“Since English has been declared the officially language, huge spike on Duolingo registrations for English traced to members of the Trump administration and his wife”
Funny ... but not as funny as describing elderly Canadian "snowbirds" spending part of the winter in Florida as part of an "invasion". Which is what Donald called it in a recent Executive Order. He called it:
"Protecting the American People Against Invasion".
Will they deport that person to the country of the language that they are learning on duolingo? And will that country be required to take those people in? Cuz if so, "someones" bags are maybe packed and ready next to the door
God fucking damn it. I didn't notice this was an onion article at first, and it got my ass. This admin is so fucking insane I could actually see some shit like this happening.
It won't be long before we all are required to carry IDs or will have ID implants. Wonder if Ice Barbie is still screwing Corey Lewandowski? So glad she's out of South Dakota, but so sad for our country.
I thought this was real.
"Protecting the American People Against Invasion".
Consider yourselves protected, America
It would not have surprised me.
I’m convinced they run out of ideas and peruse the comment sections and Onion articles for their next debacle.
It's satire and I'm joking, yes, but can we please collectively redirect this ride before it isn't...
We're in trouble.