Soon-Shiong saying "the reader can press a button and get both sides of that exact same story based on that story" is among the scariest and stupidest things I've ever heard. There'd be an alternative version of each story written by AI in Trumpese???
Like me.
In other words, NOT JOURNALISM.
One "side" would have facts, quotes, and relationships. The other would somehow weave a "nuh-uh, negative proved, bye" reply.
It's absurd.
Earth- Round or Flat?
Jews - Historical Victims of Discrimination or Spawn of Satan?
Asians - Culturally Advanced or Sneaky Little Devils?
/s (unnecessary I hope)
Truth mixed in with fictional takes to blur the facts is what every dystopian movie has warned us about. Eventually truth isn’t even in the mix..
PS. Reality TV is scripted and performed.
If you want to know if it's raining, you look out of the window....
(S) Absolutely unbiased... (/S)
Oh, because it's completely fucking nonsensical.
Sounds great.
Journalists do your damn job and look outside and report the news!
far as I can tell, until a bilionaire who is actually a liberal, or the AFLCIO, steps up with about 100 million dollars, we are stuck with the mainstream media; there is no alternative
if I had edit post, I would be glad to amend 100 to 500
but the point remains; without 500 million, we are stuck with wapo nyt etc etc
you have some ideas on local news; maybe that will get better, but seems like a really tough haul without classified and store ads
maybe "occaisional excellent reporting interspersed with shitty political coverage and abysmmal both sides on the oped page"
It's why Elon bought Twitter with Saudi money.
Some Saudi money was protect the rest of...the Saudi Money (or really any large wealth pool from public questioning of why these wealth pools exist).
Too bad some wealthy democrat hadn’t bought the paper
We NEED AI powered both-sides-isms, or people won't hear TRUTHS, like you CAN & SHOULD eat horse-worming paste, roadkill is GREAT to EAT, Putin is LOVELY, & reading books is WRONG
Who is going to participate in that farce?
Old age, or mendacity?
I don't know Soon-Shiong but to say he's clueless despite the recent controversies around WaPo & the NYT, is a hard sell
It may be a cold, calculated biz decision (vs a nakedly political one) but both suck
they’re going to use & profit from them e v e r y w h e r e
Fact-free Alternate Universe
What could go wrong ⁉️
Or you could go here
"Let's just have a program invent shit and blast it out there."
When that crazy bastard Peter Daou came up with the loopy idea to assign an Authentication Code to every claim made in the public space.
“The pursuit of balance can create imbalance because sometimes something is true.”
referring to the phenomenon of the Press providing legitimacy to unsupported viewpoints in an effort to appear even-handed.
There is no 'both sides' of some stories.
There's truth and lies.
FYI there are not 2 sides to every story. Journalism should be about facts. You just gave the whole game away. Stop reading and paying for this crap folks! This is the enemy!!
Yeah, in America, let’s normalize authoritarian autocratic oligarchy. In our free press (per Constitution), let’s accept autocracy as simply an alternate view as if in align with established democracy.
That should have said, “Explaining!”
Fact free speculation and whataboutism
The fact that he thinks principles from cell analytics to generate cancer care could be applied to news (and real world journalists) — it boggles the mind
Also reminds me of what a lower-school librarian said to our kids many moons ago... vet your sources. Still true.
Na, click a button and see the world through different eyes:
The difference is they don’t actually write articles from multiple partisan perspectives, they just grab everything written on the topic & display it all next to each other.
Like this:
It’s not the only news site I use, but it’s pretty great as a first option.
1984 come to life.
But this guy is a buffoon.
Then comes a big news story about the "flat earther AI running the news," shareholders get scared about image, and have the team patch it manually while pretending they made the AI smarter.
fairness in news reporting is not likely to be commensurable with the logic supplied by AI modeling
I said something, but no one could hear it over the din of AI shrieking.
What good has ever come from this "both sides spin"?