of being a professional raccoon wrestler.
The writers at DC could make the next incarnation of Man Bat in the comics or a show or whatever like the dinosaur guy and have him want to turn people into bats because reasons but they won’t because they’re cowards like that
They're just a series of regular shots in the arm and legs now. The worst part of it was that we needed to go to an ER to get the shots each time (personal doctors and urgent care don't stock them) and it would take a while to be seen because we weren't there with anything critical.
Neither of us had any places where we saw bites or scratches and it was precautionary in our case, so they gave us the immunoglobulin as regular shots in arms and legs.
You've probably already googled your way to this info, but if you have health insurance, it should cover PEP (after deductibles/copays/etc bc yay US healthcare). If not, some mfctrs have patient assistance programs; more info here:
Family doc friend of mine had a bat on her pillow. She pet it (was asleep and thought it was her dog!).
She said the shots weren’t so bad.
Without any bites (hopefully!), it’s less shots right?
I am grateful there is a treatment.
I am sad that the treatment is many many shots.
I am guessing in the butt?
Super thankful for modern medicine. Wishing you minimally-painful shots and a bleach soaked kitchen, I guess
Anyway fast forward to me adulting for the first time and the nurse asks where I want my shot "obviously my butt"
Thanks for sharing your experience. It might save someone's life.
the shots work, this is we we have recommendations etc.
Glad it was tested, glad you know, eek, and sorry.
(scary shit!)
This totally sucks. ☹️